《Arranged Marriage to The Devil》Chapter 22: Valentines Day


Everybody says that high school sucks, I can totally agree. But the one thing I hate the most about high school is;

Valentines Day

Valentines Day is a day for guys to make up for how much of a d*ck they are to their girlfriends. Or a guy gets the guts to ask out a girl they have feelings for on a date. Which I think it is totally stupid, guys or girl shouldn't wait till Valentines Day to do something for the person they like. Just do it on a regular day and you're good.

But Feburary 14th isn't just a normal day at my school. It's basically a holiday but yet we still go to school on this day (another reason why I hate Valentines day).

"Oh cheer up you little grumpy head, it's Valentines Day! We get to see guys and girls act all romantic to their love ones," Leah said happily

I rolled my eyes, "Just because you like Valentines Day, does not mean I like it too," Leah loves Valentines Day to the point where she spends a whole week talking about it! She wears red, white or pink on different days until the 14th comes up and she actually goes all OUT.

It's basically part of her religion, she matches up a few people together, bakes a bunch of themed goodies and distributes it around school.

"Leah I think you have enough of spirit for the both of us," I told her

"Exactly, and remember that little miss grumpy over here has to go cake tasting with me today, can't allow her to be to all upset about not having a date," Andrew told Leah then ruffled my hair.

I fixed my hair and glared at Andrew, "You'll already on my dead list, don't push it."

Since in the winter time I had brunnette hair color, mom thought it was a good idea to go back to blonde since my hair isn't bright red anymore. I think she was more upset at Andrew for that then I was.

Leah sighed, "I can't believe you're ditching me on my favourite holiday of the year,"

I scoffed, "Please! You have a date tonight at the cafe."

Oh! I completely forgot to mention every year, Leah finds a date who wants to spend the 14th not alone or a guy she likes at the time. They go a cafe and hear love songs all night (cliche I know)

Leah glanced over at Andrew and then at me, "I'm really sorry for your parents, shouldn't they be spending this day away from you guys?"

I never really thought about it until now. Mom hasn't talked to me about her and Carl doing anything for the weekend I should talk to her today about it. Just then the bell run for first period. We said our goodbyes to Andrew and started walking to our first period class; Math.


"It's weird seeing you guys getting along and not glaring at each other anymore. I'm so used to you guys fighting and now that you're not; scares me," Leah explained

"It was weird at first but not anymore, he usually comes over after school and we basically watch movies or play board games with Alec,"

Leah giggled, "You guys seem to be having a fun friendship," She said sarcastly, "But have you found out about the secret admirer?"

I face palmed myself, "shoot! Why did that not cross my mind at all?!"

The necklace from Christmas is locked inside my closet and hasn't been touched. I still haven't put some thought into my mystery person Alec has an idea who it's from, neither my parents.

We sat down in our sits and waited for our teacher to arrive, "You been busy with your mom and aunt naggging you about the wedding.. Maybe we should go to the mall sometime and check it out? We could get some infomation from there,"

nodding my head in agreement, I took out my books for class and waited for the teacher to start today's lesson.


"MOM!!" I yelled out


"I swear if you're playing a prank on me I'm going to hit you with a bag of bricks!" I yelled out, since the time I went over to Andrew's Treehouse, I told mom the story and every time I mention a bag of bricks she starts laughing.

And I still hear silence, No laughter.

I walk into the kitchen and see a pink note with a rose taped to it,

Dear, my loving daughter

I forgot that today was Valentines day, and today Carl surprise me by taking me away for a 4 day weekend! Please do not be mad about missing the cake testing, I know you were looking forward to it!

FYI I was not. You are wrong mother.

We will go to the bakery when we come back, Carl put some money in the account so you can buy food or anything. We love you very much and we're also sorry about leaving you alone on this lovely day. Text me when you see this,

love lots, Mom

P.S Happy Valentines day (Here's a rose for my loving daughter)

I picked up the red rosed and looked at it; She could of wrote

'Carl is taking me out for the weekend, money in the account, love lots mom.'

