《You're the One (white wolf)》Chapter 11- The Silver Moon Pack part 2


( up is picture of Uncle Jake)

When Ava called me that someone will come aside from Olivia, I was taken aback but I trust her, she said it was Olivia's uncle, Jake, who's one of our finest warrior. Good, because atleast we have more protection going there. We dont know if it safe to go there, and right now, I have second thought of going, but it is the only way to help Ava. And I trust her about this.

I decided to bring my Black SUV because we're four now, it's complicated trip. Sure there's no store or market there, so we need to bring more food, water and important things for emergency.

I hurriedly walked to my room to take quick shower, then I picked some clothes, personal things and arranged all in my travel bag. The food and snack that I asked to my Mother came already. For the emergency tools, I asked Cole and told him that I will explain everything once I came back. My mother understand, she just said to be careful and take care ourselves.

I talked to my father but didnt tell him where I will go, just told him that I will go to my friend for camping, which he believed and not before reminding me again about the alliance that I assure him that I will come back before they even reach our territory.

After I arranged all in the SUV, I drove fast so that I can see my Ava asap. I informed her that I will be there in just few minutes.

When I reached Jake's House, I searched for her because I really miss her. To my surprise the feelings is mutual because as soon as she saw my car parked, she came out from the door and quickly jumped into my arms. I hugged her back and kissed her head, she told me that food is ready for dinner and she ushered me to go inside.

As we entered the house, holding each other hand, Jake and Olivia already sitted at dining table. Jake stood up as respect for me.

"Alpha, good evening, please have a seat and sorry I didn't cook more. I didn't expect that you will come here so fast." He said while rubbing his neck.

"It's ok Jake, anyway we have to hurry up because it will take four-hours to reach the Silver Moon." Then my feet walked towards Jake and I guess he's oblivious for what I will tell.

"Jake, I want to swear with your life, that whatever you see and heard will never come out. Swear to me as your Alpha that whatever we find there will be keep it secret." After saying this, my eyes land on Ava, and She nods her head, meaning that She understood why I need to do that.

"Alpha, I swear to my life that what ever I see and heard will be never come out." And he bowed his head to me.

"Thanks Jake." Then proceed to take our seat. Ava starts to take her food while I just stare amusingly at her. When it comes to food, I probably will nominate her.

When her eyes land on me, and noticed that I am not moving, she took my plate and filled it with food, saying that I need to eat because we have four-hour drive, repeating exactly the same words that I spoke before.

Olivia just smile at us, while Jake suddenly came out with bags on his shoulder and told him to put all in the car.


Once we finished our dinner, we get ready ourselves for our long hour journey.

I decided that I'm the one who will drive but Ava wanted to seat beside Olivia, so I guess I have to accept that. Jake ofcourse has no choice but to seat beside me. He offer to drive but told him after few hours he will.

From time to time, we stop for gas station and allow the girls to do their business. Sometimes I can see that they are taking nap, and soon I asked Jake to replace me.

As I looked at the Old Map, I figured that we're near so I looked at Ava and shake her a little.

"Love, wake-up, we are near." She looked tense, as if she feel something, when I glanced at Olivia her eyes are still closed but I know she's awake. As we passed the border, I felt nothing and it's very silent. Like the abondoned area, no sounds of children who are playing, no sounds of mothers who are talking. None. Just sounds of owls and crickets.

When we stop, at the border of the pack, I felt nothing here. Just like an abondoned area; so quiet, no sounds of children who were playing, no sounds of mothers who were talking. None. Just trees, abondoned houses that vacant for a very long time.

As we entered the center area, what shock me the most is Ava's eyes changed from hazel to red.

One word; Beautiful.

I guess it's her wolf.

While appreciating the beauty in front of me, her eyes rolled back at the back of her head, I was taken aback and feel afraid for a moment, because I dont know what's happening on her. What's wrong with her and when I try to hold her, Olivia stop me.

"Zander No. I think she's having a vision. Let's wait and just observe her." I can't believe what I am hearing, my mate is having a vision? Is it one of her abilities as

White wolf? I looked at Olivia and Jake and they are both staring at my mate, so I did what she said. I wait.

Soon, her eyes come back to red and then to hazel, but what confused me now, is she both placed her hand on her mouth and cried. Tears brimmed in her eyes and my heart breaks looking at her like this.

"Love, what's wrong? Please tell me what's wrong?" I asked while trying to calm her down. I caress her back and say sweet nothings, telling her that everything will be fine.

"Alpha, we need to get inside on one of the houses, she can't stay here outside with her situation." I nod my head and starts to follow him. Olivia walked beside my mate and concern showed on her face.

Jake enter a house and we followed him inside. There's a sofa and rooms and they looked ok, like someone just leave the house. I saw Jake put all our things in the house while I asked my sobbing mate to take a seat. Olivia took water and give it to Ava.

After she wiped her tears and calm down, Ava let out a deep sigh and open her trembling mouth.

"I, I had a V-vision. A-And I knew w-what happened here." She stuttered and I try to soothe her again. I told her she can talk later if she cant do it but she stubbornly shook her head.

" I saw how they k-killed him, A-Alpha Gabriel." We all got quiet for what she said, we just listened until she talk again.


"It wasn't a rouge attack." I knew it, I was right, and I want to tell them that, but I stop myself because I know there's more.

"They were attacked by other pack and not rouge. On the night before the attack, it was peaceful. Families were already inside their houses. When all of the sudden few wolves entered the Alpha House. They knew exactly where to go and what to do. Soon the leader brought outside the Alpha while his wife was held by other."

' That's what the leader asked to the alpha but he didnt answer him and spits on his face instead, in return he kicked and puched the Alpha until he cant move. Soon the leader had enough of him so he divert his attention to his wife. He slapped her and punched her in stomach, really she suffered too much." I can feel her heartache and I want her to just stop but I know she wont do that. So I wait. We wait until she continue.

