《She's a Halstead.》Chapter 3



Jay walked into the hospital , heading straight to the reception desk to ask about his daughter. Although he gave the vibe that he was calm and collected, he was in fact hurting and panicking on the inside, unable to believe that he had been completely unreachable when his daughter needed him the most. He hated himself at the current moment, and he had no idea how he would ever forgive himself.

Once the receptionist at the front desk informed Jay that Sophia was waiting in room 402 with Will and Hank, Jay thanked her politely and made his way to Sophia's ward.

He found Sophia sitting on the bed, listening intently, as Hank read her a story. Jay smiled to himself when he saw the cover, his daughter

really was obsessed with Peter Pan. When she had been younger, she used to call it ‘Pete Pan’ and often recalled the naughty fairy as ‘Tinkybell’ - she still did. Sometimes she would tell her daddy how she wished Neverland was real, so she wouldn't have to grow up, go to school, then university and then get a job, find a guy to marry and all the responsibilities that came with being an adult. Although Jay laughed at his daughters capability of understanding the world around them, he knew that no matter how old she got, she would always be his little girl, his baby.

Jay had barely even stepped into the room when Sophia's head popped up and her eyes lit

up when she saw her daddy. "Daddy!" she cried out, reaching out her arms.

Jay went over to her and wrapped her in his arms protectively, kissing her head,

and stroking her back as if she would just disappear if he didn't. "Hi, Angel," he replied, slowly moving back but the moment he did so, Sophia grabbed onto his shirt, holding him right

where he was.

"Daddy, don't go," she pleaded, almost sadly.

"I'm just sitting on your bed, princess. I'm not going anywhere, don't worry," Jay assured her, sitting on her bed.

Sophia still scooted closer, and rested

her head on his lap. He ran his fingers through her silky, soft hair, his eyes landing on the bad cut on her head, which had been stitched up nicely.

"How you feeling, Sophie?" Jay asked her, moving his hand to her shoulder. She

was laying down on her good arm, her broken arm in a sling.

"I feel okay," Sophia replied."I'm happy you came."

Jay rubbed her head gently, once again leaning down to kiss her forehead, just grateful that she was okay, although she looked badly hurt, with her stitched head and her broken arm.

"You know something?" Sophia piped up, sitting up and moving onto her father's lap. Jay held her firmly, as she smiled up at him, her big blue eyes lighting up excitedly. "Dr. Roadie said, I was very brave, just like you, Daddy."

Jay laughed. "Well, I always knew you were my brave little girl."

Sophia's smile made her eyes twinkle and she hugged her daddy with one arm. "Does

that mean I'm a superhero like you?" she inquired bouncing in Jay's lap.

"Yeah, princess, you're the BEST superhero out there," Jay agreed, smiling as he heard Sophia giggle joyously.

"YAY! Grumpy, I'm a superhero like Daddy," Sophia announced, turning in Jay's lap to watch Hank.

A loving smile crossed Voight's lips, something that was rare for Hank Voight, but he made exceptions for people like Sophia, who he loved immensely, as if she was his own granddaughter.


"Yeah, I heard. You are a superhero." Hank leaned forward, as if moving to tell Sophia a secret, and she leaned closer. "Although, don't tell your daddy I said this, but I think you're a

better superhero than he is."

Sophia laughed, covering her mouth as if she would spill the secret. "Daddy, Grumpy says I'm a better superhero than you," Sophia finally blurted out, unable to keep the secret too long.

Will, Hank and Jay laughed at her inability to keep a secret for longer than 10 seconds.

"He's absolutely right though," Will added, with a smirk at his older brother.

Jay rolled his eyes at Will but he couldn't disagree with either of the other two

men in the room. Sophia was happy, and that was all he ever wanted to see, his daughter happy and okay, and being as cute and sassy as she always was. Sophia turned around once again and placed her head against Jay's chest, her small arm barely able to wrap around her father's neck.

“Halstead. A word.” The gruff voice returned.

Jay nodded towards Voight signalling he would be out shortly. “I’ll be back in a minute Angel, okay?” Setting Sophia back down Jay followed the Sargent towards the exit. No words had been shared until both men were safely away from Sophia.

