《Greenwood Knight》Chapter 26


"The Devil! I am Deuced." Erec growled.

He did not fault Cameron his desire, but rather the timing. Erec would rather retreat and send the ten forward to scout the tree line with half a dozen archers for cover. Failing that for urgency, he might have a least called for those half dozen archers to give them some cover as they searched.

The men behind him advanced slowly as soon as Cameron dismounted and began to spread out to inspect the scene. What Erec wanted to do was mootable at best and nothing remained save for him to dismount and assist...and pray that he was only paranoid. He determined to do as Cameron had done and draw his sword upon dismount.

It may be that he was helpless and exposed, but damn it, he would have the comfort of is blade in hand. His thoughts so settled, he began to dismount and jerked his head sharply toward the forest as an all-too-familiar whir reached him.

"Arrows!" he shouted seconds before one slammed into him, striking his shoulder at the side and lower edge of his pauldron and sinking deep.

His momentum and the push from the impact tossed him mercilessly to the ground, still partially frozen from the long harsh winter. With his foot yet in stirrup, he twisted as he fell, striking first upon the injured shoulder, and seconds later upon the back of his head behind his ear.

Erec grunted as stars burst in his vision and his body bounced back into the air. In those seconds before he fell again, he was sorry that he had not donned his helm. In the next heartbeat he was slammed once more to the ground. The double blow to head and shoulder kept him from feeling the awkward twist of his foot where it was stuck in the stirrup.

Erec slammed his eyes shut against the dizziness and struggled to get air into his lungs. Battling the urge to faint, he gritted his teeth and pressed his shoulders against the ground, lifting his hips enough to kick free of the stirrup that twisted his knee and ankle at a painful angle. At last, his leg fell to the ground with a thump and he was powerless to do anything save close his eyes and fight to remain conscious.

If only he could draw a breath...

It felt like ages as he struggled before he was at last able to breathe again. In truth it was mere minutes. His first coherent thought was to wonder if his men had been likewise cut down. A heartbeat later he registered the sounds of battle around him: the clash of swords, the rage-filled growls and grunts, the clank and thump of metal upon armor and mail, and the cries of pain.

He lifted his head to look around, instantly regretting the motion as pain seared intensely, burning every nerve from scalp to toe. Hissing air sharply through tightly clenched teeth, he pushed back the blackness pressing in upon him.

At the thundering approach of horses his eyes flew open.

Lord above! He was helpless... Nay! He was not.

He forced aside the shock and pulled his sword, letting it rest upon the ground beside him as he clenched the handle tightly. His relief upon realizing that the riders came from his army burst like a bubble in the next instant, completely as if it had never been. More horses approached. And from the opposite direction.

The enemy charge had begun.

Erec could not get to his feet. Even if he might somehow manage it, he knew that he could not keep to them. The arrow struck him at an odd angel as he was turning. He could feel the shaft pressed between his ribs and the lower edge of his pauldron. Each time he shuddered or flinched, his armor pressed on the shaft, shifting the arrowhead and sent a new wave of pain and nausea.


Which was also accompanied by an almost overwhelming desire to let go and surrender to the darkness clouding the edges of his vision.

Thought the air was cold and the ground frozen beneath him, he felt sweat beading his brow as a shiver racked is body. He let out an involuntary cry. Gulping air, he barely managed to stay awake. A shout sounded too near to him. Turning his head, he peered beneath the skirt of Zeus's armor.

Friend or Foe?

Zeus sidestepped hard and turned his head, ramming his nose spike at the soldier. Erec saw the feet leap back.


Erec tightened his grip on his blade and waited, closing his eyes as he listened and prayed for strength enough to wield it when he was discovered.

Zeus sidestepped again, his back hoof coming down upon Erec's forearm. He let out a cry of pain even as Zeus moved again. Gratefully, between the slightly softened layer of mud and his vambrace the blow was glancing and not bone crushing.

It still hurt like hell, although nothing compared to the renewed pain in his shoulder from his jerked reflex. And because of that, it took him a moment to realize that another arrow sank into his leg a fist-width above his knee.

"God's Teeth!" he growled, feeling a bit like a maiden's pin cushion.

There could be only three or four archers, he thought. Half a dozen at most, else they would all be cut down long since. Few though they were in number their aim was lethally accurate and he knew from the sounds around him that too many of his men had suffered even as he.

Not a pleasant bit of knowledge for a fallen captain. Especially given that they were outnumbered from the start of what he now knew to be a carefully planned ambush designed with a knight's oath and honor in mind.

Suddenly an enemy knight appeared near Erec's feet. For the moment his attention was fixed in dodging Zeus's hooves as the steed kept himself between his fallen master and the foe.

Just when Erec was content to be forgotten among the corpses upon the ground, the foe at his feet realized that Erec was alive. An evil glint sparked in his eyes and he grinned. No doubt imagining his reward for felling the People's Champion. Erec rallied his strength and got a firm grip on his blade. He braced himself for the agony to come and managed to surprise the enemy with a successful block.

"Not dead yet, eh? Well, I shall fix that oversight...my lord." The man's hatred seethed in the last.

"Aye." Erec smirked, knowing he must look an easy target.

Sooth! He an easy target!

The man laughed again and swung his sword in a punishing blow. Erec managed by sheer force of will to keep the blade from splitting him in two.

At least he had donned gauntlets this morn, he thought as he held the blade braced crosswise over himself.

Stepping back his enemy growled angrily and was overconfident as he lunged again, sword raised high. But he stumbled over Erec's feet and crashed upon Erec with enough force to very nearly knock him unconscious.

A wicked glint appeared as the enemy recovered quickly, lifting his sword to since off Erec's head.

With a desperate growl, Erec dropped his own sword, digging deep within for the strength as he gripped the enemy's sword hand.