"The leader saw that they are tough so he pulled out a silver knife, the luna then shout to him. 'but the leader just smirked at her and stabbed the knife to the Alpha's chest. The Luna let out a wail that caused the pack members to get out from their houses. They quickly run to help their Alpha but he was dead already. The leader grabbed by hair the Luna, that stop all of them to come forward, afraid that their kill their Luna. He said ' The Luna shout to her member to join them instead, telling them that it is alright that she will going to be killed anyway, and that made the leader to be angry more, so he asked one of his man to take her somewhere." And we all stunned again, who the hell this leader? Because I want to cut his head off and display it on my porch. And I really respect the Luna, what she did was very noble.

"And I want to tell you all, that Alpha Gabriel, was my father."

Jake eyes wants to come out from its socket. While me and Olivia have our mouth slightly open and not blinking. But Jake recovered as soon as possible.

"How did you know he was your father?" Jake asked. I looked at my mate and saw that she's trying to calm down.

"Because, his She said, then take out her necklace on her neck and showed to us.

" This necklace was given to me by my adopted parents on the day I shift into my wolf. They said it was given by my biological mother. It's a family loom and only white wolf could have and wear this. If you touch it, you will get burn. On my vision, I saw this necklace on the neck of the Luna. And that's confirmed why I have pain in my heart when I saw them first time, they were my biological parents and they sacrificed their life for me." she sobs again and I know that she need it, she need to let it out and I am here to support her.

After few minutes, she stop crying and I know that the three of us has a lot of questions, and Jake didnt waste any minute.

"Luna, I mean Ava, how could you have a vision? Are you a rare wolf or something?" He asked and I dont know if it is alright to Ava let him know that.

"Ava, you can trust us, me and my Uncle swear with our life that we will never tell any soul, whatever you are. You remember? Your secret is safe with me." She said that caused my mate to smile. She swallowed first audibly before opening her mouth again.

"Well, I want you to know that I am a White Wolf, the last one." She states. Jake didnt move, like he has deep thought while Olivia lift up her lips.

"I knew it. I dont want to ask you, because I know you have reason. I know that you were special eversince you helped me at the woods." And that send us confusion, me and Jake raised our brows to both of them, as if asking for further explanation.

Ava try to open her mouth but Olivia beat her.

"It was morning, five boys dragged me out to the woods and planning to do something on me. That time I was caught-off-guard so I couldnt fought them. But before they do more damage, Ava came to me and saved me. That time I knew she's not a normal she-wolf. Who she-wolf can move like a wind and fought five wolves in just 2 minutes? And before they run for their life, Ava commands them to forget what happened." Once She finished telling us the whole story, Jake and I let out a growl.

"And why you didn't tell me this?"

"Why Ava you not mention to me this?"

We both asked at the same time. Jake shoot Olivia a glare, while she just smile at him, and pout her lips.

" When Ava healed me, I forget whatever happened to me that time so sorry if I didnt tell you." Olivia explained while looking at her uncle.

"So does it mean, aside from having vision, she can command and can heal other wolf?" Jake asked but his eyes are on Ava.

"Yes, that's some of my abilities." She replied.

"Some? You mean you have more?" This time I am the one who asked.

"As white wolf, I can hide or block my scent, I can move like a wind, and If I am lucky, I hope I can learn how to use my shield or barriers." She said happily, like she was excited as child receive a candy.

"So it means, your life is in danger, the we still dont know who is he and where he is. He might still looking for you upto this day, so you better be careful ." Jake declared and I'm stunned, He called her Luna.

"Alpha, forgive me but I know even you didnt tell me, that Ava is your mate and my Wolf already submit to her as our Luna." He bowed his head on me and then to Ava. Are we that obvious? anyway jake swear with his life that he will be silent so I think I will not worry about it.

"It's alright Jake, I didnt announce it yet because I thought she doesn't have a wolf and I am afraid for her for this ''."

"Yes, I get it."

"Can somebody explain to me what is all about this Luna Challenge?" Olivia suddenly cut in.

"Olivia, this is where the Future Luna will face to face the challenger in the arena and fight til death. Who ever wins will take the title of the Luna." I explained to her.

"Oh, but I guess you dont have to worry now, Avalane can beat them all." She said proudly but I hope it's a simple only like that.

But it wasn't.

"I am still, why? because Ava shouldn't shift into her wolf, or else everyone will find out that she is the white wolf. The news will escalate so quickly and the might get the information so Ava will be in danger, and this time might much worst. And I cannot let it happen."

"Dont worry Zander about me, everything will be fine." My mate said.

"Sorry Luna, but can I ask you again?" Ava nods her head to Jake.

"Who is this pack that attacked your pack?" hmmm, Jake really impressed me of how to dig some information.

" I dont know and that's the problem, but I saw his face. He was young, like around 20-22 yr old. Oh, and he's an Alpha, I heard one of his pack, called him ."

"And that my Love is the key, we can check who the hell this Alpha on our files and system. And after we knew him, we will send him to his death." Then I kissed her temple and cheek, while the two diverted their eyes and I just ignored them. Soon they looked at each other, as if they talking in their mind. Then after few minutes, Olivia clear her throat and open her mouth.

"Well I guess it's time also to tell both of you about me. But before that also, promise that nobody will know, for now." I looked at her and nod my head.

"Your secret is safe with me, Olive." Ava replied to her.

" Well Avalane, if you have secret, I have secret too, that is, I am , the lost princess, the only child of King Lucas and Queen Ariana Cox, the Crowned Queen and the last Royal Blood of the Werewolves."

And my eyes almost pop out from its socket.

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