Hank Voight roughly shoved the detective against the wall as soon as he and Jay had moved away from the hospital entrance. Hank’s hand gripped onto the collar of Jay’s leather jacket.

“Where the hell have you been?” Hank demanded, his grip getting tighter and tighter by the second.

Jay didn’t speak nor did he try to push Voight away. He wasn’t going to justify his reasons for not picking up the phone.

“I should’ve been here” Jay whispered.

“We’re dads Jay.” Voight started. He crouched down balancing his weight on his ankles as he spoke to the young father.

When Jay first started the intelligence unit he had informed Hank of his daughter, he had asked the sergeant to keep this information strictly between them. Voight didn’t need to question Jay’s needs, he knew exactly why he had wanted to keep Sophia away from his job. Being a cop especially in Chicago was stressful and often ruined relationships with the ones you love the most. Jay wanted to protect Sophia from the world he saw outside of their hope and Voight understood that.

“Dads..we’re just people and we make mistakes. We want to do the best for our kids and sometimes we can’t, they may hold it against us for a while but at the end of the day they know you’re gonna be the ones to hold them when they cry.”

“What if I can’t do that for Sophia?” Jay pondered. His daughter was his everything. He wouldn’t be the man he was today without Sophia by his side.

“You're a good dad Jay. Have a little trust in yourself.” Hank assured. He had seen Jay with his daughter and it was truly magical, he knew Jay would stop at nothing to protect his daughter and that was admirable. “Take a few days. Be with Sophia.”


"Daaaaddyy! The light is too bright, and it's hurting my eyes and head!" Sophia complained, shielding her eyes from the lounge light.

Jay was in the kitchen, making dinner for Sophia, when he heard her complaint and went back to the lounge to check on her. She was laying on the couch, covering her eyes with her hand, and sobbing.


"Hey, baby girl." Jay rushed over and crouched down by the couch, placing a comforting hand on her head. "What's wrong?"

Sophia moaned. "My head has a owie."

"Does it now?" Jay frowned, concerned, as he pressed the palm of his hand on Sophia's forehead. She was burning up, probably with a fever, but he couldn't be sure until he checked. "Okay Angel, Daddy's going to be right back."


Jay found a thermometer in his room and came back to where Sophia lay, and gently moved her hand away from her eyes. She squinted and cringed, crying again, and Jay's heart broke. He hated seeing his daughter so sad and ill. He put the thermometer in her mouth, saying, "Don't move it around, okay? Keep it still."

After a couple minutes, he took the thermometer out of her mouth, and looked at the temperature displayed on the screen. It was 102 Fahrenheit.

She did have a fever.

"Sophie, do you feel tired?" Jay asked, his voice soft and filled with anxiety.

"Yeah Daddy, a lot," Sophia replied, and Jay could hear the fatigue in her voice, and the way her eyes kept fluttering close. Jay stroked her hair, leaning over to kiss her forehead, and she looked at him through half-closed eyes. "I feel sick."

"I know, baby." Jay grabbed his phone, deciding to call Will. "I'll ask Uncle Will what to do, okay Soph? Why don't you go to Daddy's room?"

Sophia just nodded and then groaned, holding her head. She sat up and got off the couch. Suddenly, her legs buckled and she would have fallen face down onto the floor if Jay hadn't steadied her with his arm. "My world is spinning," Sophia sobbed, hating the nauseous and bad feeling she was getting all over.

Jay lifted her into his arms and carried her into his room. He gently lay her on the bed, and sat beside her as he took his phone again to call Will. The phone rang and Will picked up immediately.

"Hey Jay," Will greeted.

"Hey. Will, listen, Sophie's ill. She's tired, dizzy, sensitive to light and has a fever of 102 Fahrenheit. What do I do?" Jay asked, feeling helpless as his daughter lay beside him, sobbing and moving closer to her daddy, placing her head in his lap.

"Those are post concussion symptoms," Will informed his older brother. "I would advise you keep her hydrated. If you want, I could come over and check to see if she needs to go to the ER?"

"Yeah, sure. Thanks, Will," Jay replied before hanging up. He rubbed a hand over his face, and patted Sophia's back, as she curled up into him, her cheek pressed against his leg. "Do you want some water, princess?"

