《How to Write Stories People Will Love》Question 61: Kissing scenes


asks: Do you think you could give me some tips on writing kissing scenes? Being someone who's not had their first kiss makes it quite hard to write these scenes and not make it cliche.

First, decide which audience the story is for. This determines how explicit it can be. Most traditionally published teen fiction (young adult) books simply say "they kissed", and maybe some of the emotions while doing it. Much like when writing sex scenes, the younger the audience, the more vague it needs to be.

For young adults, kissing is a big deal. Instead of focusing on what the lips are doing, think about what might be going through the person's head. Maybe it's, "Holy crap he's actually kissing me!" or maybe it's, "What am I supposed to do with my hands??" You could also mention other sensations, like the smell of one's shampoo, or the silkiness of one's hair.

Adult romance books will talk about kissing more explicitly. They'll mention the tongues and groping and other things that could lead to sex. If your story isn't about romance or discovering one's sexuality, then there's no need to worry about these details. If you ARE writing this kind of story, then reading other books is a great way to see how others have handled it.

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