《The Baby {COMPLETE}》"The end"


I did receive a text from Helton saying he will leave now, I went to the airport hoping it's not too late

I look around to ask who knows about the Lancaster royal's jet plane

Sh*t Helton where you are? I don't know where to find you

"Is the private jet left?" I ask

"Yes ms. Callie, about 1hr ago" The lady said

"I guess, he leave"

"Who leaves?"

Oh my? h-he didn't?!

"Helton?" Then I look at my back

"That's my name" then he laughs

"I thought you left? H-how?" I was so shock by seeing him right now

"Nahhh, I change my mind.. my mind changes fast when I feel bad on what I want to do" then he raised his eyebrows with a bright smile

This guy is messing around in my head as well.. tskk

"So, you're not leaving? Are you sure?" I ask again

"I'm not leaving anymore" then he ran

"Hey, You're leaving again"

"I'm not go after me if you want me to pay for the taxi" then he laughs

"such a childish j*rk, wait for me!" I shout to him

Everything went great.. Oliver also book the date for our wedding, I waited this for too long, because after all the struggles we faced it end up of him marrying me

I didn't even think the fact that I will be a Queen after that

No kne can step on me ever again, I can fight easily than I am doing right now

I can give a better life for our child then I rub my tummy

It's our wedding day, I was so nervous and I'm even panicking.. the wedding might be ruin by the two witches

Should I stay positive because this is it, this is the day I will marrying the one that I love, and the father of my child

"Bro, thank you for being my best man in our wedding. After all happened to us you are here with us" I said to Helton

"Callie would be glad about it, and of course you're my brother. I will not gonna make a drama again" He said and then laughs

We hug each other as a sign that we're all good now and nothing else will gonna happen

While I was checking stuffs I saw Callie's parents passed by

"If you are looking for Callie she's in that room" I approach them

"Oh well thank you King Oliver" then they smile at me

I saw them getting inside and I went out to assist people around, to check too who will come


I saw mom and dad coming in to my room

"Hey Mom and Dad" I smile to them

"Our daughter is getting married" mydad saids while crying

"Dad it's ok, I love Oliver and it's good for our baby" then I tap his shoulders

"My baby girl is not baby anymore" mom looked at me while crying

"Aww Mom, your baby will have a baby soon" then I laugh

"Stop acting like a kid now Callie, we miss you so much"

"I miss both of you too, I'm glad both of you are safe and here"

Then I hug them, I want to cry but my make up will be ruin

I hear a knock on the door and it's the guard whom guarding me

"M'lady it's about to time, can we go now?" He said

Then I nods and mom and dad assist me, we leave

The best man is Helton and the Bride's maid is I don't know who she is but she's the one who make our wedding spot memorable and wonderful

I went to the aisle, I want to cry in joy.. My dreams are coming true

I did Dad's arm and Mom's arm they bring me to Oliver

Oliver looked at me with a wide smile, I smile back to him and I look at my sides

there is so many prince and princess in our wedding, and the wedding starts

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we came here today to join together with these two young people, Our new King and the woman that he loves that is soon to be Queen" the Bishop saids

Everyone claps their hands

"Stop this wedding! Oliver don't marry a girl that killed her friend!" Veronica shouted at our wedding

Then we look at her and everyone is shock like us

"What! Veronica I didn't kill my friend" I object

"You're a monster, you killed her! guards you should arrest Callie" she shouted

"Arrest her she doesn't deserve the new king" the people at our wedding shouting

"Yes take that monster!"

The guards went to me but before they hold me

"Don't touch her. If you dare to arrest her you will regret it in your whole life"

"Oliver" I was so speechless due I'm nervous as well

"Veronica, Callie didn't kill her friend we saw she's already laying on the ground" Oliver saids

"Yes she didn't kill her" Helton saids then went besides me

"Callie and her friend got in to a fight, that's the reason why she killed her friend"

Veronica saids

"Why you know it than us? Or you're making up something?" I said


A guard hold me tight by my hands, I panic that I tried to let go of me.. but they didn't

Then I saw the old Queen came closer to Oliver then say something to him, He nodded then the old Queen look at everyone

"Let go of Callie! You will regret for doing that to her!" Oliver said

Then the guard let go of me and he knelt down on his knees

"Everyone, Callie is innocent.. she didn't kill her friend, I have a proof" old Queen saids

