《How to Write Stories People Will Love》Question 102: Hijabi characters


asks: If I ever wish to write about a hijabi badass space galaxy warrior or a Muslim fantasy leader, will they be accepted? Or its it frowned upon? As I never read/seen such characters before?

If you've never seen this before and you'd like to, that means there's a gap for you to fill! There are likely other readers just like yourself who would be interested in reading this as well. Representation in fiction is important. There is a noticeable lack of hijabi characters, so if you feel it in your heart to create some, then you should do it.

Will it be frowned upon? That depends on who you ask. The majority of fiction readers are open-minded and voracious for unique stories. However there will always be fearful, rigid, maybe even racist people wandering around spreading their negativity. Ignore them. Don't let the venomous few dictate what you write.

Is there a market for it? It may not be popular, but again, if you've been looking for hijabi badass space warriors, then chances are others have been too. The more representation there is, the more mainstream it will become. And who knows, maybe it will become popular one day!

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