"I don't want you to go, Daddy!" Sophia pleaded. "Please. "

"I won't take long, okay? I'll be back in one minute," Jay promised gently.

Sophia reluctantly agreed and moved off his lap, and he got up and headed to the kitchen. He poured some water in a plastic glass and took it back to where Sophia now sat, still looking miserable. She took the glass from him and slowly sipped her water.

"Daddy?" Sophia suddenly piped up, holding her glass.

"Yeah, Angel?" Jay responded, looking at his daughter.

"Why didn't Mommy want me?"

Jay froze for a moment, caught off guard by his intelligent daughter's sudden question. But he was saved from answering when there was a loud knock on the door. "That's Uncle Will, let me get the door," Jay told his daughter, getting up and heading for the door. He opened it and Will was standing there.

Jay ushered Will in and the younger Halstead walked into the apartment. Jay led him to where Sophia lay on Jay's bed, her glass now on the bedside table. Will approached the youngest Halstead and gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Sophie, can I give you a quick check-up?" Will inquired kindly.

Sophia sat up slowly, and nodded one time, tears still running down her face. Will took out his penlight and shone the beam of light into the little girl's eyes,making her squint in pain, but she knew the routine well, and let her uncle

check her up properly.

Will looked at Jay. "I would suggest you stay with her and don't let her sleep more than two hours at a time. Also, keep her hydrated as I mentioned over the phone. I don't think she needs to go to the ER, but you should keep a close eye on her."

"Trust me, I will," Jay nodded.


Erin had been staring at the same empty desk for three days now. Voight had informed the team that Jay Halstead had been granted a leave of absence but that had just added to her confusion, Jay had never took a sick day let alone a full 3 weeks.

Hank had just returned back to his office when Erin saw it her opportunity to get answers.

She almost bolted from her desk as she knocked on the Sergeant's door.

"Come in" The gruff voice called from behind the door.

Opening the door Erin caught sight of Hank filling out some paperwork. He hadn't even looked up at the sound of the door opening and closing

"Hey Hank. Have you heard from Jay lately? I mean-" Erin asked. Her voice wasn't one of concern but of curiosity.

"Halstead took a leave of absence. Personal reasons." Hank stated pointedly, not willing to give up any more information.

"Was it to do with the burglary?" Erin asked.

Hank hadn't bothered to replied and just looked up at the young woman he was fortunate enough to raise. He granted Jay leave to take care of Sophia, something he had advised. Sophia was an important part of Halstead's life if not the most important and Hank Voight despite being known for his violence and determination to catch criminals could actually understand Jay's need to keep his daughter hidden from his dangerous job and injury prone team.

Sensing the Sargent's unwillingnes to answer her queries she tried one more time. "Hank-"

"Erin. Is there anything else?" Voight raised an eyebrow. Jay had managed to keep his daughter a secret from his unit for 5 years and now was definitely not the time to ruin that.

Erin shook her head and left the wooden office. Jay Halstead was one secretive man.


It was time to find out. Erin grabbed her badge and gun from her desk, taking her coat as well before heading out of the precinct and into the cold Chicago night. She got into her car and drove straight to her partner's apartment block. Erin parked her car and got out, walking across the dark street and into the apartment building right opposite. She went up to Jay's floor and stopped outside his door, her hand in the air, reconsidering her actions. What if she was just being paranoid? What if Jay really did need personal time off from work? She would be intruding, possibly even interrupting anything important. Erin waited another moment, still contemplating, before her knuckles rapped loudly on the wooden door.

Jay heard the loud knock and quickly looked at Sophia to see that she was still fast asleep, cuddling Officer Bear. Jay left a kiss on her head before heading out of the room, and opening the door. He was left stunned when he saw his partner standing there, looking straight at him.

"Erin?" he said, softly, looking confused. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard you took 3 weeks leave of absence,"

Erin admitted. "You're my partner. I wanted to see if you're okay, if everything is alright."

"I appreciate it," Jay smiled gently. He knew Sophia was asleep, so he thought, it was fine if Erin came in. "If you want, you can come in."

