《Arranged Marriage to The Devil》Chapter 25: Almas Diner


After coming home from Ashley's bakery shop, I have to say Andrew started acting strange. He wasn't being his usual playful self. He was truely acting like we were together.

Now don't get me wrong, we had the deal going on aand of course I won because I'm just that awesome orr he just allowed me to win.

Yeah that's how it went. But nevermind that.

I was on Netflix watching 'Orange is the New Black' when suddenly my phone started ringing. Without looking at the caller ID, I answered "Hello?"

"Alex? Hey I'm surprise you haven't changed your number,"

I rolled my eyes, "What do you want Eric? I'm busy at the moment."

He lightly chuckled "Please! Watching a TV series is not being busy. Thats just you being a loner."

I slammed my laptop down angerily; even though he guessed correctly what I'm doing doesn't mean I'm not allowed to get all offensive. "Well now I'm not. What do you want?" I snapped

"Hey, hey! I didn't call to get you all angry, I called to see if you wanted to hang out." He paused, "As friends."

I thought about it. Would it be a good idea to go out with Eric? I am upset with him still and plus I am hungry and I certainly doubt mom is coming home anytime soon.

Picking up my keys, I stood up "Okay fine, and I'm only agreeing because I'm hungry, So I can pick--"

"No, no, no it's fine." He interupted, "I can pick you up in lets say 10? We can go to the diner down the road?"

"Sure, Just text me when you're here."

We both said our goodbye and finished the phone call. I walked over to my closet and paused. Why am I getting ready to go to the diner with my ex boyfriend? I looked down and saw I was still in my pj's from this morning and my hair was a mess.

Maybe if I just brushed my hair, put on a plaid shirt and jeans, it wouldn't be so bad right?

Going inside my bathroom, I brushed my hair and my teeth (Just incase I had bad breath) and also changed my clothes. After I was done I gotten a text from Eric saying he was outside.

Running down the stairs I sent a quick text to mom and also Carlos informing them I was going out for dinner with a friend. Locking the door, I turned around to see Eric standing outside of his car staring at me.

"Why are you standing outside of your car?" I asked while walking over, "Shouldn't you be waiting inside?"

He opened the door "I wanted to be a gentlemen and open the door. Is that bad?"

I smirked and shook my head, "No but since when you're a gentlemen when you live like a pig?"


I sat down in the car and he slammed the door, "Touché" He mumbled

He walked over and blucked himself inside his car and drove off. I looked through the side mirror and seen a shadow coming from my drive way. I turned around and didn't see the shadow anymore.

Eric glanced over at me, "Whats wrong?"

I glanced over at Eric and shook my head, "Nothing, I thought I saw my parents driving up the drive way."

"Don't you tell you're parents you were going out? Because it would be very iresponsible if yo--"

"Don't worry I did dip-shit," I said, "My mom doesn't check her phone while she drives. She's like that."

He looked over at me then at the road, "So Thomason, how are things?"

"Swell, how are things with you Truman?"

"Swell? Who says swell these days?" He chuckled, "Are you saying it so you don't have to tell me anything?"

I titled my head to the side, "Maybe? Why did you want to hang out? Of all people you could of called, you chose me. Why?"

He stayed slient for a moment then sighed, "Well Thomason--"

"Don't call me that, you know my name,"

He smirked, "Well then Alexandra. I wanted to hang out with you because I was doing the exact same thing you were doing; Watching Netflix and suddenly my stomach started growling. So I randomly chose a number in my phone and I guess you were the lucky person I called."

I rolled my eyes, "Eric."

He slowly moved his eyes towards me direction, "Hmm?"

"That was one the most pathatic explanations I ever heard. Just admit it, you wanted to hang out with me so you made up this whole fascade just to hangout,"

He parked the car at the diners parking lot and turned off the engine. "Alex, you're starting to become full of yourself. I did not choose to leave my bed to hang out with you. I was expecting to hang out with anyone and I guess I didn't scroll far enough because you're name came up."

I rolled my eyes and got out of the car.

I may have agreed to go on this lunch hang out but I must have forgot how much of a dick he is.

I shook off the anger and pushed open the door to the diner. The door dinged and I was welcomed to the smell of fresh made French fries and the 70's vibe.

We walked over to a booth and began gazing over the menu.

"Soo... How's life?" Eric asked

I looked up from the menu, "Is this how you make small talk? By asking how's my life?"

