《Sophie Swan: P.L》Chapter eleven:


We arrive at the Cullens home, everyone was there. They all said happy birthday, and it was time for gifts. All I talked about for ages were these sets of books and art supplies that I was dying to have. So I was extremely grateful when everyone got me something to do with them.

It was Bella's turn to open gifts. Although things didn't exactly go to plan. As soon as Bella was opening up Carlisles gift, she got a paper cut. Next thing you know is that I'm being held to the side by Rosalie as Jasper tries to get to Bella.

Everything happened so fast, Bella got pushed back by Edward into a shelf with glass vases on top, which then shattered to millions of pieces as Bella collided with them. Causing an even bigger cut then the first one, which led to everyone leaving the room as the blood was too much for them to handle.

After everything, Edward dropped us off back at home, to which I simply left the two alone to talk.

The next day Bella and I got to school to find that the Cullens weren't there. I messaged Rosalie about it, and she told me what was happening. I knew that once Edward tells Bella, she's going to be heart broken. Little did I know that Bella's broken heart would affect all of us. Good and bad.

After school, Bella and I noticed that Edward was standing near the forest by our home, I knew what the conversation was going to be about. They needed their privacy so I simply went inside. I waited and waited and waited for Bella to come inside the house, but she was a no show. I went outside to find that her truck, was still here. I called out her name, but no answer.

Hours went by and as soon as dad came home, I told him that Bella hadn't returned. Going from one goodbye turned into a missing persons case. Dad got the police units down, uncle Billy and uncle Harry down with Jacob to try and help find my missing sister.

After night fall, everyone was becoming frantic to finding the chief polices oldest daughter. I had tear stained eyes, although I breathed a sigh of relief and ran up to my sister who Sam was carrying out from the woods.

"Omg thank you Sam."

"She's alright."

Dad took Bella out of Sam's arms and took her inside. I went up to Jacob and he gave me a hug.

"Come on bring everyone inside we'll have something to eat and drink."

After everyone had left I went up to Bella's room to find her fast asleep, I tucked the blankets over her more and left for my own room.

The next morning arrived I got dressed and ready for the day and went in to check on Bella. However, I got nothing from Bella.

For months now, Bella has been sitting in her chair facing the window out to the woods. Every night has been a complete nightmare for everyone. Bella screams like she's dying in pain, dad and I always rush in to soothe her but it's becoming to much.

At school Bella always sits at the Cullens table alone, I sit with her some days but all she is is gloomy and getting gloomier. It's hard to keep up.

At least four times a week now, I've been staying and sleeping over Jake's and uncle Billy's place. As I nor my dad have been getting any sleep, due to Bella's night terrors. I cook and clean their house as a thank you.


Billy actually talked to me about Emily, who may be of help to me not sleeping. So for the past few weeks I have been visiting Emily. We talk about almost everything, I've made a real friend out of her. At first I was only going over there to get some herbals Emily makes to help me sleep.

However, the more I go over there the more I feel more comfortable with Emily. I talked to her about my past, and Emily has been really supportive with me about the whole ordeal. We bake together and I bring home trays of muffins and cookies, even some pies in the mix. My dad, uncle Billy and Jake have been loving me even more now that I bring them extra treats.

Today wasn't going to be any different, I'm off to Emily's, to chat, to bake and to get my weeks dosage of herbals.

"Hun, how are you doing you look exhausted."

It was true Bella had been keeping me and dad up, it sucks as this week I'm staying home. You know giving uncle Billy and Jake a break from me.

"I am completely drained."

"Im sorry to say it, but you look it."

"Well I definitely feel it."

Emily knows of Bella and how she has been keeping everyone up.

"Why don't we bake something, and you tell me what's on your mind."


Emily and I have just finished cleaning up, when we turned facing the double doors. There, creating a whole load of noise, were Sam and a bunch of boys who were shirtless. I guess it's the new fad to go around without a shirt on.

Being too tired to pay attention to any of them, I turn back around to Emily, who's getting all the baked goods into a basket for me to take with me. The boys were confused as to why I was there, but being this exhausted especially after baking I didn't say anything.

The muffins we baked were for my family and uncle Billy and Jake, for this tough period. As well as dealing with a bunch.

I'm guessing the guys didn't get the memo though, as Paul came up to take one. Before he could put his greedy little hands on my muffins, Emily smacked his hand away. His face looked so funny at that moment, clearly he wasn't used to it.

Emily finished packing them up and I hugged her and thanking her for her time. "Anytime sweetie, my door is always open." I grabbed the basket and turned to walk off.

"How come she get's them but we don't?" I turned to Paul with a tired smirk.

"Maybe Emily just likes me more than you Paul."

"Pft who would want you? They'd have to be pretty drunk to for you." Ouch. That brought back some unwanted memories of drunk guys.

As soon as he said that Emily gasped and came over to give me a hug, to which I rejected and walked out of the house without giving anyone another glance. Mainly because I was starting to tear up. I really don't need this right now.

I was walking off and all I could hear coming from the house was Emily screaming at Paul, which is really unexpected as Emily is such a sweet heart. I could make out some of it but I really wanted to leave.

"You know absolutely nothing of what that poor girl has gone through. Now you better go apologise otherwise you are no longer welcome in my house Paul Lahote!"


I honestly didn't know Emily had it in her. I'm proud of her.

I made it back to Bella's truck to which I borrowed, it's not like she can say no, she hasn't moved from her bedroom spot in months. Placing the muffins beside and cupping my face I started balling my eyes out. Re-watching the past through memories that come rushing to me.

