《Arranged Marriage to The Devil》Chapter 27: Explain?



I shouldn't have turned around.

Because now I am kissing the floor with a heavy teenage boy on my back.

"Alex I'm so sorry.."

The boy gotten up and extended his hand out for me. I taken the offer and stood up then dusted off my pants.

The guy picked up his skate board and looked down at his feet with guilt. "I'm sorry for that. I lost my control over there,"

"It's okay, I--"

I stopped mid-sentence. Of all people I get pushed to the ground to, it had to be him. I picked up my bag off the floor and turned around towards the direction I am heading to "Whatever."

If I knew the guy was Eric I would of kicked him in the chin by now. So instead I'm walking away. Like a mature person would do.

"Come on Alex!" He yelled while walking away towards me.

"Sorry I'm trying to recreate the way you ditched me the other day." I remarked back at Eric.

Eric slouched his shoulders. He was feeling beyond guilty. "Alexandra--"

"Don't call me that!" I barked and marched inside the library.

It's now March break and I can finally relax for a whole week just before my birthday, that is coming up this Friday.

But I am having one obstacle to face.

My parents and the Carter's likes to host a "Spring Gala".

Where they invite rich people, maybe some famous business people and they negotiate about different deals or agreements.

I never attended The Spring gala's but I have to this time. Mom thinks since I am turning eighteen I need to start going to "Adult like events".

But I feel that their is more to this, event. Or I'm just overthinking.

After school I wanted to drop off all the library books I have read, I walked inside the library and notice that their was a music program going on.

Children were playing several different instruments. Saxophone, guitar, piano, drums, tuba. You name it!

I have volunteered my time there, teaching some the kids a few notes and such in the tenth grade.

You're guys mind must be blowing because yes, Alexandra Thomason plays a few instruments or at least knows how.

I learned them all from Dad . He was secretly a musician and wanted to play live performances but since his parents never allowed him to, he became a lawyer instead. Being a lawyer never stopped him from busting out the guitar or hitting a few keys on the piano around the house.

That's how mom fallen in love with him. Through music.

They were both attending the same university at the time. Dad use to play in a band for this Cafe that the university students would go and relax. Every Friday they would have a nightly gig and almost the whole city would come to enjoy dad and his bands music.


Their was one night when mom and her friends came to listen to his music and she loved it. They kept on glancing at each other all night until his gig was up.

Apparently from how mom explains it that; he jump off the stage and walked straight over to her. He extended his hand and introduce himself. Mom said they had the most romantic moment of all time in the cafe. They stayed there all night talking about everything .

Dad then offer to take her on a date, she couldn't say no.

Sadly, how Dad remembers it, is that he went over there tried to get in her pants, notice she was a difficult one and had to ask her on a date...

I sometimes wonder if I get my romantic gestures from my Dad. But then again when do I even go on dates?

My mind trailed over the topic I been much avoiding for the past two months. University.

I applied to various of school I see myself going to. I applied to UCLA and University of Pennsiyvania for a four year program for journalism.

I love to travel and would like to travel the world. I would like to write about my experiences and share the news with others. I also like to take photographs of nature. I believe being in a different country can allow me to understand what others are going through and learn different cultures.

We usually hear from Universities around early April and I'm terrified. What if I don't get in? What happens if I become a hobo?

I mentally smacked my forehead. The thoughts that go through my mind?!

Looking through the book shelves I noticed a mysterious person on the other side. "what the--"

"Alexandra let me explain!"Eric whispered.

I stormed away from the shelves, "This guy doesn't listen, does he?" I grumbled to myself.

Eric tripped over his own feet. "Alex I'm sorry about the other day. I just didn't know what to say.."

"What to say?!" I harshly whispered.

For a millisecond there I forgot I was in a library.

He walked around the shelves and stood in front of me. "Can you allow me to explain? Or are we going to argue in a whisper tone?"

I felt my face boiling up. Just Eric standing in front of me makes me want to punch him. No! Tie him to a chair and push him down 12 flights of stairs that is leading to God knows where!

It seems that I am bit harsh, but that's how I'm feeling! am I allow to express how I feel?

