《You're the One (white wolf)》Chapter 25 - the healing


I woke up the next morning, feeling that someone is tracing its finger to my face, slowly going to my neck and then to my shoulder, causing tingling sensations on my body. My heart stops and my cheeks reddened as I feel that his finger trailing down to my breast which fully covered by the duvet. I slowly opened my eyes, only to see a bare chest that I couldn't take my eyes off to. I think I drooled as I heard his chuckles.

Love, if you want my body all you have to do is ask." My cheeks blushed again, as I realized how hot things turned out yesterday and what we had actually did....

I shake my head to get rid of those unholy thoughts early in the morning.

"Why you're shaking your head?" Zander whispers against my neck in his very sexy morning voice. I shake my head as he places a tender kiss on my mark before moving a little to see my face again.

"So, are you feel shy right now?" he asked as a smirk flashes on his lips.

"No.. I mean, I , you .. know.?" I stuttered as his hands glides slowly from my bare back down to my lower back, and then draw circles using his finger, distracting me from what I want to say.

"Stop distracting me!" I whined, he then chuckles and looked at me, "Then what is it?" he suddenly positioned himself on top of me, and I registered what he's trying to do again.

"Zander, not now, you had already a lot last night, I'm.... I'm still sore." I looked away because I don't want him to see my tomato face. He quickly used his finger to lift my chin so that he can see my eyes.

"OK, Love, maybe later again?" he grinned, "What you mean later? What time is it." I asked, looking around to check the clock. "Its 1 in the afternoon."

"What?" My doe eyes got widen, as I heard what the time is it. "What about Ruri? Zander, she's just a child.!" I quickly push him slightly so that I can get out from my bed, when he suddenly speaks.

"Hey, don't worry, I informed my Mom about Ruri, she's with her since she woke up." My mouth shaped as "O" as I heard what he said. I felt relief and take a deep breath. I start to move again as I need to go in bathroom, when he narrowed his eyes.


"And where do you think you're going." I stared to him. "I need to pee, so if you allow me, My , can I go?" he smiled and help me to go there. I'm so tired and my legs are shaking, aside from the pain I have between my legs. He opens the door for me ask if he needs to accompany me inside, which cause me to frown and pushed him outside. I heard him laughing and I start do my business.

I quickly wear my clothes so that we can go now downstairs and have some food. He asked me if I like to eat here and after we can go out to have a tour in the territory.

"I like to eat there, since I'm the official Luna." He looked at me, hold each other hands while walking downstairs.

Soon I can see a lot of people at the dining, Alpha Philip, Luna Audrey, Cole and Nath, their Parents, the Gamma's and the Delta's which I still don't know the name, and Ruri who sits beside Audrey. She quickly get up from her seat and ran to me.

"heyo, Yuna, do you want to eat?" she asked, in baby voice which earned laughter from all the people in the dining. She quickly held my hand and led me to the vacant chair.

Zander just raising his brows, amused by her baby actions. We both sit on the vacant chairs, while Audrey filled our plate of mouth-watering food. She smiled when she saw my face reactions.

While enjoying my food, I noticed that Alpha Derrick, intently staring at me, which cause me to feel anxious, Zander hold my hand and looked to me. "Love, what's the matter." He can feel what I can feel, and I can't tell him that Alpha Derrick is the cause of my uneasiness.

I shake my head and continue eating.

Soon, lunch finished and we decided to go outside. I asked Zander that I'd like to go visit the Day care center. The building was pretty big, and when we walked in, I found out that this belongs from newborn to 12 years of age. Then, we entered a room where there are 15 toddlers all looking around 2-5.

"Good Afternoon, Alpha, Luna, we didn't expect your visits" the Lady said while carrying a very cute little girl.

