《Sophie Swan: P.L》Chapter four:


Instead of sitting with the Cullen's I sat with Bella and the others. Mainly because I don't like the way Edward is treating my sister. That's what I told Alice when she asked if I was going to sit with her and the others. I mean it is true.

"Hey! La Push, baby. You guys in?"

"Should I know what that means?" Bella and I look at Eric confused.

"La Push beach down the Quileute Rez. We're all going tomorrow."

"Yeah, there's a big swell coming in."

"And I don't just surf the internet."

"Eric you stood up once, and it was a foam board."

"But there's whale watching too. Come with us."

"La Push baby it's La Push."

"Okay I'll go if you stop saying that okay?"

"Yeah I'll go to. Surfing doesn't sound so bad."

Bella and I go off to get our lunch, when Edward came over. "Edible art? Bella."


Edward notices me, but I turn away. "Um, Sophie, Rosalie asked if you could go talk to her."

I turn to look at his table and see them wave. I sigh and leave Edward with my sister, even though I really didn't want to.

"Hey guys what's up?"

Rosalie got out from her seat and hugged me. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Of course, thanks to your brother that is. Although I must say Bella's really into finding out the truth."

"What about you Soph?" I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I mean, sure I'd like to know how he got to us so fast, stopped the van and pushed it away with his bare hands, without injuring himself, but if he doesn't wish to reveal his secrets then I'm not going to push him."


They just smiled at me. "Anyway I should get back to the group, cya guys."


I walked over toward the group who were discussing details about tomorrow. I love surfing. I mean who wouldn't. I really wanna watch a comp or even be in one, especially to watch someone like Kelly Slater.

The next day arrived and I had gotten all my gear ready, I even had my own surfboard as I used to go camping with friends by some beach and we'd all surf there.

"It's freezing."

"You gotta go out folks."

"I don't know if it's worth it anymore."

"We're all the way out here, you guys are babies."

"I'm sure it'll be warmer once we're in the water, come on guys this is gonna be fun." I say trying to lift spirits before heading down to the water. Once I was out there, the water was really nice.

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