《The life of Riley. (Teacherxstudent)(GxG) (COMPLETED)》Chapter 12


Riley's P.O.V

I never get nervous or embarrassed but when I blurted out that I take medication it really humiliated me. I barely knew this woman and I was giving her crucial facts about me. I hate talking about myself to people, I'm not interesting nor do I enjoy people snooping around into my personal life. I walked into the hallway and every student turned towards me. They were all smiling at me, I smiled back I couldn't help but let the confusion build on my expression. They made me feel uneasy, am I in an alternate universe? I was interrupted with my thoughts as the bell rang. Heather saw me in the hallway.

"Riley!" I turned back to join her. I didnt know how I felt about her yet, there was something off about her.

"Hey Heather. How are you?" Keeping things short and simple between Heather and I will do me a world of good.

"I'm very good now I've seen your beautiful face." I laughed her comment off when honestly I couldn't tell if she was joking or being sarcastic. I pondered on the outburst until the blonde spoke again. "Oh, everyone knows what happened on Friday."

My neck snapped in her direction, I stared at her for a minute going through a mental list of events. As far as I was concerned nothing new's worthy had occurred. "What happened? My sister had a seizure and I got called out of class because the first aider was absent."

She laughed. "Yes, and they all think your super girl! Isn't that rad?!" She had excitement in her voice, I stopped in the middle of the corridor. My body began to heat up, I needed to cool down, stat.

I shook my head as I masked the annoyance. "Heather, she's my sister I've grown up with her fits. It's not a big deal." I laughed forcefully, it was either that or slam my head into the nearest locker in hope's to gain sanity.


She gave me a look as if she was debating something. I turned the corner into class to Mrs. Edwards classroom. Who doesn't love 50 minutes of Math's the first thing in the morning?

Mrs. Edwards was smiling at me all period. I smiled back politely. Finally the bell went and we were free to go, I handed her my booklet and she looked at me. "Do you have a minute after class? I'd like to talk to you about your work. I'll write you a note for next period."

I smiled." Sure." If it's anything like lastime i need to keep my cool. I didnt cheat, I know I didnt and that's enough for me.

I made my way over to her desk. "What seems to be the matter with my work Mrs. Edwards?" she smiled widely showing me her yellowing teeth. She was a smoker for sure. I glanced at her hand and found the yellow patch on her index finger, I internally praised myself for quitting when I did.

"Nothing. I'd just like to praise you for the quick thinking on Friday with your sister. The teachers and students were amazed at how collected you were with the scary ordeal." I looked at her. It's not a scary ordeal. My sister has a disability and now the whole school knows, why did people think Yas was the victim and I, the hero. I just wanted to go home and hide away from the world until this blew over.

"Thank you, But I deal with it all the time. I'm her primary carer."

She smiled, dismissively which made my stomach clench."You have an ability Riley. All of us think so. Never lose touch with it."

I smiled forcefully trying not to let the words escape inbetween my teeth with a hiss. "Thank you, Mrs Edwards." I grabbed my rug sack and I headed out. My blood boiled and I needed to cool it down. What was the deal today?

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