《Sold To The Vampire Prince》Chapter 2


Arielle's pov

I woke up with a severe head ache. I opened my eyes and everything was blurred and was still adjusting to the sunlight. I looked around and I was in a room with the guy that bought me, Caden

"Finally, you're up" caden said

"yeah, and I have a really bad headache "I said while rubbing my forehead

"it's probably the effect of the drug. It will wear off after some time "he said

"and I'm really hungry. How long have I been out?" I asked

He gave me a hot dog and coffee and said " two days"

"two days!" I spat out the coffee

"yup" he gave me a napkin

"where are we?" I asked

"we are at the auction "

"why are you doing this? "

"what?" he asked

"I mean, why are you selling me?, it's not proper you know "

He laughed and said "firstly, I really don't care. Secondly, this is how I make a living and besides, I'm a vampire, I was born not to care"

"you keep on saying that there are vampires, what's going on?"

He leaned in and said "what's going on is that vampires are real, and you just happen to be talking to one" he smirked, showing me a slight view of his fangs.

I put my hands on my neck because I was scared that he was going to drink my blood. Caden chuckled at my reaction and said

"calm down, I'm not going to waste 600 dollars just to drink your blood, no matter how tempting it is "he said and his eyes flashed a deep color of red

"I...I'm n...not sure how that's supposed to help " I was already feeling uncomfortable.

"well, I'm happy to be the first ever vampire to meet. But I'm definitely not the last"


"what do you mean?"

"isn't it obvious, I'm selling you off as a pet to the auction"


"don't worry, I'm sure you'd make a great pet"

"what's a pet? I might not be the most beautiful, but I'm sure I definitely don't look like an animal "

"of course you don't "

"then why am I being treated like one and sold as one!" I was shouting at this point

"you'll find out soon enough " he said and just then, a lady came in

"oh Caden "the lady said and hugged him "I see you have brought another one "

"yes Lila" Caden said

"she's beautiful " she said

"I know, I always go for the best"

She chuckled and said "how much did you buy her"


"from who?"

"why did you ask?"

"because I don't understand why anybody will want to get rid of such a beauty"

I hated the way they felt comfortable talking about me like that when I was right in front of them. I've read stories and watched movies about vampires and if this is the way all vampires are gonna be, then I certainly hate them and I promise to be a pain in the ass to whoever will be unfortunate to 'buy' me

"fine, I bought her from her parents "

"huh..that's sad. Have you had a taste from her already?"

"no, of course I haven't, I like to keep my things intact "

Did Mr-fucking-caden just call me his thing?

"well if you did, I wouldn't blame you. she does smell heavenly "

Are this guys oblivious to the fact that I'm right in front of them?

"well I haven't and you better not"

"okay fine, I will "she turned to me and said


"follow me"

I followed her down the stairs until we entered another room that looked smaller than the last one. She sat down and brought out a note pad and pen

"what's your name?" she asked

"Arielle Damins "I tried to sound as polite as possible





"Blood type?"

"O Negative"

"is this your natural hair color?" she asked pointing to my long black silky hair



She looked up at me and hesitated a little then she asked" um...are you a virgin? "

Um...sorry, what?


"okay....so I'm done with you now, take a shower, wash your hair and then put on this clothes. When you're done, you'll come out and this two girls will do the rest, is that okay?"

I nodded

"good "she said and left.

I went into the bathroom and put on the shower. I poured the lemon scented shampoo on my hair and washed it and also washed my body.

Am, I supposed to be crying?, am I supposed to be angry?, is it normal to feel this comfortable after being betrayed by my family and sold out against my will?.

With these questions in my mind, I turned off the shower, toweled my body and stepped out of the bathroom.

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