《Another World: Book I》Chapter Thirteen


I was found by Xiao Yu and Ming Shu inelegantly sprawled beside my bed. They panicked and alerted the whole household that I was awaken by the loud wailing and the heavy footsteps entering my chamber.

"What is all this commotion about?" I let out a groan as I stretched my numb arms upward.

Xiao Yu crawled beside me and hugged me, "Miss!"

I hugged her back and gestured for everyone else in the room to return to whatever they were doing. As much as I am shameless, I can't take all the questioning eyes that were on me. Add up the fact that I am in a very unladylike position.

I held Xiao Yu by her shoulders that we were facing each other, "why are you crying?"

Xiao Yu bit her lower lip to stop herself from crying and wiped her tear-stained face using her sleeves, "Miss, I thought something bad happened to you!"

"What would happen to me?" I patted her shoulder to assure her I was okay. Except for the soreness on my back.

"Miss, what happened to you?" Xiao Yu began to examine me, "Were you not feeling well? Did you faint again?"

Should I tell her about what happened last night?

Seeing her worried and anxious over my well-being, I was grateful to have a caring and loyal servant.

She might faint too if I tell her last night's event.

I stopped her and gave her a smile, "Xiao Yu, don't fret. Nothing bad happened to me. I am still alive and still talking to you, right?"

She nodded and sighed in relief.

"Come, help me back to my bed. My back aches." I grimaced.

"I'll massage your back, Miss!" Xiao Yu offered which I took without second thoughts.


As I laid on my front, I couldn't help but think about the Dark Shadow.

Was it all a dream?

Well, everything feels unreal to begin with.

If the Dark Shadow truly appeared to me last night, how was he able to enter my chambers without anyone detecting his presence? I wouldn't even know he was there if he didn't spoke to me first.

His movements were fast and swift that even his footsteps made no sound against the floor. I was also astounded when he jumped off the walls without any leverage. No normal person could do that.

Does that mean he's not normal?

Then there was the reason of my fainting. I was pretty sure I saw his hand bled from the wound and his blood dripping on the floor. But it suddenly disappeared.

Or is my mind playing tricks on me?

But my biggest concern right now is his real identity.

What is he hiding behind that mask?

Ming Shu said he was the leader of a criminal group. However, he himself told me he isn't who Ming Shu has told me about.

Don't tell me he is the third prince?

I shook my head.

Though I haven't seen his face, I am confident that the Dark Shadow isn't Chen Heng Li.

The Dark Shadow mentioned about my father opening the Western Border for his business trade.

If it was the third prince, he wouldn't need to ask me to work for him. Nor does he need to ask my father to open the Western Border. He could just go to the Emperor and make a request.

I have a lot of questions running through my mind but no matter how hard I try to analyze this situation I am in, I couldn't come up with any answer. I guess I just have to wait for him to show up again and maybe, by then, he would give me an explanation.


He said he's going to come visit me again.

Weird enough, I was expectant of the said visit.


I just finished eating my dinner when Ming Shu came rushing to my courtyard, a smile plastered on her lips.

"Miss! Your father has returned!"

My father?

I raised my brows questioningly.

"Miss, General Bai has returned!" Xiao Yu jumped up and clapped her hands.

Ahh, General Bai! My Father!

I haven't seen him for a while I almost forgot of his existence.


Xiao Yu and Ming Shu helped me change into a suitable dress and we made our way to the household's entrance. A lot of servants have already gathered to meet their master but when they saw me, they politely bowed their head and made way for me to pass through.

I was about to take another step when a carriage stopped in front of me. The door opened and it revealed my father.

"Fan'er! My daughter!" Father was delighted upon seeing me. He gave me a quick hug and pinched my cheeks.

He scrunched his forehead when he saw my pale face, "Fan'er, are you sick?"

I nodded.

I'm suffering from colds after sleeping on the floor. Not that I had a choice when I lost my consciousness. Despite my breathtaking beauty, my body's constitution isn't that good as I get sick easily.

Ahh, you really can't have it all.

"You shouldn't have come outside to meet me." My father scolded me as he wrapped his coat on my shoulders.

"Father, I'm glad you're back." I ignored his sermon and held on his hands like a spoiled kid.

Before my father could answer, I heard someone clear his throat at the back. I turned to look and was surprised to see Chen Heng Li standing just a meter away from us.

What is he doing here?

As if reading my thoughts, father explained, "the third prince, I mean, the crown prince is here for some official business."

Crown prince?

Its only been days and now Chen Heng Li is the crown prince? Isn't that too fast?

In the story, the first prince would be crowned as the successor but after a scandal about his illegal trades broke out, the crown would be passed to Chen Heng Li.

What happened to the first prince?

Seeing that I was just standing motionless, father prodded me. Still dazed, I clumsily greeted the crown prince.

"This servant greets his highness, the crown prince."

"Bai Fan, no need to be so formal." Chen Heng Li smiled and looked meaningfully towards my father.

Father seemed to get whatever Chen Heng Li meant as he took my hand and said, "Fan'er, what do you think about being a crown princess?"

Can I curse?

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