《The Millionaires Pursuit》Chapter 16


Walking out of the private lunch room, Erik gently grasps Rosaline's hand in his and leads her into another secluded room in the gallery. Displayed around the walls are beautiful, hand painted oil designs of all different portrait shapes and colours. Judging by the look on Rosaline's face, Erik knows she is utterly captivated by the beauty which surrounds her. If only she could understand how deep his affections ran for her in that moment, he thought to himself. Moving to take a closer look at the paintings, Rosaline's hand falls from Erik's grasp. He doesn't mind it however, as a distraction is exactly what Erik needs right now in order to conduct the final part of his surprise. Leaving Rosaline to her thoughts, Erik quickly escapes into the next room where awaiting him is a local, yet well known musician, who has his keyboard and microphone ready to go. Smiling to himself, Erik makes his way over to the musician.

"It's nice to see you again Shawn, how are you?" Asks Erik, whilst offering a handshake.

"You too man, it's going great you know? Can't complain."

"Thank you for stepping in to do this, I understand private shows are a little out of the norm for you but I'm hoping it'll pleasantly surprise Rosaline like non other."

"It's all good man, anything for you."

"Speaking of, she must be a pretty special lady then yeah?" Shawn adds, with a raise of his brow.

"She certainly is." Erik easily confirms.

"Anyway, she is just checking out some oil paintings next door. I better head on over and tell her that her surprise is waiting to perform for her." Erik smiles, before leaving the room to go in search of Rosaline.

Stepping back inside the room filled with oil paintings, Erik slowly moves towards where Rosaline is standing. Careful not to scare her, he comes to stand just behind her and quietly whispers in her ear.

"What are you thinking about?"


"I'm thinking that these paintings are beautiful and that I've enjoyed a wonderful day with you."

"I'm hoping it's about to become even more wonderful." Erik replies, while taking the initiative to softly place his arms around her middle.

Clearly not expecting him to cradle her body against his, Erik listens as Rosaline exhales a deep breath and afterwards lets out a sigh, as she covers her own hands over his flexed forearms.

"Is this alright?" He breaths out in her ear, taking the time to softly inhale the sweet scent of the shampoo she's used in her hair, as the hairs tickle his nose.

"Yes." She almost silently replies.

Amazed by how compliant Rosaline has been in accepting this new and comfortable hold on her, Erik is partly afraid to let go in fear that he might not have to chance to feel her in the same way again. He would be lying to himself if he said he didn't enjoy the current state he was in, because the truth of the matter was that he couldn't think of anywhere he'd rather be or with anyone else. The date had started fairly well and by the looks of it, there was a clear intention for it to end perfectly. Distracted by both the feel of Rosaline in his arms and his over zealous mind, Erik barely remembers that waiting for him and Rosaline in the next room is his second of two surprises.

"The next surprise is waiting for us just in the next room."

"I can't wait to see what it is?" Rosaline admits with a sudden burst of excitement.

Turning around in his grasp, Rosaline's eyes alight with a twinkle in them. With as much confidence as it seems she can muster up, Rosaline tenderly reaches up to smooth her hands over the collar on Erik's shirt. Staring at her as she kindly caresses him, brings a whole new meaning to the feelings of infatuation that Erik currently seems to be experiencing when around Rosaline and in her presence. Watching her as she licks her lips, Erik chooses to remain deathly silent as it appears she is on the urge of telling him something important. Unfortunately, Erik also perceives a sense of uncertainty in her demeanour and offers her a look of sympathy and understanding, in the hopes that it might help her in opening up to him.


"I know I haven't exactly, always made things easy with you but I want you to know that I appreciate your efforts to make me smile."

Erik can barely contain his own emotions, after hearing Rosaline confess to some of hers. All he has wanted since meeting her was to make her smile and if it were the little things such as sending flowers or taking her to art galleries that were enough to make her smile, then Erik knew he would endeavour to do more of those kinds of things for her in the near future. Without wanting to disarm her, Erik merely smiles in response and wraps his arms around her in a soft hug. It doesn't last nearly as long as he would have liked but he knows that if this next surprise goes off without a hitch, he might be earning himself just a fraction more than a hug.

"Follow me sweetheart." Erik says, while leading the way into the room where Shawn has already set up and is beginning to softly play a melody on the keyboard.

Clearly not expecting to having a musician play one of his songs in a serenade like fashion, Rosaline instantly brings her hand up to her mouth in surprise. Fuelled by the look of astonishment on her face, Erik compassionately manoeuvres Rosaline into sitting beside him on a wooden bench, which is seated just a short distance away from where Shawn is performing. Erik can't help but peel his eyes away from Shawn and instead direct his attention on Rosaline who appears to be in awe of both the surprise gesture and musical performance. Rosaline's grin is enough to illicit a broad smile on Erik's face. He feels a deep sense of pride at knowing that he's played a part in making Rosaline smile this way. After a short while later, when Rosaline personally stood up to congratulate and thank Shawn for his musical item, she reclaimed her seat beside Erik and couldn't seem to stop the look of delight from illuminating on her young face.

"Is it safe to assume you weren't expecting that?" Erik brightly asks her.

"Of course not, but I'm so glad that you did. It was a surprise far beyond my expectations. Thank you Erik, truly."

"My pleasure." Erik says softly, before peering into Rosaline's eyes for a second too long. Suddenly, he finds himself moving cautiously, yet lustfully toward her.

Grateful with how the date and each of the surprises had turned out, Erik wasn't expecting Rosaline to comply with his intentions and lean in toward him also. Feeling his heart pump faster and faster with each passing moment, he can hardly restrain himself from wanting to take her face in his hands and sweep her off her feet with a steamy and passionate kiss. Instead, he allows her to close the final gap between them and embrace together in an elegant kiss. Almost as soon as Rosaline's lips touch Erik's, he feels a wave of pleasure encompass his body and mind. He can narrowly think at a time like this and so instead chooses to focus on the taste of her warm and wet lips. Irrespective of all the women whose lips Erik has had the opportunity to kiss in the past, he knows with a single peck of Rosaline's that no other woman will ever again be able to compare with what she has offered him in the art gallery today.

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