A soft knock on the window that made me jump a little. It was Paul. The last person I wanted to see right now. He opened the door, all I could do was calm myself down and look to the floor. I really didn't want to face him, let alone let him see me in this state but that's a bit too late now.

"Why don't I drive you home?"

Him saying that made me realise that I really can't drive in this state of mind. I nodded my head and Paul helped me out and into the passenger side. He even went as far as buckling me up.

Paul got into the driver's seat and buckled up. He started the engine and backed out of the drive way.

"Thank you, Paul. I'm sorry that Emily shouted at you, you don't know anything from my life, so it's not your fault you made me upset."

"Then why don't you tell me then princess."

I took a deep breathe. Telling myself in my head, that it's going to be fine. It's something in the past and I just need to move on.

I started my story, telling Paul of how I ended up in the alley way, to the drunk guys and how I woke up in the Cullen's house. Obviously leaving out some minor details. I say minor, but really having the knowledge of a whole family and existence is real, isn't exactly minor but oh well.

I finished my story, without crying which kinda scares me, but I feel like that's just me healing. I turned to Paul as he was being quite quiet. I noticed that his hands were grasping the steering wheel really roughly, as though he was strangling the wheel.

He started shaking and not going to lie it looks pretty scary. He pulled over onto the side of the road, and got out.

Is he having a seizure? Should I call someone?

I followed Paul out and into the forest. "Paul are you ok? Hey." I said gently, not wanting to scare him. I placed my hand on his shoulder, which was boiling hot.

He grabbed onto my hand with his, quite harshly. Most likely to throw it off, he turned around and looked me in the eyes and just froze.

It's kind of weird how I've never looked at his eyes before. They're a really pretty chocolate brown with hazelnut highlights.

Of course my fat ass would compare someone's eyes to food.

Paul stopped shaking and he literally stood there frozen solid staring at me. Did I have something on my face, or?

Oh well, him being in this state gives me an opportunity to study him. The more I stare at him the more I find him attractive. Although I have to remind myself that I don't know anything about this guy, and yet I'm starting to like him.

It's funny how a guy that has been so rude to me, I'm finding attractive. It's crazy.

I waved my hand in front of Paul to snap him out of his little trance. "I, uh need to go."

With that he began to run off. Not really understanding why, I followed. I didn't know what to expect to see, but seeing Paul, turn into a giant, fluffy, silver wolf was not just not it. To say I'm shocked, or surprised is an understatement. I don't know if it's a good surprise or a bad one.

"P...Paul?" I just stood dead still, not knowing what to do, as Paul, the wolf turned around and saw me there. With my mouth open and eyes wide, Paul took a step forward. On instincts I took one back.

I had to remind myself that this creature was still Paul, and that he wouldn't hurt me, physically, I don't think. I hope.

Paul walked away behind a bush and walked back sheepishly and stood a few feet away from me.

"You weren't meant to see that."

"You don't say."

"Come on, why don't I actually drive you home and explain everything."

"I'd like that very much wolfie."


"Hehehe well you gave me a nickname, so why can't I give you one."

"Fair enough, princess."

We arrived as my house, and got out. Paul was being nice and helped me bring in the food and placed them on the counter.

I walked up to my room, to which Paul followed. For a few minutes, Paul studied his surroundings.

"So I'm guessing the bed time stories, uncle Billy told me and Jake as a kid are true."

"Yeah. I'm surprised you're taking this well."

"Think I was going to run away screaming."

"Ha, something like that, yeah."

"Never. I love wolves. They're giant big balls of fluff. I mean sure they could kill you, but they're still cute."

"Well I guess that's good to hear."

"So I'm guessing that's why you don't like the Cullens."

"You know what they are?"

"Yeah, that's how they found me in the alley way."

"I know they are different from their kind, but they are still our enemy."

"I know they've killed people in the past, but once I got to know them and after what they did to help me, I put their differences behind."

"I guess I should thank them for saving you, and looking after you. I can't forgive them for not getting to you earlier though."

He said with anger laced in his voice. I touched his arm, making him facing me, he stops with his angry vibes and simply looks at me.

"It happened, it's in the past. I'm just glad they were there for me. Emily too, she's been a real help with me healing from that. The Cullen's helped me feel me again. The girls, Rosalie and Alice helped bring my confidence back. Especially around males again."

"If I ever make you uncomfortable, you tell me and I'll stop, okay."




"Yes, princess."

"You're making me uncomfortable, by you just standing there. Come and get comfy. We should order pizza or something, so we can talk more."

I sat down on my bed and patted right next to me, inviting Paul to join me.

He laughed making his way over to me. Making himself comfortable, Paul and I began talking. Not just about Paul, being a live walking fluff ball, we started to getting to know each other. We spent hours talking about everything. We ordered pizza like I suggested and we watched movies.


I honestly really enjoy talking and hanging out with Paul. I've had so much fun. He was a real pain in my ass before, but now that we've gotten to know each other, he's a really nice person. I must admit though, I do have a little crush on his fine ass, but you know, I'm not going to do anything crazy.

I've been properly introduced to the pack, and we all have been hanging out more. It's great to know that there are no more secrets between us. I still stay round Jake's house, I told Billy in private that I know about the pack. It's weird to keep this secret away from Bella. Bella still is having her nightmares, which sucks as our dad is working his ass off and he gets hardly any sleep.

I've finally had the chance to talk to mum, as we've both been quite busy, and mum, dad and I thought that it might be best for Bella is she stayed with mum for a while. To get her mind off of Forks and everything that has gone down.

I did mention to them that Bella won't leave without a fight. I know my twin, there really isn't any point in trying to make her leave, but there's nothing wrong with trying. The next step in trying to make her leave was to tell Bella.

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