《Another World: Book I》Chapter One


Today, the royal envoy had arrived in our household. They are here to discuss with father about the status of the Western Border.

Also today, I will be meeting the male lead, Chen Heng Li, for the first time.

If it was the novel's original Bai Fan, she would be jumping in glee to finally see the dashing prince whom she had heard about and had been fantasizing.

In my case, I'm not even thrilled knowing that the same person would cause my tragic death in the near future. But I refuse to die in such manner. Not now, not soon.

In the story, Bai Fan would fall in love upon seeing the prince. She would then use her schemes to have his father talk to the emperor about the marriage between their children. Since his father is a respected war lord and holds half of the military power, the emperor agreed to the proposal.

In any way, I will avoid this route.

"Miss, General Bai asks for your presence in the Hua Pavilion." A maid from my father's quarters announced when she entered my room. I nodded and told her I'd be there.

Its finally time to meet the male lead.

Xiao Yu, my personal maid, helped me dress in a flowy white dress accentuated with red sequins and beads. She also fixed my long soft hair in a simple bun and stuck a red butterfly hairpin. You can tell how much I love the color red.

"Let's go!" I said as Xiao Yu walked behind me along with several maids. We leisurely made our way towards Hua Pavilion.

When we arrived, I first noticed several soldiers surrounding the pavilion. Once they saw their master's daughter, they bowed their heads in greeting before resuming to their stiff positions. Though some are still eyeing me in awe.


I entered the pavilion alone. Encircling the tea table were five men which includes my father. The other four are members of the royal envoy along with the prince but they had their backs on me.

When father saw my presence, he motioned for me to come closer, "Fan'er, come and greet the third prince."

"This servant greets your highness." I said calmly, bending my waist and not raising my head to look at him.


After what seems like forever, Chen Heng Li cleared his throat and said, "you may rise."

I slowly lifted my head and in front of me is the third prince, Chen Heng Li. Just like how I wrote him, he is indeed a beautiful man. His dark jet hair, his deep onyx eyes, his prominent nose and thin delicate lips. Truly fitting of the male lead role.

Its a shame he's not going to be mine. Anyway, there are plenty of fish in the sea. I may not be the female lead but I'm also looking forward to some romance action for myself which I was not able to experience in my previous life.

"Take a seat Fan'er."

I felt the envoys admiring eyes on me as I sat beside my father. They've probably heard of me but now is the only chance they'll see me in person since I never attended any gatherings in the imperial capital.

Ahh, my beauty is truly captivating.

When I wrote the descriptions for the female lead, I was thinking about how Ming Shu would captivate the male lead with her wit and charms, to give the readers a heads up that the male lead is not one to be swayed with the physical aspects, so I gave her a cute look. For Bai Fan, I gave her the image of a goddess to balance her lack of personality, or should I say, to give her wickedness a boost.


If I may shamelessly describe myself, I'm a beauty that can cause the fall of the heavens and break open the doors of hell.

I'm not joking.

My face can render the gods themselves speechless. My body, though slim, have all the curves placed perfectly. My skin is fair, soft and supple. I'd probably be hitting the fashion runway if I have this looks in my previous life, not writing cliché stories for a living.

I quietly sipped the tea that was served in front of me, acting oblivious of the appraising looks they are giving me.

"If its okay with General Bai, this prince would like to request Miss Bai Fan to accompany me tomorrow." Chen Heng Li broke the silence as I lift a delicate brow.

Why is he asking my father for me to accompany him? Wasn't it the other way around?

The novel's original Bai Fan was the one who requested his father for the chance of accompanying the prince.

I looked at my father who has a smile plastered on his face. He seems amused that the third prince has taken interest in me.

No, father. Don't send your beloved daughter to her own death.

"Of course. Fan'er would gladly take you to town tomorrow." Father answered with glee and gave my shoulder an encouraging pat.

Father, I am disappointed.

"This servant will do as you wish, your highness." I faked a smile, hiding my real feelings.

Ahh, my entire face hurts from smiling and maintaining a calm demeanor. Even my pride is hurt from keeping up with this Miss Prim and Proper facade. I can't even curse without getting reprimanded.

Truly, the ancient times is all about proper decorum and etiquette. Women should be virtuous, obedient and graceful. In any other way, too, they're deemed as the inferior sex.

If I have acted as brazen as other novel transmigrator protagonists, I'll be casted away by my family and the society. I'll probably end up on the brothels or somewhere dead in a ditch. Its the harsh reality.

In order to safeguard my precious life, I have to abide to whatever my current situation demands which includes acting as a proper noble lady, a kind and generous one at that. I aim to be the total opposite of the rude and unruly original Bai Fan.


The prince's face lightened up as he smiled back at me. He then took the pot and served me tea which I reluctantly accepted, feeling like a docile lamb.

My father, on the other hand, is very pleased with what's happening. I can tell that he's contemplating the possibility of him having a member of the royal family as a son-in-law.

Sorry to disappoint you, father. I am going to be an unfilial daughter just this once.

I will not deny that I once planned of snatching the male lead from the female lead. I mean, I can be a female lead too. Can't I? But just thinking of all the scheming and backstabbing that happens inside the palace is already tiring me. I guess being a female lead is not my forte.

So I decided to look for a decent man who can feed me delicious food and provide me with a carefree life, that's it. I am not that hard to please, you know.

But its not as easy as it seems.

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