《You're the One (white wolf)》Chapter 2 - the necklace


Last night I went to my bed exhausted. Althea whined inside of my head, asking me to run, but I shut her off as I was really so tired and need rest.

No school today, but here I was, awake because my mind is still bombarding of many questions, which I don't know where I could get an answer.

I unclasped the necklace from my neck and examined it.

My eyes got wide because there's some words written in French inside of it.


After that the word disappeared and a new words come into view.

It's a name.


What is the meaning of that?

A name?

Does it have something to do with me?

And to solve this, I decided to go to our pack library and maybe I could get some answers.

Why there?

Well I just follow my instinct.

When my feet strides towards the library's door, someone grabbed my arm and my back was against the wall.

What the heck?

What did I do to be grabbed like that?

Then suddenly his enticing scent says it all. That someone is no other than my mate.

My goddess, of all the places? Why he's here anyway?

"Listen, I'm not ready yet for this Mate thing, I expect you to tell no one about this. Do you understand me, AVALANE?" Zander said while his eyes looked at my hazel one, I can't answer him because his lips are so near to mine.

Sparks flowed over my body as he moved his lips towards my neck, inhaling my scent, until it reached my ear. Butterlies erupted in my stomach as he looked again at me.

"Avalane, did you understand what I said?" I shook my head.

"Words Ava."

"Y-Yes,...A-Alpha, I understand." I whimpered lowly, while Althea whined inside my head, I felt my body will collapse any minute. Thankful that my back leaned at the wall.

Right now, I felt like my heart had been stabbed by thousand knives.

I wanted to cry but I won't show it to him.

So I just hold my breath and calm myself.

I felt his hands on my waist, caressing it while his lips are on the crook of my neck again, giving it some light kisses before turning around and walked away.

I didn't fight any more....

Tears run down like water falls.

I try to talk to althea, but I feel she doesn't like to be reached.

She is hurting too.

Zander can't accept us because he's an Alpha and we have to accept that.

So, I calmed myself and wiped any tears on my face. I have to show to the world that I am strong.

Zander should be out of my head because I have some important things to do, right now.

As I entered the pack library, I was amazed because it is very big, a lot of books at the tall shelves. I don't know where to start until I feel that my necklace is coming little hot and I startled when I saw that it is glowing.

What does it mean?

I looked at it and found that there's another word appeared. Another name again.


I don't have any idea but Maybe the librarian know about this.

I write the name on a piece of paper and show it to her. She told me that it is an author's name.

A french author's name.

I was astonished.

So it means that the necklace is giving me clues.

I asked her if she knows the books that this author created and She pointed me that it is on the far side of the library.


I went there and found out that all the books are old. I checked one by one carefully. Until I found what I am looking for.

It's a medium size brown book, which entitled

When I opened it, I smirked because it was written in French.

I am not bragging but I could say that I can read and understand French, but not so fluent in speaking it.

I didn't waste any minute and start to read it.

From this book, I learned that the moongoddess blessed a young she wolf, because of her kind heart. She was mated to the Alpha of the whowere soon blessed by the goddess with a daughter, who was the first white wolf. The child has the ability to heal other wolf and she can see future. The genes passed on the first-born-female only.

It says that all the male wolf in the family will never produce a white wolf. The explanation was not written on the book.

According to the records here, the last white wolf gave birth to a name Esmee Blanc, who had been married to Alpha Gabriel.

Her name seems familiar, and that's when I remembered that it was shown in the necklace. But it was Adeline Esmee Blanc.

Could it be my mother?

I continue to read again, I found out that white wolf has a lot of abilities.

• Can heal other wolf

• Can make barriers/protective shields

• Can produce light from body

• Can hide/block scent

• Can have a visions (past or future)

• Can command other wolf

She can be as powerful as an alpha, or even more.

Wait, So, does that mean I can have all of that?

"We both have to find out." Althea chirped, and I am so happy that she is talking to me again.

"Hello girl, are you ok now?"


"How could you say that? It was crystal clear that he don't want us before we came here, and it still hurts, you know." I replied.

I raised my brow again.

'Really? And what would be the reason that he cant accept us?' I replied.

' For now I don't know, but give him chance Ava, he still our mate and he didn't say the word of rejection.' I am so done, so I blocked her out because the way she talk, as if Zander is a Saint. Well he's an asshole and if he doesn't like me, then fine! I will not insist myself to him.

And at this moment, I don't like to think about anything else, as there are more important things to care about.

"Hey do you think our parents still alive?" I asked Althea.

"I am not sure about that, though we have to check some records, but doing that, we have to get some access to the files inside the pack house." She said while thinking how we can have access?

"Right, but how? You know we can't go there. Unless we have to work there you know." I said calmly.

"Why not?." She chirped and jumped again in my head, like she gets her favorite gift on Christmas.

And I know the reason why she's overjoyed, ofcourse she can be near to his mate, leaving me nervous. Just thinking about his pretty face makes my knees wobble.

"So what we will do? We will work there as what? Maid? Cooked?" but I don't know how to cook, so I crossed it out.

