《Another World: Book I》Chapter Twenty One 2/2


Don't panic.

Bai Fan, think!

"There's dirt on your cheek!," I claimed and dabbed the handkerchief on the non-existent stain on his face and scolded him, "you're the first prince yet you go around looking dirty!"

Chen Mu didn't believe me and he raised his brows in suspicion.

"There! Its gone, you don't have to thank me." I awkwardly rushed back to my own seat and acted like nothing happened.

"Were you trying to assassinate this prince?" He asked as he let his fingers run through his cheeks.

Me? Assassinate you?

I wish that was the case!

"Your highness must be jesting!" I laughed out loud, trying to hide my real intention.

I just wanted to see how you looked with your lower face covered.

"I really thought you were sleeping." I confessed.

I chastised myself for being so dumb and naive. I should just have woken him up and asked about it.

"Don't try anything funny." He told me as he closed his eyes again.

The entire carriage turned still as the only thing you can hear was the tapping of the horses' hooves.

I couldn't stand the silence anymore so I raised my dress and extended my foot out. I gave him a soft kick in the shin, "Are you sleeping?"

No response.

"First prince?" I kicked him again, but now with a bit of force.

Still not responding.

Hah! I won't fall for it twice!

"Chen Mu, I know you're awake. Let's talk."

His eyes fluttered open and a smile crept up his mouth, "you should have told me earlier instead of pretending to wipe something off my face."

Ahh, stop it. I'm already so embarrassed.

I cleared my throat and ignored his teasing, "do you know the Dark Shadow?"


"Let me think."

The answer is either yes or no but if you really need to think about it then go ahead.

I patiently waited for his answer as I watched him rest his chin on his arms which he conveniently placed on the window frame.

"Do you mean the Dark Shadow who kidnaps children, pillages villages, killing and stealing from the poor?" He asked, his expression not changing a bit.

Basing off Ming Shu's story of the Dark Shadow, then its the right description. But during the time I spent with the Dark Shadow, he didn't strike me as someone who could do such things. I even asked him about it and he said it was a hoax.

I believe Ming Shu but I also believe in the Dark Shadow.

So how am I supposed to answer that?

"Yes?" Even I can tell that I sounded hesitant with my answer.

"You seem unsure." Chen Mu smiled as he saw me drown in confusion.

Am I? I am.

"Do you know him?" I asked once again.


I knew it!


"Everyone knows the Dark Shadow. I'm not excluded." He shrugged.

Everyone knows of his existence but me? I haven't heard a single thing about him even from my father. I was only able to know about him because of an incident.

"That's all?" I tried to pry more information from him.

"Do you mean there's more I should know of?" He queried, his eyes flashing with interest.

I just want to chop him in the neck. I don't know if he's playing with me but my patience is running short.

Fine. If you don't want to tell me yourself, then I just have to find out myself.

I was about to speak when the servant leading the carriage announced that we have already arrived at the Bai Manor.


That was fast.

Chen Mu stood up and went out of the carriage. He opened the door for me, "are you not coming down?"

I looked at him, still planted on my seat.

I still have a lot of questions left unanswered.

But since he's obviously making it hard for me, he can take his time and we can take it slow. As long as he gives me the answers I needed.

I took a deep breath, "I want to ask you one thing more before I go."

He gestured for me to continue.

"Why did you agree to marry me?"

This one bothers me as well.

For Chen Heng Li and Chen Hui, I can tell their intentions for wanting to wed me. They wanted a hold of the throne and my father's support.

But for Chen Mu, I am clueless. Does he want the throne, too? My father's support?

He doesn't seem to vie the Emperor's crown so he has no use of me and my dad.

Maybe I'm just being overly suspicious of him?

"Do you want me to refuse then?" He asked back.

This is it.

I can't take it anymore.

I pulled my dress up and stomped out of the carriage. I stopped in front of him, gave him the most terrifying glare I could muster and walked towards the Bai Manor without bidding him farewell. I told the guards to close the manor gates and to not let anyone in.

Does he think I'm easy to bully?

If he wants to play, then we'll play!

I stormed towards my room, ignoring everyone who greeted me. Xiao Yu tried to come in but I told her that I was not in the mood so she left without any arguments. I took off the accessories in my hair including the jade hairpin which the Dark Shadow gave me.

I tightened my grip on it. I still believe that Chen Mu and the Dark Shadow are the same person. Beside the things I have mentioned before, the way he answers my questions were the same way the Dark Shadow responds. My suspicions keep piling up.

"Just wait, I will take off the mask you're wearing."

After calming down, I layed on my bed and soon enough, sleep came to take me.

If I have looked back to the first prince before the manor's gate closed, I would have seen the teasing smile painted on Chen Mu's lips and the amusement that sparkled in his eyes.

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