《Telmarines// Edmund Pevensie (#Wattys2016)》Chapter 43 Lucy


" C'mon" Peter said to me taking my hand.

I couldn't believe it. I mean, it made me feel better that me and Ed were coming back, but who knows, maybe time will repeat itself and then nobody that we know now will be here, like last time..

I curtsied to DLF and Cornelius, but then i couldn't hold back and i had leapt at DLF for a massive hug. Who knows, it could've been the last time i might see him.

As soon as i pulled back i nodded, and went along after Peter.

" Why do you have to leave" Rose spoke to Ed.

" I will come back, but i don't know when" Ed answered and smiled and was about to walk over to us, but went back and kissed Rose.

Awwww, I KNEW IT.

They were having a very long hug, and i saw everyone getting quite twitchy.

" I'm not sure when i'm older i will understand" I whispered to Peter.

" I'm older and i'm not sure i want to understand" Peter nudged me playfully, as we all smiled.

" i think we best be going" Ed whispered (he was never good at whispering quietly)

" Yes, i think you must" And Rose smiled, before letting go as Ed walked over to us.

Rose hugged Caspian as they waved to us, as one by one - Peter leading we went through the tree.

I was the last to go, and i took one more glance at the world i loved, and sighed, as i smelt the familiar smell of steam and the sounds of passengers.

I looked down, and i was back in the wretched uniform i hated, as i glance back at where i had just come from, it was no longer there, except a never-ending (or so it seemed) train station.


I didn't even notice the train coming to a halt at the platform.

" Aren't you coming, Phyllis?" A boy which was at the newspaper stand as i remember called, and Susan blushed a beetroot red.

I don't even want to ask.

We quickly grabbed our luggage which i hadn't seen in some time, and stepped onto the train, which was nearly full.

" I hope we get back" Edmund said, whilst going through his bag.

I expected it was because of Rose until he said;

" I left my new torch in Narnia!" He exclaimed, and that was my first real smile after leaving Narnia.

When i go back, I'm making sure i don't leave again.

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