"We can be his personal maid." She suggests which shocked me.


"No can do. He will not accept us." I informed her. He will probably kick me out once he saw me inside the pack house.

"But we have no choice, how we can check and have access to their files if we are a cook? Making laundry? And you don't even know how to cook!" She blurted out, she has a point though, if I will be his maid, I can sneak to his room or office.

"Hey, you don't have to tell to the world that I can't cook!" I snapped at her, even thought what she said is true.

"I am just telling the truth you know, and your cook sucks!" She smirked at my head.

"Shut it Althea. Our subject is to know how to get enter the pack house, and not how my cook sucks according to you." I pout at her.

"Ok fine, but do what I said." she replied before blocking me out.

It's time to go to my work and the librarian told me that they need to close now. I still not finish the book so I asked the Librarian if I can borrow it and return by nextweek. She said ok and I quickly get out of the library and went to the Cafè.

"Ava can you take the order of table no.6." It's Sally my colleague.

"Ok." I simply replied, I get ready and take my notes and pen. I was abruptly stopped and shocked at the same time, because of my mate's presence who's sitting beside his girlfriend, Nathalie. Well, she's gorgeous, I can't argue with that. Long black hair with curved body, I am nothing, aside from the fact that she's Beta's daughter. My mate looked pissed and I don't have idea why.

I avoid his gaze and look to the two guys sitting on the same table, Cole our future pack's Beta and Mark, the future gamma.

"Hi, welcome to Cup and Joe café, what may I bring you to drink?" I look first to Cole, glad that he's smiling at me unlike my mate. He told me his drink, while Mark took the same.

When my eyes land at Nathalie, she not even glance at me as her eyes glued only to my mate.

"Just give me water." She said lazily, happy that she can talk so that I can finish my job here.

Finally, I looked at him and I swallowed audibly.

"A black coffee for me." Goddess, why he needs to have a very sexy voice. Althea suddenly purr inside my head.

"If his voice affect us so much, what more if he shows us his naked bo-." I abrupty block her out and send her far away.

' What a horny wolf.'

I quickly excused myself and walked quickly to get their drinks.

After few minutes...

This time I am really nervous. I know why because his gaze at me never break as I walk towards their table to place down drinks.

After placing their drinks, Zander is frowning and seemed bothered. I followed his gaze and found that he's looking at my legs upto my butt. I raised my brows but eventually ignored him.

Does he has problem with my uniform?

"So, are you ready to have your order now?"

"Can you give me double patty cheese burger." Cole said happily, this guy is a mood.

"I take the same just without ketsup and tomato." Mark said.

" Just veggie salad." Nathalie ordered. I smirked.



I looked to Zander and noticed that he's smirking at me.

'Did he noticed me smirking at his girl?'

"Just give me also double patty burger but without cheese, with tomato and ketsup ofcourse."

"Ok" I replied to my mate, and then quickly turned away.

I give their order to my colleague and excuse myself to go to the bathroom to check myself in the mirror.

Why he looks annoyed? Is it because of my short skirt? But what can I do? This is our uniform.

But I stop myself from thinking that he was bothered because of what I am wearing, as if he cares.

He has a girlfriend for Christ sake.

Suddenly a knock stopped me from minding more about him. As I opened, Sally told me that the food is ready to serve.

I took my time walking towards their table this time. When I place the food of Cole, he accidentally touch my hand that cause me to startle. But it's not only that, someone let a growl.

And it's none other than Zander.

He looks really pissed and his knuckles turned white.

I quickly finish the serving and leave.

When I check up on him, my heart is in pain because his attention is focus now this time to the lady beside him. Jealousy consumed me, but I throw it away. I can't let my guards down. Not now.

When I finished my work, I went straight to the woods, to have a run as I was little edgy and so is my wolf.

There's a tree to hide so I quickly removed my clothes and tied it on my legs and then shift to my wolf and run.

It was our first time to run and the feeling was great. We went to the bushes and jumped. We rolled on the ground like a child. We fortunately saw a rabbit and Althea asked me to let her take control but I feel pity to the rabbit so I told her to just let her go. And I am ecstatic because she didn't argue with me for the first time.

Time come and we feel we need to go back. But the moon is so bright that we decided to go to the lake. That lake is near our border and owned by our pack but strictly forbidden to swim because of risk, specially rouges.

As I arrived at the lake, I sensed that no patrol is near so maybe I can swim. I shifted back to my human form and dived. The water is amazing, warm and peaceful, atleast it helps me swept away my tiredness. I spend for as far as I know 30 minutes and I think I should go back or else someone might catch me. I quickly get out from the water and gathered my shirt and put it on.

It didn't take long for me to reach our house as it is close to the border. I quickly took a hot shower and after a few minutes I grabbed my pajamas and put it on.

I guess the run and swim helps my mind because I felt so relax now. So I quickly dipped my body under my duvet and closed my eyes. I forget everything else except the one person. I let out a deep sigh and wait for the sleep to come around.

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