《Greenwood Knight》Epilogue


It was two years after their arrival in Vilamout when Robin first said that he wished to be a knight. He was far too old to enter training, but he was a prince, so exceptions were made and all was arranged. Dermot and Thomas begged leave to return to Greenwood and restore it in anticipation of Robin's return. John, Gil, and Drew stayed in Vilamout with Erec and Gwyn.

In those first years,, he brought peace to Vilamout once more. Thanks to his wise and wonderful queen, a treaty was drawn between Far North and Vilamout. Axel pressed Hugh into an alliance as well, and Hugh accepted, not knowing that his old nemesis Sir Erec was actually King Erec of Vilamout.

Erec expected Hugh to withdraw when he arrived in Vilamout's palace and first laid eyes upon its king. After Hugh got over his initial shock, he was actually quite civil. Hugh was still an arrogant arse, but Erec's crown made all the difference in the world.

"I told you that you would never make an attempt to seize my crown." Hugh had remarked with half a smile.

It was the only reaction that he gave before recovering his usual persona. Erec was no longer beneath Hugh's notice and their truce from years ago gave way to a begrudging respect.

The triad of powerful kings was a force to be reckoned with and peace quickly followed as Vilamout's foes withdrew.

Erec was not surprised that in all the years since, he had never received that invitation to Kingstown. It was just as well. Erec had his hands full saving his own kingdom and restoring prosperity to his own land.

As they rode toward Greenwood, Erec looked back at the royal coach that carried his wife and daughters. His sons rode horseback with Drew and Sofi's husband.

It was quite the entourage and Erec was very proud.


The procession rolled through the gates and courtyard, coming to a stop at the front steps of the castle. Erec took a moment to absorb the impressive edifice. Dermot and Thomas had truly worked a miracle. The ruin that was Greenwood was now a fortified and walled castle, gleaming in all its newness.

The servants were lined up to greet the new Lord as the villagers had lined the road for the last two miles.

Erec knew that Robin was excited, but he maintained his façade of calmness as though taking over his very own title and lands was an every day occurrence.

Erec was exceedingly proud of the boy. Robin was a good man and a good knight.

The royal entourage would stay at Greenwood for a fortnight, when the wedding of Robin and Johanna would take place in the chapel.

After which, the royal entourage would leave the young people to settle into their new life and travel to Brecken Moors Hall for a visit with the aging Baron and his wife.

They sounded well from their letters. Brecken called himself old but strong as he boasted that he would live to see 100. Erec smiled, looking forward to a reunion.

After that, there was a standing invitation to visit Axel in Far North. Erec would like to make the journey, but was uncertain how long their visit with Brecken was to be.

Gwyndolyn informed him last eve that he was to be a grandfather. Sofi and Marshall were expecting their first child.

His first thought was to pummel the boy for subjecting his daughter to the long sea voyage while she was expecting.

Gwyn quickly dispelled the notion when she explained that Sofi did not know. His daughter assumed her stomach upset was mal de mer.

He decided to spare Marshall, though he still wanted to pummel the boy for—


Erec sighed. He hated to let her go.

Sofi was little princess, long before she was a royal princess.

"My King." Gwyndolyn said softly as she came up beside him and touched his leg. "Are you not going to dismount and come inside?"

Erec smiled, knowing he was caught gathering the wool as the saying went. Dismounting, he slipped an arm around Gwyn's waist and walked with her toward the steps.

"I was just remembering."

"It has been a good life." Gwyndolyn agreed. "But it is not over yet. We have many more years ahead of us. Some will be good, and others mayhap not so good. But I shall be at your side, My King, every step of the way."

Erec threw decorum and caution to the wind and stopped to take his queen in his arms and kiss her properly. He did not know how long it was until heard a throat clear conspicuously behind him.

"What is it Drew?" Erec said without turning around.

"Sire, you are causing a spectacle and setting a poor example of decorum for the young people." Erec looked over his shoulder at his old friend and Drew waved to where his children were lined up on the steps.

Robin with Johanna at his side, smiling first at each other and then at he and Gwyn. They bore the smitten look of new love.

Sofi stood beside them and Marshall stood behind her with his hands resting protectively upon Sofi's shoulders. Both of them bore the timeless look of true love as they watched he and Gwyn. Erec noticed that her hands were resting upon her stomach and it made him smile.

Jarek was beside them, grinning ear to ear. Erec knew that his ten-year-old son liked to see his parents happy.

The twins, Breenda—so named after his mother—and Elorna were six. They stood with their nurse giggling as they watched their parents. Gwyndolyn and he were oft affectionate toward one another and so the sight was not a new one to the girls. They would not be scandalized by it.

Likewise, his men—united once more—lined up behind the servants and watched with approval at the warm love between their friend and his queen.

...for Gwyndolyn was Queen of his Heart long before she wore a crown.

The servants, on the other hand, were indeed scandalized. The young women blushed. The old women tutted and tisked. The young men whistled while the old men gave nods of approval.

Erec let his eyes find Robin's and Erec would treasure the look they shared for the rest of his days.

Shortly after they arrived in Vilamout and the work of ruling began, Robin approached Erec to ask about girls. For he had met Johanna that morn and was smitten, though he was barely thirteen.

After a long talk, Robin looked up thoughtfully and said:

"I hope that when I am a man that I can be like you are. I want to be fair and just, but I want to love with all of my heart, the way that you love mother."

Erec recalled the words and as Robin nodded, Erec knew that Robin also recalled them.

"You are right, My Queen." Erec smiled down at her and resumed their walk to the steps. "It has been a good life and will be so long as I have you by my side to share it with me, but..."

"Yes?" Gwyn looked up hesitantly.

"I shall never know what I did to deserve such a woman as you, my wise and wonderful queen."

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