"It was not planned actually." I replied to her. "My name is Lucy, and I'm in charge in this room." she said, while I smiled and nodded. Once we visited all the rooms, I asked Zander to visit the Pack Hospital. It's not far, it takes only 5 minutes of walking. As we entered the facility, I quickly looked around. I saw the emergency room and turned my face to Zander.


"Zander, I have some Job to do, can you please stay here and guard the door?" He looked at me while I whispered to him that I can heal illnesses and it is one of my abilities. He's reluctant, but nod his head eventually.

I walked towards the person lying on the bed, his eyes were closed, I then moved my both hands to his chest, suddenly a light emitted and heat erupted from my hands, it didn't take long, just only 2-3 minutes before his eyes opened. He was shocked when he saw me, causing the Monitor to fluctuates. The Doctor and Nurses came in hurry, while Zander guide me outside. Soon the Doctor looked at me and then to Zander.

"I am not going to ask you Luna for explanation, but as we checked his vital organs, we found out that all are better now. I mean like it was not damage at all." He explained while I just nod at him and hold Zander's hand. I whispered to him to let us go to the infirmary.

"I'll go, wherever you want to go, My Love." I chuckled and give him a kiss for his cheesy-ness.

We walked together. The infirmary is big. I saw a lot of patients, some in wheelchair, some have leg braces, neck braces and there was this young boy, aged 12 who gauze on his both eyes. I asked Zander to let us go near with them. Zander, then guide me to an empty room, soon he brings the boy.

"Hi, I'm Ava, what's your name." I said while touching his covered eyes.

"I'm Oliver, Luna." I felt some heat again on my fingers and soon light erupted. Oliver quickly stepped back from me.

"Hey, it's alright, don't be afraid. Just calm yourself, trust me." He then stayed where he was and touch again his eyes, soon, I removed the gauze and I asked him to open it slowly.

"Open your eyes slowly." He does what I told him, and soon I saw the glorious blue eyes.

"I-I can... see now..again, Thank you Luna." He cried, which cause Zander to come inside. He was astonished, he looked at me with proud smile plaster on his face.

"I thought, I couldn't ever see again, thank you Luna, because of you my dream to be a great warrior will come true." I can't control my emotions now, tears running down my cheeks and Zander hurriedly consoles me.

Soon, Zander let all the patients to come inside the temporary room I occupied, we asked some nurses to assists us. But nobody can see how I healed them. When we're done, I asked Zander to go back at the pack house. All of them thanks me and Zander was so proud. Suddenly, when we are outside the pack hospital, my head spin and I fainted. Zander carry me inside while he called Cole to pick us.

I felt my back is in soft mattress, when I opened my eyes, a green-eyed man looked worriedly at me. "Hey, easy Love." He helped me to sit up and gave me water.

"I'm Sorry, I thought there will be no harm, when I used my healing power. I'm sorry I make you worry again." I sincerely said to him. He sighed only and kissed my top head. "Avalane, my Luna, what you did there was astounding, nobody, I mean no one can do that, healed 20 patients?" he exclaim, while looking at me. I feel better now, I think I regained back my energy.

"Yeah, it is just, that I feel, I have to do that, that Moon Goddess gave me this gift to help other."

Zander grabbed my face and kissed my forehead. "I am so proud of you, and I am so grateful that she paired me to you, Avalane." My wolf howled inside because of his sweetness.

"I noticed Zander, that from time to time, you becoming cheesy." I grinned while he just pouts at my banter. "Well, only for you my Love."

"Luke, have you heared the news?" Alec, my beta asked. "About what?" really, I don't have any idea what he's asking, as I'm busy checking the packs that I need to visit after, to look and to find my run-away mate.

"Luna Ava, healed the 20 severed patients, including the young boy who's going to be blind!" I quickly stop what I'm doing and look at Alec.

"That's ridiculous right? From being Omega to Luna, and then ? I mean how she can do that?" My suspicion now is correct, she's who we are looking for.

What I have to do now is to plan how I can take her with me.

How I can take her away from his mate..

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