Erin smiled and stepped into his apartment, marvelling at how clean he kept it. Well, he was ex-military after all, it figured he would be so clean and meticulous. Erin went over to his couch, and he brought out two bottles of beers. He came back to where Erin sat and handed her a bottle, sitting down himself.

"Jay?" Erin started. "I know you took a personal leave, but it's just...it seems odd, you've never taken one in the 5 years you've been my partner, and when you were kidnapped?"

Jay hated reminiscing that time, but he could hear the concern that was evident in Erin's voice and expression too. "I guess I just needed to, Erin," he replied his voice very low.

Erin didn't notice at first that he was practically whispering because her mind was running over the various possibilities for his having taken such a long leave of absence. "Even Hank wouldn't tell me anything," Erin commented,

watching Jay.

Jay was about to ask her why she had gone to Hank in the first place when a tiny voice

called out, "DADDY! Why are you talking to yourself?" Sophia was standing in the door way, her one arm in a sling, the other arm rubbing her

eyes sleepily, with her hand clutching the paw of her teddy bear.

Erin was taken aback by the little girl in her partner's lounge, who had just referred to him as 'Daddy'. Halstead had a daughter? Since when? Judging by the way she talked and how small she was, Erin guessed she was about 4 or 5, although she looked 3 because of her height. Erin couldn't believe that Halstead had been able to keep his daughter a secret for 5 whole years!

Erin watched Jay as he got up and went to his daughter, crouching to her height to talk to her in a soft voice. She nodded shyly, and turned and walked away, her bear flopping behind her.

Jay returned back to Erin, and he could see the shock and even a hint of hurt on her face as she registered the fact that he had a daughter. "Erin-" he started, but she stood up.

"You have a daughter?" Erin asked, a bit harshly.

Jay just nodded.

Erin turned around and grabbed her coat. She was all for storming out, but then she stopped, with one foot out the door. She held the door


"Erin?" Jay began cautiously.

"What's her name?" Erin asked softly, her voice back to normal.

"Sophia Grace Halstead."

Erin smiled, the name was adorable and really suited the little girl she had just seen. Erin turned back to face Jay, and saw that he looked apologetic, probably regretting that Erin had had to find out about his daughter this way. Erin

worked up her courage to ask her partner the one thing she didn't know and couldn't even guess how he'd answer, so his answer, when it finally did come, shocked her immensely.

"Jay, can I-can I meet her?" Erin asked, quietly.

Jay stared at the beautiful woman standing in front of him, the same woman who moments ago had been ready to walk out, full of anger, but who now, was asking if she could meet the one most important little girl in his life. Jay himself was surprised with his answer when he replied, "Sure."

He called Sophia back out, and the little girl came walking to her father, and clung to his

legs, looking at the new woman in the house, who didn't look familiar at all to


"Sophie, this is my partner from work, her name is Erin," Jay told his daughter, picking her up so that she could get a better look at Erin.

Erin smiled holding out a hand to the cutest little girl she had ever laid eyes on. "Hi Sophia," Erin said, kindly.

Sophia watched Erin carefully, as if sizing her up, before she buried her face in her father's neck. Jay chuckled softly. "Please shake hands with her, Angel. She likes you," Jay pleaded, kissing his daughter's forehead.

Erin's heart warmed at the sight. She knew she admired this man in front of her, but seeing the way he handled his daughter with care and love, made her wish more than ever that she could be with him, that they could be a couple, and raise their own kids one day. Have little mini Jay Halstead's and Erin Lindsay's running around the house. Erin shoved that thought away when Sophia timidly held out her good hand and Erin shook it gently.

"You're pretty," Sophia commented, smiling at Erin, knowing that this woman must

be friendly.

Erin's smile widened. "Aw, thank you, Sophia.You're too cute, you know that."

Sophia giggled. "Yeah. Daddy tells me that I have his genies."

Erin raised an eyebrow at Jay, who just shrugged, but the smile on his face never fade.

"She means genes," he mouthed to Erin, who nodded.

"How old are you?" Erin asked the little girl.

"I just turned 5," Sophia held out five fingers and Erin high-fived her, making Sophia giggle again. "I like you, Pretty Lady Erin."

"Aw! I like you too, you little muffin."

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