《How to Write Stories People Will Love》34. Shameless Plug


I know. This page does not help you one single bit. It's all about me me me and my desire to get my first book noticed. When you get to be an author with a finished novel, it becomes all about promoting that book and attempting to dig it out of obscurity.

"Wait, Zoe, isn't this your first book?" you ask. Well, technically, "How to Write Stories People Will Love" is my first Wattpad book, but I have an actual finished novel that I recently released out in the wild. Published! Listed on Amazon and Kobo and everything! It even has its own ISBN (that unique number on the back cover of all printed books).

It's so exciting, I can barely hold still in my seat!

*dances around the room*

Okay, settling down now. If you've stayed with me this far, thank you. My first novel is called Siena, and is about a girl who has the power to heal with her hands. Unfortunately for her, she lives in an environment where she's used as a tool rather than appreciated as a person, so she has no self-esteem.

Self-confidence is something I've struggled with all my life, so it's a common theme in many of my stories. If this is something that interests you, you can check out Siena in my profile here on Wattpad. Ooooorrrrrrr you could own a copy of the whole thing for only $2.99 on Amazon! (External Link provided.)

Shameless, I know. I admit it. But authors have to self-promote. So here I am humbly self-promoting the only way I know how. Thank you for your patience, your loyalty, and your love for writing.

Carry on!

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