
The girl slowly walked towards her soulmates who's backs were facing her

She takes a deep breath streching her arm out in order to tap the shoulder of james

He turns around along with the other 6 as they look at the much shorter girl

"You're here",yorch sighed the girl only nodded

"Ok let us get straight to the Point"james spoke quite harshly

"You might be our soulmate but we have nothing to do with you we are in love with someone else",the boy continued with the same harshness if not more as the girls heart broke like glass breaking into million pieces

The girl nodded as she bowed

"I am sorry for being your soulmate" the girl mumbled softlt as some of them heard her but didn't say anything

The girl then turned around leaving

As tears threatened to fall from her eyes

And poor her still had a job to go to


She was now packing her stuff about to leave from work as she saw again being all lovey dovey and that onky shattered her heart more

The girl just wanted to go home and cry

The girl walked for 30 minutes to reach her apartment

She entered her house as she kept her stuff aside and went to the washroom to take a shower

As the water ran down her hair and body the girl broke

She always has been strong but today she was done

After 40 minutes of staying in shower the girl finally got out and wore comfortable clothes she then sat on her bed as she layed on her bed and continued crying for god knows how long before slumber took over her


The girl wokeup as she felt pain on her wrist

She looked at her mark which was red and little droplets of blood fell as she got scared


The pain kept on increasing as it slowly start spreading around her whole arm

The girl panicked and called her bestfriend hesitantly guilt rushing into her as she felt bad for waking her friend up but she had no choice

"Hello?",a sleepy yuna asked confused

"Y-yuna",the girl spoke as her voice shaked and pain was evident in her voice

"Hana?,what happened?are you okay?",the girl asked as the sleepiness was no more there in her voice as she sat up wide awake

"Y-yuna i-it hu-hurts",hana spoke

"H-hana listen where are you?",yuna asked frantically

"A-apartment"the girl was able to let out before the phone fell from her hand

Yuna got up quickly changing as she ran out of her house locking the door behind

She woke her driver up as she asked him to take her to hana's apartment

The girl was very worried about her bestfriend

Soon she reached her house as she knocked her door but got no answer

The girl only panicked more before checking her pockets finding a bobby pin

The girl prayed as she tried opening the door with it

After a bit struggling she successfully opened the door she then ran inside

Calling her bestfriends name

She checked the 2 rooms to find her bestfriend laying down fainted on her bed as she ran to her body

"Hana!",the girl screamed patting the girls cheek but the girl didn't wakeup

Yuna picked the girl up supporting her body as she took her out making sure to lock the apartment as she brought her to her car

"Take us to the nearest hospital please" she told her driver as he began to drive


For some reason yorch felt slight pain on his wrist but it was mild thus he didn't notice it



Right now yuna is sitting next to her friend who is laying on her bed whiter than a paper

Soon the doctor entered the room as yuna got up

"Doctor what happened?",yuna asked

"Let me guess she has more than one soulmate?",the doctor asked as the girl nodded confused as if to where this was going

"Seems like one of her soulmates have bonded with her?"the doctor asked as the girl nodded recalling what happened at school

"Well since only one has bonded with her and the others havent she isn't bonded fully this pain is caused by that it will come and go till she actually bonds with all of them",the doctor told as the girl looked at him in shock the doctor then took his leave as the girl looked at her bestfriend worried

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