"M'Queen, w-what are you saying" Veronica saids with a shaking voice

"Veronica killed Callie's friend by her cold blood" the Queen saids then crossed her arms

"That's a lie, M'Queen, how can you do this to me, after all I've done for you!" Veronica shouted

The Queen saids everything, She saids that Veronica planned to kill my friend so I'll be able to that crime, she said that if I was the one in the room where my friend is maybe I am the one who's dead

Gladly I left and Kris tour me around so I didn't got in side by the time Veronica doing the crime

"I can't believe that she do that to Briana" I said

"So arrest Veronica" the old Queen saids

"Wait, where is Veronica?" Helton ask

"Guards find her!" Oliver shouted

We went inside of the palace and to calm ourselves

"Oliver, what did your mother tell to you?" I ask

"Yeah, bro what did she tell you, she become like angel to Callie" Helton ask

"Well, I told you Callie. I am willing to give up the throne for you and our baby. When she went to us, She tell to me that she have evidence that Veronica killed your friend and she will help you out Callie if I give her back the throne, and so on I said yes"

"So really gave it up for me?" I ask

"Yes, I don't want you and our baby got in the jail, I love you Callie. I did it for both of you" Oliver saids

"I love you too, and I have nothing to say to you" I said

"So about the wedding" Helton asked

"The wedding didn't happen, because the scene this earlier but it will happen soon as we're all goods again" Oliver said

"It's ok, I know that my brother will love you forever" Helton said then giggles

It's my birth month, it's about the time where we can meet our baby, due busy passed month we didn't even bother to knew what's the gender of our baby but soon it will be reveal

While resting I had a strange feeling.. this is kinda good and bad

"Um Callie are you ok? What happen?!" Oliver ask

"Yeah, but I think my water just broke" I said

"Wait what? Is that means—" Helton said

"It's time to have baby Oliver" I said

We drive to the hospital as fast as they can, I didn't panic because it might affect bad to our baby

We arrive and they assist everything to me.. Time comes and I given birth to our first born child

"Well, you win it's a baby girl... my little princess" I said to him

"Can I see my niece?" Helton asked

"Wait me first I want to see my little princess" Oliver said

I hand to Oliver our baby I can see in his eyes the flooding in joy face

"Hello my little ones, daddy waited for this for too long to see you now" Oliver said while smiling

Then he handed our baby to Helton

"Aww, look at this cutie she looks like me" he laughs

"You silly" I said

"Haven't you give a name to your daughter?" Helton ask

"No, she looks like me" Oliver objects

"You two are too childish, My daughter's name will be Evie" I said

We got back to the palace and takes rest

"Want to make another royal baby?" Oliver ask the chuckles

"Shut up, lets go to sleep and say good night to our baby" I said

"Good night, my little princess" Oliver saids

"Good night my baby Evie" I said

Then went back to our room

"Shoot, I forgot to change Evie's diaper" I said

"Come on, the maid will do it" Oliver said

"We're her parents don't be lazy" I said

"Ok fine let's go" he saids

At Evie's room

"Oh my! Where's Evie?!" I shout

"Princess Callie, I look every were I can't find princess Evie" the Nanny saids

"W-what happen!?" Oliver asked

"Evie is gone!!" I said

"Wait what?!" Oliver saids

"What going on?" Helton ask

"Someone take my baby" I said while crying

"What? Maybe some just played with Evie" Helton saids

"Hey what's going on?" The Queen ask

"Evie is went miss-" Oliver stops

"I'm holding her, look at her peacefully sleeping" The Queen said

"Why you didn't tell to us that you take her" I said

"Well you didn't show her to me besides she's my grandchild what do you expect?" She response

"We thought she's missing" Oliver said

She puts back Evie the the Cradle then walked away

"I'll ask for permission next time" she added

"Alright it's good to be clear" I said

"So we can all go to sleep now?" Helton asked

"Yes we can" Oliver saids

"Nanny please stay by our baby side ok?" I said

"I will I'm sorry again" the nanny said

Everything went good the Queen is still the Queen, our baby is getting bigger and media already have seen her

And Veronica? She was arrested in other country where they didn't care if she's a princess after killing a innocent human being

The End~

Thanks for reading, LOVE YA'LL!

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