Eric took a step backwards. "It'll be quick. Outside, where we can speak louder."

I crossed my arms over my chest and tapped my left foot furiously on the carpet floor. "no now,"


"Here?!" Eric shrieked.

We both tilt our heads to the side to notice the librarian making a shushing sound in our direction. He turned his attention towards me again and unstrapped his helmet off of his head. "Fine. Let's go sit."

I lead the way to the teens area which was surprisingly empty. I pointed to an empty chair and then sat down in the other.

Being the impatient person I am, I said "Okay now explain,"

He opened his mouth and told me how he was ashamed on what he had done and how this "agreement" he had with Andrew didn't actually involve me what's so ever.

"Alex, both Andrew and I have this deal that didn't exactly involved you per say. We don't like each other over the various of years. It may seem that I was in their 'crew'

But I wasn't. Andrew and I acted like we enjoyed each other's company, but we didn't see eye to eye with things.. It's a guy thing I guess?" He ended his explanation by scratching his head nervously.

I tried to believe, really I did but it was hard to.

He could be telling the truth? I thought


Eric looked into my eyes, "Yeah?"

I sighed. "Everything you are telling me is one hundred percent true?"

He stares me in the eyes and nodded his head. "Everything I am telling you is true."

I suddenly felt a weird feeling but I shrugged it off and sent Eric an genuine smile. "Okay so what's your plans for march break?"

Both Eric and I went into a huge conversation about our plans for the march break.

"I'm going back to my uncles for the week to help on the farm and spend some time with a few of my friends." He said.

"That'll be nice," I paused, "Unless it's not nice then I don't know what to tell you."

Eric chuckled to himself. "No Alex, I am happy that I am going. It'll be break from all this chaos that is happening."

I looked down on the floor. I know he was implying that most of the chaos is between both Andrew and I. But he also partake in the chaos too.

"Alex," I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at Eric staring at me with curiosity. "You doing okay?" He asked.

I nodded my head, "Yeah I'm fine, just went into a daze."

"Yeah you did, but I asked you what you were doing for the March break?"

I hummed in thought, "Well, My family and the Carter's are hosting their annual Spring Gala then I think I'm having a party for my birthday. I'm not so sure," I explained

Eric smirked, "I remember when your mom wanted to ask you to attend the Gala and you ran to my house in your bare feet!"

everything he is saying is true. Yes I did run to his house in just my bare feet and he forgot to add I was in my sleepwear too.

I was fourteen at the time and my mother thought it was "Time" for me to attend one of her Annual Spring Gala's. She was talking so much, bringing out a dress she has been saving for this moment. Before she came back I was running down the street towards Eric's house.

He nodded his head in agreement, "Well that'll be fun, I guess. But I have to go now. I still haven't packed my things to go and I leave in the morning," His cheeks turned a lighter shade of pink. It was adorable.

Hold up! What did I just say?!

I nervously smiled, sometimes my mind needs to shut up. "I should too, I have to deal with my mom frantically going around the house, telling people what to do for the gala."

We both stood up and it was that very moment where; a) we give each other a friendly hug or b) awkwardly walk away.

Eric extended his arms but then paused, "I'm not sure if you want to hug or not. It seems like your constipating if you want to."

I rolled my eyes and extended my arms out. "Fine I'll hug you."

He scoffed, "You act like you haven't hugged me before!"

I leaned in to hug him and I said, "I have but that was years ago,"

Eric relaxed a little and dropped his chin on top of my head. I wrapped my arms his waist and relaxed. This is weird.

Super, duper weird.

Is that even a word? Duper?

He smelt nice. It was a nice cologne, not so strong but also enough to enjoy smelling every once and awhile. He lean away, I felt a cold rush passed by me. I felt weird.

Really, really weird.

Eric picked up his skate board and strapped on his helmet. "I'll see you for your birthday Alexandra," Then he left.

I am not sure how I'm feeling at the moment. I want to rip his head off for calling me Alexandra but at the same time I felt okay, a bubbly feeling was creeping inside of me.

I hope these feelings are not what I think they are.

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