《How to Write Stories People Will Love》18. Beat Back Self-Doubt


Self-doubt is crippling. It saps away all creative inspiration, and it hits even the best authors. So when it hits you, remember you're not alone.

When you're caught up in the painfully sticky clutches of self-doubt, for heaven's sake do NOT go and delete your story off Wattpad. (Or if you want to remove it from here, at least save a copy somewhere in your private archives.) You worked hard on that. Even if you think it sucks right now, that's all right. Early drafts are supposed to suck. It's your starting point. You have to start somewhere. The Wright brothers spent years building kites to prototype the ideas they had for an actual airplane.

This is a tough one. I still do it sometimes. In your readings, you will undoubtedly encounter writing that is so good, it makes you want to give up because you could never be that good. Well, that'll certainly be true if you give up! All of us writers are on the same path, and some of us have been at it longer than others. When you read a fantastic story, remind yourself that this writer is farther along down the same road you're on. They got started earlier, or maybe had more help, and that's why they are currently producing better work than you. It does not mean you can't get there yourself! You just have to keep at it, like they did.

Impatience is one of the worst qualities an aspiring author can have. We want everything NOW, so naturally when things don't go our way, we have hissy-fits. Like fine wines, improving our craft takes time. We can't take a rocket ship from point A to point B. We have to shuffle along at our own pace, inching down that path to greatness. You need to read extensively, practice writing, get critiques and feedback, and rewrite a LOT.


You know what this means? It simply means they haven't found you yet. It doesn't mean you suck. It doesn't mean people hate your work. It doesn't mean anything other than there are literally millions of writers here, and someone finding you is like finding that tiny book in the basement of the county library, hidden behind rows of other, more well-known books that have been there longer. So don't despair. Reads have no bearing on your abilities. It just means you need to put more effort into getting found. To that end, I've created a guide called How to Rise from the Dead on Wattpad: A practical guide to getting noticed. Look for it on my profile! I'll also put a link in the comments.

We all go through mood swings. It's the ever-fluctuating, hormonal nature of humans. Guys, don't scoff. You're affected by mood swings too, not just the women. The problem with downward mood swings is we are highly irrational when in that state of mind. Everything is glass-half-empty, pointless, and we're just not good enough to do this. When you're feeling this way, it's exceedingly difficult to be objective.

But try. Force some tiny part of your brain to recognize this foul mood for what it is: a temporary hormonal setback. It'll pass. Remember not to make any decisions yet. Try whatever you can to kick this mood's butt. Watch funny cat videos. Eat lots of chocolate. Talk to a supportive friend. Write out all your horrible feelings into a long, rambling file. Some of this may help you make sense of it.

When your mood finally swings back to normal, you can attack your writing once more, with the steadily improving skills you know you have. And you'll be thankful you didn't delete it.

I believe in you.

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