《How to Write Stories People Will Love》Intermission


It's been a long while since I've skipped a week! But my day job has turned on a lot of pressure this week, with lots of clients submitting projects all at once. Did these guys coordinate to drive me crazy or what?

Anyway, that--coupled with editing Nirrin while I've been posting chapters--means I don't have a lot of time today to write up a lesson. Sorry! I have some good topics lined up, so don't worry. There will be more. I just want to make sure I'm able to put in the time it takes to properly answer a question, instead of rushing through it and pushing out something half-assed. (I'm all about using the entire ass.) XD

In the meantime, why don't you peruse my other work? If you like coming-of-age stories, special abilities, and romps through the forest, you should check out Siena, Book 1 in my Forestfolk series. There are two other books in that series, and people seem to like them a lot!

I also have a bunch of random short stories:

- A man seems to be trapped inside a dog's body. Hilarity ensues.

- A girl is trapped inside her house with zombies crawling around outside. What is she supposed to do next? Contains an interesting little twist at the end.

- A fable about a selfish guy and a magical fish vendor.

- Is a vacation with your parents fun or not fun? Lisa tries to figure out what to do with her angry heart after getting dumped by her boyfriend.

- A weird little atmospheric thing I wrote for a contest. If you enjoy alliteration, you'll like this.

- What happens when you try to mix Star Wars and When Harry Met Sally? Who knows? This was the very first thing I ever posted here on Wattpad. It's kinda dumb, but kinda fun. Nothing amazing, but maybe it'll give you a giggle. If you've never seen When Harry Met Sally,be sure to watch the movie clip at the top first. Otherwise the story will make no sense.

Still bored? How about checking out my Facebook author page? (External link provided.)

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