《The life of Riley. (Teacherxstudent)(GxG) (COMPLETED)》Chapter 3


I walked up to the exhausted looking teacher."Hi, I'm Riley Wood. The new girl." I grinned. I wouldn't call myself a teachers pet; I treat others the way I'd want to be treated.

She looked at me, flustered. "Oh, hello. I'm Mrs Edwards, take a seat wherever you'd like."

I smiled nodding my head. Creeping over to an empty desk near a girl who was indulging in a horror book. Blonde hair and green eyes, her dress sense screamed hipster.

She stopped reading and she turned to me. Her eyes widening in amusement. "You're new. I'm Heather."

I smiled at her banter. I could see a friendship brewing. "Hi, I'm Riley."

The bell went, and we got told to open our books. "Right then class. Our first topic of the year is going to be Algebra."

The whole class let out a groan. I didn't mind algebra. It was a topic I was strong in, well, I'm academically inclined by some miracle so struggling in subjects was not something I've ever experienced.

"There's questions on page 3 and 4 I want you to complete before you leave . I just want to see where you all are. Bring your booklets to me at the end of this session."

The room went silent. I flew through all the questions, I was the first one to get up out of my chair and hand in my paper.

She looked at me with a dumbfounded expression. "Thank you." She smiled. I walked back and feeling whole classes eyes on me. My self-confidence grew a little bit at their stunned expressions.

The bell went, and I was about to walk out of the class.

"Riley, do you have a minute?" I froze as nodded my head.

I walked closer to Mrs Edwards desk.


She turned to me "Riley, I was looking over your booklet and you answered every single question correctly. You wernt cheating, were you?" she asked, a flush of red went into her cheeks.

I frowned at the blatant audacity of this woman. "What?! God no, I would never cheat. I want to get into college and I want to get the highest grades I can. What? I don't look like someone who can answer questions correctly, Mrs Edwards?" She looked taken aback.

I looked down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to blow up like that. I just felt antagonised because of my abilities. If you'll excuse me I need to go, my sister is waiting for me."

The lady infront of me shook her head. "No Riley, I'm sorry. You're the first student to ever answer all those questions correctly. I shouldn't have judged you the way I did."

I smiled. "It's fine. Let's forget this ever happened. I've really got to run."

She smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow, Riley." I practically ran through the door.

The second period also dragged on. I was strangely excited to see who this new teacher was. It would be nice seeing another new person around. The bell rang, and we packed up our stationary to get to third period. When I got there, a beautiful woman with black hair that was a little longer than shoulder length, it was poker straight with a front fringe, she was slim, but her dress showed her curves. She was pale, but she had a huge smile, she had most probably just graduated she looked young, 24 maybe 25. As I got closer I could make out what colour her eyes where; they were green. She greeted the students and then she got to me.


"Hello, I'm Miss Scarlett." She smiled.

Her smile was beautiful. I couldnt help but let my eyes travel down her face to her lips.

"Hi, Miss Scarlett. I'm Riley, Riley Wood." I introduced.

She smiled holding my gaze for a second too long and chuckled. "Sorry, please. Come in."

I walked through. The only desk that was left was the one next to Miss Scarlett's desk. I took my seat and sat down. I got to see all of her. Her legs were toned, she had a dress on that hugged her small frame, it was a low-cut dress on with flowers on it. It was conservative, but I couldn't help but feel it was almost sexy on her.

She looked at me, she knew I was checking her out and a small smirk started to spread across her face. A wave of deja vu overwhelmed me triggering my curiosity.

"I'm Alexa Scarlett, I dont mind what you call me aslong as its one of those names. I'll be your film studies teacher for the next year." She smiled warmly. I couldn't help but feel as though she was more excited about that than she let on. She gave us our first assignment. "Take basic notes of a screenplay you will have to write for your next assignment." and the brief basically said that we had to make people aware of something like drugs, alcohol, smoking and along those lines.

I tapped my pen on the desk. What can I make people aware of? Then it struck me. Yasmin- Her Disability. When she first found out she was epileptic it made her life hell because of the medication, the doctor's appoitments, then she needed a full-time carer during school hours and the amount of times she had been to hospital due to multiple falls whilst she was fitting.

I looked up and grinned to myself at the idea of doing something for Yas but getting the marks back too, the raven haired was staring at me from her desk. She had an award-winning smile on and she was flashing it at me. I smiled at her showing my teeth. She held a thumb up asking if I was okay and I nodded confidently. I looked down and began to write. A little while later I read over the notes although they looked like an essay.

The ball rang, I waited last so I wouldn't be pushed into the door whilst trying to get out. Alexa looked over at me, she looked like she was going to say something but stopped herself. I picked up my ruck sack, slowly strutting over to her desk handing her the paper. She accepted the paper off me instantly; locking eyes as she brushed my hand with hers.

"I like your passion, Riley." When she spoke that caught me off guard. Clearing my throat I beamed back. "Thank you, I enjoy everything about film and behind the scenes. The way someone can escape from themselves for a little while with a sentence. The way the audience is captured by the plot, the way something on paper just... comes alive."

The older woman looked at me, she held my stare too long, again. I shuffled trying to hold her burning gaze. My heart was punching my chest, my hand still felt tingly, I felt my body starting to tremble.

I looked away hearing my voice crack a little. "I'll see you tomorrow, Alexa."

She smirked. "Yes, Riley"

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