《Telmarines// Edmund Pevensie (#Wattys2016)》Chapter 22 Caspian


" So what are they like?" Trufflehunter asked Trumpkin (obviously the other narnian in their little treehouse)

" Winers, Stubborn as hell in the mornings" Trumpkin said, probably talking about my sister..Ahaha

" And Princess Ros-" Nikabrik asked.

" The worse of all of them, you should have seen her!" Trumpkin added, he didn't know I was behind them...

"So you like them?" Nikabrik asked.

" Well enough!" Trumpkin mumbled which made me smile, and I saw Queen Lucy who was walking next to me smirk as well. When she found I was looking, she strikes an opportunity to chat.

" So how old is Rose, I forgot to ask, she looks so much older than me, but acts so younger than me..." Lucy trailed off, sounds about right.

" 14 nearly 15 in Oh my 2 days!!!!" I completely forgot! I bet she has forgotten too, though...She always does....


Today me and Roses best friend Avril were going to wake her up! It was her birthday of course! he didn't really like the idea of getting older...

" Wake up wake up!" We shouted in unison and in surprise, Rose sat up shouting.

" WHO DISTURBS MY SLUMBER WHOEVER DID IT MAY DIE A TERRIBLE DEATH!" And me and Avril ran out of the room, laughing to tears.


Although I expect Rose to hate her birthdays from then on, because that very same day Avril went missing....and we haven't seen her since....

Shaking that thought off.....

We had finally made it back to base, the glory I could feel in the air as the four Pevensies walked down in through the door, Centaurs of many heights holding their swords to make an arch over them.

Me and Rose stayed behind a little, it would be rude, we weren't high like them, of course...


You could see the pride in their faces and body movements, just from walking behind.

" You know it's your birthday in 2 days" I whispered to Rose, who didn't seem at all surprised.

" Don't let that get out, it'll spoil the war thingy" Rose smiled as we walked in to the sound of metal clanking.

" It may not be what you are used to, but it's defensive!" I said, to Peter and Edmund who were looking around in astonishment.

" Peter?!" Susan called from the corner, when I first met her, I must say she was the most beautiful person I had ever met. But she doesn't seem interested, so I need to focus.

"You may want to see this!" She continued as we all followed Susan down the alleyway she was down.

Peter's flickering fire grazed the pictures on the wall.

" It's us..." Susan said, looking a little bit confused.

" What is this place?" Lucy questioned, all 4 of them turned to me, Rose had wandered off further into the corridor into the room, which I'd take them next.

"You don't know?" I said, a bit confused on the subject they didn't know this place...

All four of them stared at me, until I got the idea that they didn't know, of course.

I grabbed a fire starter thing from the wall and proceeded in front of them, leading them to where Rose was.

I didn't understand how Rose found her way in the dark, but she is special like that, just a tad.

I placed the fire on a lighter which set the surrounding stone to lit up, making the whole room burst into light.

Rose was sat ,facing the other direction, on the stone table, not minding that the fire had just been set, she seemed undisturbed.


As I came to notice all 5 of them, were staring up at the stone carved Aslan on the wall, which was the last picture to be lit.

Lucy had walked further towards the stone, as Rose turned around to face us.

" He must've known what he was doing.." Lucy said quietly to Susan.

" I think it's up to us now" Peter said in triumph.

" Well, obviously, we're all in the prophecy..." Rose said, turning back to the Aslan picture.

And everyone went quiet after that....leaving us in the bewilderment of the crackling fire.

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