《A Rekindled Love (A Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson Love Story)》The Knight in a New Castle


"Eddie I have to go." Steve held in a moan as Eddie kissed down his neck, nipping and sucking as he basked in the new love. "And no more of that- I still need to get you back for yesterday morning." Steve put his hands on Eddie's chest and pushed him off, trying to muster a serious face. "Oh yeah? What's my punishment Harrington?" Eddie had a dark look in his eyes and he smirked at Steve as he started to stutter. "W-whatever Munson, I have to get ready for work."

Eddie started laughing and followed Steve up to his room, getting stopped by a hand on his chest. "Where do you think you're going?" Eddie's eyebrows knit together as he looked into Steve's room. "In there? With you." Steve laughed, "absolutely not. I need to get ready and I'm not going to let you in there just to distract me and make me late. Again."

Eddie groaned, "Harrington come on. If I promise to keep my hands to myself, can I come in?" Steve laughed again, "Eddie you're not coming in just to watch me get dressed. And you're making me late!" The other man stood there, his bottom lip jutted out and he gave Steve the puppy dog eyes. Steve groaned, "fine. Fine! If you quit bothering me you can come in. But your face stays in a pillow until I say you can look."

They walked in and Eddie went to the bed, slamming a pillow to his face. "You do know I've seen you naked before, right?" Steve went to his closet and grabbed a shirt and dark pair of jeans off the floor. He took his boxers off watching Eddie to make sure he didn't look and put a clean pair on. "Okay you can look now. And yes doofus I was there when it happened. But if I let you see me naked I'll be an hour late. And that's not happening again." Eddie leaned back against the headboard and crossed his arms behind his head, enjoying the show. "And, you think this is better?" Steve looked over and gave him a 'are you shitting me' face. "I'm not naked am I?"


Eddie raked his eyes up and down his body, Steve burning red and turning around. "Close enough for me." Steve pulled his pants on, jumping to get them over his butt. "You're an idiot Munson." He grabbed his shirt off the bed and put it on spraying on some cologne before going to walk out. He turned back to see Eddie sitting there, just staring at him. Steve smiled, "are you coming freak?" Eddie smiled and shook out of his trance, running to catch up with him. They walked out together and Steve locked the door behind them. "I'll see you later okay?"

Steve went to get into his car, but was grabbed by his hips and turned around. "Woah woah, you're not getting away from me that easy Harrington." Steve couldn't help but return the smile on Eddie's face, "Eddie I-"

"I know, I know. You have to go. Trust me I know. Just answer one question before you leave." Steve rolled his eyes, but put his arms around Eddie's neck, leaning against the car. "What is it Munson?" Eddie stuttered for a second, "are we like- together now or. You know I was just wondering. Because you know- I love you and you, well you love me too. And I- you know. Would you just answer the damn question please."

Steve's smile grew at Eddie's nervousness, and his stomach did flips when he said he loved him. "Is that what you want?" Eddie rolled his eyes, "do you really have to ask? I only want to if you want to." Steve rolled his eyes in return, "okay."


Steve kissed him and whispered against his lips, "okay."

Eddie's smile grew and he jumped Steve, kissing all over his face. He held his cheek softly and kissed him deeply, turning his head to move with Steve. "I love you so much." Steve wrapped his hands in Eddie's hair and pulled him in for a last kiss, "I love you too."

Steve kissed him on the cheek and gently pushed him off, "now I have to go to work Munson, I'll see you later. Don't go crazy. And I love you." He got in his car and backed down the driveway, Eddie standing there holding a piece of hair, trying to cover his smile. Loser, Steve thought.


"You're barely on time. What happened?" Steve made a face at his best friend, "uhm. I'm here aren't I?" He pulled out of the driveway and made his way to their job. "No, I'm not complaining. I'm genuinely surprised. Maybe being away from Eddie for a day was good for you. Is he a bad influence on my poor Stevie?"

"Well, not a full day without him." Robin's eyebrows knitted together and she slowly turned her head towards him, "what do you mean not a full day?" Steve gave her an awkward laugh, "well he kinda came over this morning. I didn't ask him to! He just- wanted to talk and it was super sweet, and I missed him." He mumbled the last part, slightly embarrassed at the amount of emotion he was showing towards the man. "You missed him? It was maybe, maybe, twelve hours since the last time you saw each other. You are so whipped Harrington! And I'm only slightly pissed you got a boyfriend before I got a girlfriend!"

"You could've had one months ago! But no! I'm telling you Robin, if you just be yourself everything will go perfectly. I mean, I think I would know! You had me spilling my feelings for you after a few months together Robin!" She whipped her body towards him, "we were drugged Steve!" He rolled his eyes, "barely! We had basically thrown all of it up out of our systems by then! Wait a second- wait a damn second! Oh my god I'm a god damn genius!" Of course he was yelling this and trying to not to crash, not the safest driver.

"What the hell are you talking about Harrington?" She was grumpy now and Steve's boasting was obviously not helping. "I'll be your wing man! It's spring break! We can go to the drive in! I'll bring Eddie and it can be a double date!" Robin gave the man a dumbfounded look, "Steve, it is 1986. I don't know what part of your brain went missing when you started this thing with Eddie. But we can't just go out being gay in front of everyone. Plus, won't people be suspicious of you hanging out around Eddie?"

Steve's heart dropped at the thought. He hadn't thought of actually being in a relationship with a man, and how different it would be. Eddie and him have been so happy the past week, he hadn't even thought about the fact that they've been couped up every time they've been together. "I-it's fine. We'll go out like four friends. I mean, that's what you and Vickie are anyways, this is just a chance for her to actually get to know you. And Eddie and I, we'll be fine, don't worry." She sighed, "I'm sorry I wasn't trying to be hurtful. You just, gotta think some of these things through. Because people can be way more hurtful than me Harrington. And you're right, you and Eddie will be fine. So don't go and second guess it, he loves you and you obviously love him."

Steve gave her a small smile, feeling slightly better at the reminder of the man. "I know you're right, but we're still going. Eddie can keep his hands to himself for one night and I want to be there for you, okay? It'll be fun." She gave Steve a doubtful look, but then she sighed. "Fine Harrington, we can go on a stupid date."

Very, very excited to write that chapter. Because like, can Eddie keep his hands to himself? SORRY I love chaotic love. Also thinking back to the pain and fear that people had to go through back then really upsets me. Like I feel physical pain thinking about it.

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