He dropped the menu closed down on the table, "Okay I get it. What I did a few years ago was wrong, absolutely wrong. I shouldn't have made all those mistakes just to become popular. Now I can see why you're like this; I want to apologies for my actions and the way I treated you any way possible. But can I at least have a chance to make up for it?" He apologized


I froze, he's actually apologizing?! After all these years of mourning over his actions, I finally gotten that apology I been wanting for a few years now?

I cleared my throat and sat up straight, "Well your apology is not accepted,"

His facial expression turned into a frown.

"but! I'm willing to give you a second chance as friends!"

His eye brows roses up excitedly. "Thank you,"

I wanted to ask the question that I have been wanting to ask for a while but it just couldn't come out.

Why do you and Andrew hate each other?

The question was at the tip of my tongue, until suddenly the waitress came over.

"hi guys, welcome to Alma's Diner; what can I order for you?"

"can I have the veggie burger special and a diet coke?" He ordered

Since when does he care about his weight?

The waitress looked over at me, I cleared my throat "Can I have the double cheese burger special but can you make the fries a large size not medium and for a drink I'll have a Dr.pepper."

She wrote everything down then looked up and smiled, "You're order will be ready in 10-15 minutes,"

We both mumbled thank you and was covered with silenced.

"since when did you eat more?" He asked

I folded my hands on the table, "Well since when did you order like you're on a diet?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "Well one thing for sure I am not a girl and I shouldn't be categorize as a girl just because I as a male would like to eat something that is not from an animal!"

I given him a look to start his story, and he chuckled

"When I moved away, I went to this farm my great uncle owned and he told me he was going to the house. Then would walk all the way up a hill and then down a hill. But I wouldn't know where he was going or what house he was talking about.

So then one day he asked me if I wanted go with him and I agreed thinking, "This won't be so bad, I'm just going to this house he keeps talking about,"

He walked over the hill and then walked down the hill and all you saw was cows lined up one by one being sucked into a tight spaced to be slatered.

Even the oldest cow was being used to go to the factory to be made into what we eat; hamburgers."

Suddenly the waitress came over with our meals . "enjoy you meal!!" She chirped then quickly walked away, maybe to grab someone else's order.

"I'll try to," I mumbled then took a huge bit out of my grinned up cow.

From this day on I'm never eating a cow again.

Eric took a bit out of his veggie burger, "I totally forgot how Almas burgers were! I missed them so much!"

I nodded my head, "Yeah and the same people are still here working,"

He looked shocked, "Really?? Even Sandra?"

"yeah," I said, "But she might be leaving. Let's cross our fingers that doesn't happen."

"Yeah because who's going to make the special burger sauce?!" He protested, "I can't eat Almas burgers without Sandra's secret sauce."

I took another bite of my burger and swallowed. "would you like to tell me more about your time which ever place you went to?"

He swallowed his food and nodded his head, "Sure I love too,"

For the past two hours we were sitting in Almas Diner talking about his time away. He learned a lot being near his family.

"This may be my childhood home but over there was absolutely amazing! I might go back after high school,"

I stirred my drink. "Can I ask you something,"

He took a sip from his drink, "Go ahead! I been talking for almost two hours, what's your question?"

This was my only chance of asking and I feel like now is the right time.

"What happened Between you and Andrew?"

His face drained from colour. It's like I told him his favourite band broke up. He looked lost for words.

"I can't tell you,"

I felt my cheeks getting heated up, "And why not," I spat

He sat back in his chair, "Because if I tell you then you'll look at everything differently,"

"what do you mean I'll look at everything differently?" I was confused .

He ran his hands through his hair, " it's just... We made a deal."

"who made a deal?!"

He looked down at his folded hands and mumbled, "Andrew and I"

I picked up my purse, and dropped a few bills on the table, "You know, I was this close to forgiving, but then you bring up Andrew again!!" I got up and left.

"Alex!" He stood up from the booth, "Wait!"

I opened the door and let the cold breeze hit my face. It felt refreshing being outside. Especially when you're upset!

"Alex can I explain please?!"

I faced Eric, "Explain what?! That both you and Andrew have this messed up deal you don't want me to know?! that you can't tell me anything that happened?? And the deal must involve me right??"

Eric stood there quietly, nervously moving his feet. "Alex I'm sorry.. I just can't tell you!"

Before I could protest, he gotten in his car and reverse out of the drive way. Driving off down the road, leaving me in the empty parking lot. Alone.



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