《How to Write Stories People Will Love》Question 62: Nostalgic stories


asks: This sounds like a silly question but I really, really love stories based in the 20th century and I'm planning to write two, but how do I write a story based in the past (especially one in the 80's and the other in the 90's) without it being over the top and corny? I feel like I'd put way too many references but I just really want to give the story a nostalgic feel to it.

Nostalgia requires references to the time period, so don't be afraid of them. I lived through the 80s, and trust me, it was a corny time. XD Making references to parachute pants and Ronald Regan will trigger grins from readers who know what you're talking about. However there is a balance we need to strike to keep from alienating readers who aren't familiar with the time period. It's a good idea to include a brief explanation of the reference. Here are some examples:

She reminded me of Cyndi Lauper with her wild hair and wild outfits. Even readers who don't remember who Cyndi Lauper is will still understand the point of this sentence, which is to convey the wild hair and outfits.

She glanced distastefully at my worn-out plaid shirt before calling out, "The Pearl Jam reject is here!" Those who aren't familiar with Pearl Jam will still know what this person is wearing, and that it is being disapproved of.

I popped another jellybean into my mouth.

Mom shook her head and said, "You shouldn't eat so many of those. Ronald Regan eventually lost his mind, you know."

I stared blankly at her.

"You know, Ronald Regan, the president? Ate jellybeans all the time?" She shook her head. "Never mind. Here, have a carrot instead."

Here, we have a secondary character explain the reference to a clueless main character. Knowledgeable people will nod and smile. Unfamiliar readers will still be able to nod, because they at least know why mom said that.

A popular book full of 80s references is Ready Player One. Even if you don't remember Joust or Wargames or Van Halen, it's still a pretty good young adult science fiction/dystopian story. Check out the book to see how a master did it.

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