《Sold To The Vampire Prince》Chapter 16


Prince Devon was clearly fuming. I have no idea what is going to happen now

"What were you doing in that hallway?" he asks. His back was facing me

"Devon, I got lost..."

"and don't you dare lie to me" he raises his voice a little

"I... I left with Joshua" I said. His palms fisted into a ball and he got angry, real fast

"I gave you an instruction Arielle..."

" I don't see what this has to do with Joshua" I stand up

"it has everything to do with Joshua!" he faces me and his eyes were red. He's really angry

"but it could have happened even with Talia"

"no! Arielle, Talia has been in this kingdom since she was a child. She knows this kingdom very well. She would know not to enter that hall because it is restricted to only vampires and their pets! And that is something Joshua wouldn't know Arielle!" he shouted

Tears started falling from my eyes but that didn't calm Devon down

" the chocker should have saved me" I was trying my best to not make the situation my fault

"the chocker only proves you're owned by me. Vampires are allowed to bite any human pet because no matter how much freedom you have, you're still worthless humans!.." he pushed me against the wall and brought his face really close to mine "... Do you know what would've happened if I hadn't gotten there in time? Hahaha, you and that boy of yours would have been dead... "he slowly left my neck and looked scared, he was shaking at the thought of something

"... No no no, you can't die... "he looked at me"... Damn it! I can't let you die! " he shouted and threw all the books on the table to the floor. I was shaking already. He's behaving weird


"... Listen here Arielle, you're not to go anywhere alone or with any of the pets. At least Talia or any other slave should be with you. Or maybe I should get more bodyguards... No, that's way too extreme... " he began talking to himself

"Devon" I whispered in a small calm voice. He looked at me and seemed to calm down a bit

"I'm sorry" I said and start crying all over again. His red eyes soften a bit and he sighs

"it's okay. Just... get ready. The slaves will be here with your dress. He says and leaves the room


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