
Phoebe woke up early the next morning. The previous day had been one of the best for her. Spending the day with Antonio and his children had brought them closer together. She enjoyed spending time with Eva and Diego and was glad she could help them in any way that she could. They were great kids and she knew what it was like to be caught in the middle of your parents.

Work had been a complete drag but Sylvie was a great friend and the two of them managed to laugh despite everything. They made the most of the day and hoped they would be able to finish their shift on time. But not everything works out the way you want.

"Are you sure this is the address?" Phoebe asked to confirm once again with Sylvie. The address they had pulled up to looked like an abandoned apartment building so they couldn't understand why they were there.

When they rounded the corner, the women saw their victim. He was lying on the ground, looking unconscious. Phoebe and Sylvie ran towards the victim and kneeled beside him. They noticed that he had a knife in his hand and before they could comprehend what had happened, the man sprung up and stabbed Phoebe in the side.

"Phoebe!" Sylvie screamed for her friend. The man ran off as Sylvie tended to her friend. She tried to stop the bleeding but it looked like a major artery had been hit and she was bleeding out rapidly. Phoebe could feel her panicking as she tried to stop the bleeding while calling for another ambulance.

As Phoebe opened her mouth to calm her friend down, she blacked out.

Phoebe groaned in pain as she tried to sit up on the bed. She knew she was in the hospital and her whole side hurt. She knew too much damage hadn't been done and she was going to be okay but her side still hurt like hell.


"Don't move too much," Antonio spoke from the chair next to her bedside. When Gabby had called him about Phoebe, he felt his heart stop. He didn't think he would feel the way he did, considering the fact he had only knows her for a few weeks. He knew he cared about her but he didn't realise how much.

Phoebe groaned in annoyance, "I'm fine. It hurts a little but I know the morphine is doing its job. What happened?"

Antonio sighed, "Looks like he had been targeting first responders for a while. You and Brett got the call and he was lying on ground, ready for either of you. He wanted to make the city pay for not doing everything they could to save his family. We got him and he's behind bars. Will says you'll be fine but they had to take you up to surgery twice to stop the internal bleeding. A few weeks rest and you'll be good to go again."

Phoebe sighed in relief, "Thank god." She loved her job and didn't want to be on desk duty any more than needed. She knew getting hurt was part of the job but this was ridiculous.

"You're taking this surprisingly well," Antonio frowned.

Phoebe smiled, "I've been through worse. I'll be fine. I just hate knowing I won't be working for a while."

"What do you mean you've been through worse?"

"That's a story for another day," Phoebe replied.

Antonio decided to change the subject when he noticed her discomfort, "I'm glad you're okay. I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you. I haven't even known you that long and yet you drive me completely insane. You make me feel things I haven't felt in a long time."

Phoebe smiled, "I could say the same about you, Dawson."

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