《Another World: Book I》Chapter Twenty Five


"Father!" I ran towards the man who descended from the horse and gave him a hug.

"Princess Bai Fan..." Father hugged me back and patted my head.

Like a spoiled child, I clung on his arms as I escorted him inside the manor and into the dining hall. The servants had prepared a full meal as they were expecting my father's arrival today.

"Father, I'm glad you're finally here."

"How have you been, Princess?" He asked me as we sat on the chairs surrounding the table.

"Father, I've been fine but I was all alone here so I was a bit bored." I admitted.

When my opinion for the wedding preparation is not needed, I just spent my time in my room reading books or sleeping. Xiao Yu suggested that we roam around the imperial capital but I refused. I'd rather rot in my room than risk the chance of meeting unwanted people thus adding complications to my already complicated life.

Father raised his brows, "the first prince?"

"I don't know." I shrugged.

Chen Mu didn't come to visit me since the day he brought me home. Even the betrothal gifts were sent by his eunuch and not him.

Father seemed disappointed hearing my answer.

Father, I'm disappointed as well.

"He might be busy preparing for the wedding." I reasoned out.

It's not that I'm taking his side.

That unbearable man!

"No matter how busy he is, he should still make time to see you." He argued back.

I just smiled as the maids started to serve the food and we ate quietly, only the sound of utensils were heard inside the room.

"Father, how was the matters at the Western Border?" I broke the silence.

"It's under control now," he sighed in relief and continued, "thankfully, a group of men came to our aid and settled everything. I wouldn't be here and be able to witness your marriage if it weren't for them."

"A group of men?"

"I don't have any idea about their identity but I'm sure they are not serving under the Emperor," Father ate the last piece of food in his plate and said, "Princess, let's not talk about this matters anymore."


Who are those men who helped father?

I nodded in agreement though I was still curious about the details.

After eating, Father excused himself to rest. He was exhausted from the travel and was also not able to get proper rest for the past few days. As for me, I went back to my courtyard to check the delivered clothes that I am going to wear tomorrow.

The red silk garb was splayed out in my bed. The shiny fabric was layered in gold lace designed into intricate wild flowers covering its bodice and through its sleeves.

"It looks so," I paused for a moment to think about the appropriate word to describe the wedding dress, "sexy."

Xiao Yu took the dress and pulled me towards the flattened bronze that served as a mirror. She held the dress towards me and exclaimed in admiration, "Miss, it fits you!"

I looked at my hazy reflection and grinned in satisfaction, "I like it."

Just then, a servant knocked on the door. Xiao Yu went to see who it was. She came back with a grimace on her face.

"Xiao Yu, what was it?"

"Miss, the left prime minister's daughter is here."

Shu Ming An?

What does she need?

"Let's go see her." I dragged Xiao Yu out of the room and made our way to the receiving room.

"Miss, what if she's here to cause you trouble?" Xiao Yu said in a low voice.

"Xiao Yu, she's in my territory. I hope she is smart enough to remember that." I responded.

When we entered the room, Shu Ming An was sipping on her cup of tea. Her rude personal maid was with her, too.

"What brought the left prime minister's beloved daughter here?" I asked in a sweet voice as I sat on the chair in front of her.

She bowed her head and greeted me, "Princess Bai Fan, I came to congratulate you on your marriage tomorrow."

She pulled the box of gift from her maid's extended hand and slid it in front of me. I took the gift without opening it and handed it to Xiao Yu.


"Thank you."

I saw Shu Ming An's expression change a bit when I didn't bother opening her gift.

"Princess Bai Fan, I know you are busy for the preparations." She muttered.

You knew yet you still came to disturb me?

"But I also came here to ask forgiveness," she pulled her personal maid and pushed her forward, "for my servant's rough behavior."

It took you days to come and apologize?

Shu Ming An's maid immediately kneeled in front of me and kowtowed, "Princess Bai Fan, this lowly servant knows her wrongdoing."

"Is that so?" I raised my brows as I eyed the servant and back to her master.

"Princess Bai Fan, you don't have to worry it. I have already punished her." Shu Ming An spoke as she assured me that she had already disciplined her personal maid.

"Okay." I simply answered.

The maid servant probably thought I wasn't looking at her but I caught the smirk that appeared on her lips as she stood up.

"Why did you get up?" I blinked my eyes, retaining an stoic face.

Did these master and servant thought they're going to fool me with their terrible acting?

Shu Ming An pushed all the blame to her servant and that servant doesn't seem to be apologetic at all.

Since we already have bad blood between us, I won't be polite.

The maid was baffled as she looked at her master for help. She didn't know if she should go back to kneeling or to keep standing so she was stuck in an awkward position with her knees bent.

"Princess Bai Fan, my servant already asked for forgiveness," the fake smile on Shu Ming An's face stiffened, "I hope the Princess would let this go and won't make a big fuss out of it."

I inwardly laughed upon seeing Shu Ming An's facade slowly breaking down.

"Shu Ming An, as the daughter of the left prime minister, you should know that disrespecting a member of the royal family is a big offense." I started, watching the frown slowly creep into the noble lady's thin lips.

"A lifetime in jail or banishment." I added.

Shu Ming An's face warped in anger as she pushed her maid on floor and directed it to her maid, "who told you to rise up! You impertinent slave!"

Why do I feel like I'm the real one whom Shu Ming An wanted to push on the floor?

The maid gasped in horror as she kowtowed repeatedly on the floor. I remained passive as I tried to stop myself from snorting.

"Enough," I stated, getting bored with the master and slave's games, and looked towards Shu Ming An's direction, "let's end this here. I hope these things won't happen again. I'm busy so I'm leaving first."

I stood up from my seat and walked towards the exit. I turned back to Shu Ming An and gave her the warmest smile, "It was nice meeting you, Miss Shu Ming An. Have a good day."

We left them inside the room and went back to my chambers.

"Miss, I didn't know you were so eloquent! You left them both speechless!" Xiao Yu laughed as she clapped her hands in amazement.

"Xiao Yu, are you saying you have little faith in your miss?" I asked in feigned disappointment.

"Miss, you know that's not what I meant," she smiled happily and proceeded to give me a back massage," but you shouldn't have provoked her that much."

"Why not?" I pouted.

"Miss, she's going to be to the crown princess." Xiao Yu reminded me.


"Miss, I can tell that she holds grudges and won't let anything pass. If she gets crowned, she surely won't leave you in peace."

Did I provoke her too much?

"For now, let's not worry. She isn't the crown princess yet."

To be honest, I'm worried as well. Shu Ming An is another character who I have no grasp of. I don't know to which extent her capabilities are.

Dear Ming Shu,

Please do your role as a female lead and snatch the crown princess title from Shu Ming An.

"And if she ever plot against me, I have you and father." I added.

And Chen Mu.

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