《Another World: Book I》Chapter Twenty Six 1/2


"Miss, you're trembling."

Am I?

Yes, I am.

"Xiao Yu, I'm getting married." I stated in a daze.

Xiao Yu smiled in confirmation.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself.

When I received the marriage edict, I didn't think much about it, like it wasn't that much of a big deal. But now that the auspicious day has finally come, I suddenly felt anxious and giddy causing me to lose sleep.

"Miss, relax." Xiao Yu said and softly pressed my hands.

I nodded my head and held Xiao Yu's hand. She quietly led me to the palanquin that will bring me to the Chen Manor where the marriage ceremony would happen.

The cheering of the crowd and the loud firecrackers going off in the distance can be heard. There was a lively scene outside but I remained motionless in my seat, my mind going somewhere else.

Am I dreaming?

I must be.

I fell asleep then transmigrated to another world. Surprisingly, inside my own story. Not the female lead but one of the villains. Tried to escape my fate but still ended up getting entangled with the royal family. And now, I'm getting married.

This feels unreal.

The light knock on the palanquin brought me back to reality.

"Miss, we have arrived." I heard Xiao Yu announced from the outside.

I carefully got off the palanquin, making sure that my dress won't get caught in the edges.

"Miss, this is your last chance. If you want to escape, I will help you." Xiao Yu whispered to me while fixing the veil covering my face.

Xiao Yu, don't you think that your offer is a bit late? We already entered the Chen Manor. If you have told me earlier, I might have considered.

I snorted and flicked Xiao Yu's forehead who groaned in response.


"Miss, I was kidding. You look so tensed. You're going to get married, not executed." Xiao Yu said as she straightened the slight creases in my dress.

I laughed dryly at Xiao Yu's joke. I know she's only trying to help me relax but I couldn't help myself from feeling nervous.

"Miss, let's go."

The servants at the Chen Manor bowed their heads in greeting upon seeing me. They accompanied us to where my guests and my husband-to-be is.

Just like the Bai Manor, the Chen Manor was beautifully decorated with lanterns, symbols and flowers. Everything was red, like the entire manor was in a blaze.

As we near the garden where the ceremony is taking place, I halted for a moment.

This is it.

Wish me luck.

I stepped forward with the maids and stopped in front of Chen Mu. My heart was beating so fast, like it was going to jump out of my chest.

Breathe in, breathe out.

The person officiating the marriage uttered a few words of blessings but I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. I was focused on keeping my sanity in check.

"Bow to the heavens and earth." The officiant instructed but I was stuck in my spot.

The officiant cleared his throat and repeated, "bow to the heavens and earth."

This time Xiao Yu who was assisting me behind, prodded my elbows and whispered, "Miss, bow to the heavens and earth."

I heard Chen Mu chuckling as I bit my lower lip in embarrassment and proceeded to bow. I'm grateful that I was wearing a veil or else, they would have seen my flustered face.

"Bow to your parents."

I turned to my left and bowed. In my confusion, everyone was laughing. Xiao Yu, once again, prodded me and informed me in a low voice, "miss, wrong direction."


Lightning, strike me!

I inwardly cursed the veil from blocking my sight and with the help of Xiao Yu, I turned slowly towards the direction where my father, the emperor, the empress and the royal concubine was seated at and bowed.

Father, save me.

"Bow to each other."

I returned to my original position and bowed.

I'm bowing towards Chen Mu, right?

The ceremony went on without any more troubles. After that, I was escorted by the ladies to the matrimonial chamber and Chen Mu was left to tend the crowd.

As I sat on the bed, the guests lined up and congratulated me. They all told me the same thing, to live a happy married life and raise children.

I thanked them for their good wishes and their gifts.

When only Xiao Yu and I was left, I took off the veil and sighed.

"Miss, why did you remove your veil?" Xiao Yu scolded me and put back the veil in my head.

"Xiao Yu, I'm so tired," I complained, "my neck is sore from to much bowing, too."

"Miss, you have to bear with it. The first prince will be here soon and will remove your veil," Xiao Yu smiled and gave my neck and shoulders a soft massage.

I wasn't even able to see Chen Mu, all I saw was his shoes.

"And miss, you did well."

I groaned, just remembering my mistakes earlier makes me want to collapse in distress.

"Miss, are you excited?" Xiao Yu asked out of nowhere.

"Excited about what?" I asked back.

Xiao Yu stopped what she was doing and looked at me, "Miss, you know..."

I raised my brows, "What do you mean?"

"Miss, don't let me say it!" Xiao Yu exclaimed as she covered her blushing cheeks with her hands.

I rolled my eyes, "Just say it."

"Miss, the thing that married couples do." Xiao Yu squealed, her imagination running wild.

I froze.

I know that somehow, Chen Mu and I will do that thing.

But how will we do that? I have no idea.

"Xiao Yu, what am I supposed to do?"

Xiao Yu took a tiny bottle out of her sleeves and handed it to me. I looked at the clear liquid inside it and eyed her suspiciously.

"Miss, its my gift for you." Xiao Yu grinned.

"Thank you?" I muttered, trying to figure out what it was.

"Miss, I had sneaked out of the Bai Manor just to buy a gift for you," she said proudly, "it took me a lot of courage to buy that."

"What exactly is this?" I raised the bottle in front of her.

"Its an a-"

Before Xiao Yu could finish, a sudden realization came to me, "A sleeping potion! I will put this into the first prince's tea and he will sleep like a log!"

I hugged Xiao Yu and thanked her for the gift.

Smart girl! You're truly a reliable maid!



"That's not a sleeping potion..."

My face stiffened, "then what is this?"



"Aphrodisiac, so the first prince can last until tomorrow." Xiao Yu revealed with a wide smile that was about to reach her ears.

I felt all the blood from my body rise up to my head. My body began to shiver as beads of sweat started to form in my forehead.

Xiao Yu, you little imp.


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