《Sold To The Vampire Prince》Chapter 11


I stood in front of the most intimidating people I'd ever met. Five council members were chosen to discuss the issue of my mate and my grandfather, king Arnold, was one of them. Queen Annabeth, The strongest female vampire royal in history. Princess Ciara, The first vampire warrior to be of royal blood and single handedly wiped out an army of rouges. King Vladimir, My great-great grand father and Queen kayla, my great grand mother who is one of the most ruthless vampires ever known. It was an honor... really, but right now, I felt like shitting my pants. My father spoke first

"It's an honor to stand before this great council. You asked for my children and here they are" He said

"Very well then. Let's start this meeting" Queen Annabeth said

"Well, from what you've told us, neither Devon or Megan have found their mate..." My grand father leaned in and said but was interrupted by Princess Ciara

"I wouldn't say the same for Devon though, He seems to have someone in mind" She said and all attention was on me. 'Damn stupid mind-readers' I thought to myself and saw her with a raised eyebrow, obviously reading my thoughts

"I do have my suspicions but I'm not sure yet" I said

"And who may this person be son?" My father asked and I looked down, suddenly feeling scared

"It's my human pet...Arielle" I said and there was a period of silence. I looked up and saw all the council members with a shocked look

"So tell me, do you intend to change her if she does happen to be your mate? Because I sure won't agree on having a human queen" Queen Kayla said

"If she's my mate, which is highly unlikely, I wouldn't be able to change her against her will" I said


"Then if that's the case, you'll have to get married to someone else..." King Vladimir said and I looked up immediately

"But I...." I tried to talk but the look he gave me shut me up completely

"Well, let's not talk about that now, let's talk about the ball. When do you suggest it should be held?"king Arnold asked

"Next Thursday sounds like a good date" Queen Annabeth said and we all agreed

"Next Thursday it is then. Preparations should begin early tomorrow morning. If after the ball, Devon isn't sure of his mate, then I'm afraid you'll have to choose a suitable Queen. This meeting is closed. Devon, Megan, you may leave"

"Well, that wasn't so bad" I said to Megan as we claimed up the stairs

"You think! They really don't give two shits about who my will be" Megan said, clearly annoyed

"Wo wo wo...calm down tiger. It's because I'm gonna be the future king of Ruenastia. You're lucky though. At least you aren't under pressure of finding a mate. If I don't find her, I'm sure mom and Dad will make me marry lady Gwen" I said

"Well, good luck with that. What color looks better on me? Red or Black?"

"I think red's okay" I replied

"Black it is then" Megan said, entering her room

"But I said..."

"Good night Dev" she said and slammed the door


I tried to open the door but it was locked from inside so I used my fingerprint to open it. Immediately I stepped inside, I was hit with that same strange but sweet scent that came from Arielle, it was different from any other human or vampire I've met. Well, I can think of that later, but right now, I'm hungry....for blood.


I walked closer to the bed and I saw her sleeping peacefully. I really didn't want to wake her up but right now...I'm starving seriously

"Arielle, wake up" I tapped her on her leg and she woke up

"Devon, you're back" She said sleepily

"Yeah, and I'm hungry" I said licking my fangs

"I...I can t..tell one of the m..maids to prepare s..something" she stuttered, obviously alarmed by the colour of my eyes

"Tsk tsk tsk... No Arielle, I need blood" I said, slowly drawing her closer to me. She suddenly removed her hand from my grasp and ran to the other side of the room.

"No..." She shook her head "...I won't let you" she continued, shaking with fear

"Arielle Arielle Arielle...I bought you for a reason, and that's to satisfy my hunger. You really don't have a choice."

With that, I drew her closer to me and bit down her neck. The screamed for a Long time but I wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. Not too long after, she passed out. I retracted my fangs from her neck and licked her wound. Almost immediately, it closed up but still left a small sore but something's wrong

I am soooooooo lazy

And I'm so sorry

This chapter's absolutely and completely unedited so please bear with me 😔

How's quarantine treating you guys😁

I really appreciate all the likes and follows I've been getting😁

Have a good day😘

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