If his tembling muscles failed him, he would surely perish this day.

Gwyndolyn would kill him for leaving her a widow so soon.


The ridiculousness of the last thought brought a smile to his face. Using his injured arm, he groped between them as he continued his life and death struggle.

"You lose." Erec snarled as his fist managed to draw the dirk he kept belted at his waist.

"I think not—"

The shock on his foe's face was satisfaction for a heartbeat before the pain won out and Erec lost consciousness beneath the lifeless body of his foe.


"There was an ambush." Sir Thomas said at once and turned to the baron. "Drew sent me to beg assistance. They will hold them off as long as they can, but beg that you make haste."

"Where is Erec?" She repeated, interrupting a reply from the Baron and drawing their eyes.

"He was at the front when the first volley of arrows rained upon us. I do not know more, for John and I were sent at once to fetch help."

"He was at the front. He could be hurt..." she swallowed and turned to grab hold of the table with both hands as she leaned for support. Her legs were failing her as she whispered: "Or dead."

Thomas was at her side in a moment. She did not swoon, but she could no longer stand, for she was trembling all over and when Thomas scooped her into his arms, she buried her face against his shoulder and wept.

The baron led them to her chambers and sent a servant for the baroness. When Thomas tried to lay her upon the bed, she stopped him.

"No. I can stand...well, I can sit in the chair. I will be alright. it is only that this news has greatly distressed me."

"It is quite understandable, my lady." Thomas assisted her to the chair and stood nearby. "I did not mean to distress you so. I did not realize you were with the Baron; else I should have waited to give him my news."

"No!" she felt anger rising, "you should not ever delay upon my account. You did the right thing. I shall be well. I am well." She stood, wobbled a bit and locked her knees in a show of strength. "I am well. I shall ride with you when you leave."

"Nay my lady!" Thomas protested.

"Nay child." The baron said at the same time.

"I am here, what has happened?" Alexandi entered, looking from one to the other. "Gwyndolyn, why are you so flushed?" and upon recognizing Sir Thomas her hand flew to her heart as she gasped. "Erec?"

"I do not know, milady." Sir Thomas began.

"We must make haste. There has been an ambush and Erec was at the front when it happened. He could be injured or dead. And even if he is not, there are surely others who shall be in need of a healer. I am going to ride with you. Let me change into something simpler and gather some things from the healer's rooms."

"Milady, you need to rest." Thomas protested.

"You must not leave." Alexandi said at the same time.

"Stop it! All of you!" Gwyndolyn shouted, balling her fists in rage and stomping her foot. She was the smallest in the room, but she had the most to lose. "I am not a child to be ordered about. I am a woman grown and I am a healer. You are in need of my help whether you admit it or not. I shall be ready in a few moments and then I can meet you—"

"Very well." The baron sighed, "as I cannot stop you, at least let me reason with you. Darkness has fallen and these men have ridden hard for two days. They will need rest and a meal and new horses before they leave. Rest and leave at first light. I will send you with an extra horse laden with supplies. I know not what you may need, nor how long you will be."

"I will pack you some things. Several of your simplest gowns, but I will add one of the finer gowns. If you go on to the palace you will need something suitable to wear. I will send a servant to Matilde. She will know what to pack from the healer's rooms, yes?"

"No. I should..."

"You should rest." Alexandi said in a voice brooking no argument. "You shall be no good to anyone if you fall ill. And you have at least two days of hard riding ahead of you. Rest."

"Very well. I shall send Robin with a list. He and Sofi help me often and they will be able to help Matilde with preparing a pack for me."

"I have an excellent memory, milady." Thomas offered. "Perhaps if you tell me your list, his lordship can take me to Matilde and I may assist her."

Gwyndolyn was too distraught with worry to argue the point. Her mind was imagining horrible scenarios but she needed to get control. She put her hand on her forehead and focused for a moment.

"Very well. Are you ready?" At his nod she began to list off the things she would need, starting with the basics, like bandages. She named several of her poultices, a few of her potions, other individual ingredients, and a mortar and pestle to make more. "Have you got that?"

"Yes, milady. Although I am unfamiliar with some of the items. I hope that Matilde will know them."

"She will know them. I would feel better if you would repeat the list."

"Of course." Thomas nodded and recited her list verbatim.

"Thank you." She nodded as the baron led Thomas from the room. She was too distressed to marvel at Thomas' particular ability.

Gwyndolyn was so distracted that she did not object as Lady Alexandi undressed her and put her to bed like a child. Lady Alexandi was still sitting at the bedside a few hours later when Gwyndolyn finally fell into a fitful sleep.


Drew's point of view

Drew watched anxiously as Erec and Cameron led the men toward what he could finally see was a massacre. Drew handled all manner of weapons with lethal accuracy. His extraordinary eyesight gave him deadly accuracy with a bow. So, it was not difficult for him to assess the scene. Even from this distance there was an obvious lack of animals, carcass or otherwise.

His internal alarm sounded seconds before the sound of screams reached them and he turned to see Erec fall.

"Bennett, Double the guards and hold the line. Send Thomas and John riding back to Brecken. He must be warned. If we fail to stop the enemy here, Brecken may be in danger!"

Bennett jerked his chin and turned, spurring his mount to ride hard toward John and Thomas.

"Fitzwilliam, you and your men to me!" he ordered as he turned his own mount and spurred toward the melee.

There were ten men with Fitzwilliam. Drew would rather have John and Thomas at his side, but he knew that Lady Gwyndolyn could also be in danger. As drew rode, he scanned looking for Erec. His eyes landed on Zeus fighting viciously with hoof and teeth, slamming the spiked armor on his head toward is foes.

Drew's heart sank.

Zeus was riderless.

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