But nope she just had to add the fact that it was Valentines Day and also how alone I was on this day too. I took out my phone and texted her that I read her note and also accepted her "apology".

Just when I was going to put my phone down, it started to ring. I glanced at the ID caller and appeared Andrew's name, I slid the answer button and sighed, "If this is your way of teasing me about how I don't have a Valentine then please hang up."


"Uh no," The door opened to show Andrew at the door with bags in his hands, "My parents aren't here either and Alec went to the club tonight to find some desperate girls and I hate being home alone,"

Putting my phone down I said, "Why didn't you just joined your brother? This wouldn't be the first time he sneaked you into a over 21's club,"

He put the two bags down and sat down on a island chair, "I hate going out on Valentines Day, I usually stay home and watch movies or skype Ally who makes me get along with her recent hookup."

I look inside the bags and their was; Brownies, whip cream, M&M's, Smarties, Fast and Furious DVD's, and some ice cream. "Andrew... Are you going through a break up?!" I teased him

"I'm not going through a break up, I just thought that if we're going to spend this day together we might as well eat in style and also watch action movies instead of romance, I don't think I could handle that." He shivered

I crossed my arms, "Who says I want to spend my Valentine's Day with you,"

He looked towards the bags, "Since you were going to sit here alone eating junk food and watch movies, I thought you wanted someone to join you but I guess not..." He picked up his bags and started slowly walking to the door,

I rolled my eyes, "I didn't say no!" I told him

He quickly turned back around and headed to the living room, "Great! I'm going to start the movie,"

I followed Andrew into the living room and sat down on the coach, "Since it is Valentines Day I think we should watch something more romantice," Andrew stated

"Just a minute ago you didn't want to watch romantic movie, " I said

Andrew put in a DVD and sat down right beside me, "We're not, it's going to be a romantic Comedy. Where we can laugh and also cry at how the boy and the girl get together,"

I scoffed, "For your infomation I won't be crying, I think you'll be the one crying."

"Okay the last time I cried at a movie is when we watched Marley and Me, even you cried at the end!" He protested

I didn't want to admit to him but yes I cried at that movie. It was a sad moment and I just love dogs. "Well this movie is different; it's going to be a cliche movie where they both meet at a random place and then fall for each other through out the movie-- By the way what movie are we watching?"

He picked up the case and showed it to me, "27 Dresses,"

The movie started playing and it was a girl talking about weddings, I groaned. "Couldn't you have chosen something that wasn't about getting married?!"

"Hey!" He shouted out, "That was the only Romantic Comedy you had here, all your mom has is the Notebook and other Nicholas Sparks movies,"

I gasped, "Andrew Carter! I didn't know you knew anything about Nicholas Sparks,"

He took a brownie and bitten into one, "When you have a cousin like Ally, you basically know everything for a girl," He said with his mouth full

We stayed quiet for a while and enjoyed the movie. I sometimes kept on glancing at Andrew and notice how so into it he was. He hasn't picked up his phone once or even notice that I was staring.

Still looking at the TV he said, "I can't believe I'm saying this but this scene is my favourite,"

My eyes bugged out, "You watched this before?!"

He looked over at me and blushed a little bit, "Like I said, when you have a cousin like Ally you basically know everything for a girl; even the movies."

"Why is this your favourite part?"

He put down the empy tube of ice cream and paused the movie. It was at the part when Jane crashed someone's wedding to admit that she had feelings for Kevin. "I like how it's not the guy who is apologizing for messing up but the girl. If someone messes up I want them to come up front and apologies,"

I looked down and then towards the TV, "Eric apologies to me but it didn't seem like a real one, they're is a reason behind why he did it. Some people cheat because they do not like the person anymore and doesn't know how to tell them,"

Andrew expression turned sincere, "It's unfair that this all happened and I have to deal with the fact that he did that and wouldn't tell me why," I said

Andrew moved in closer and brought my face up, "Sometimes people apologies but can't tell you why,"

We stood there for a moment, looking into each others eyes. I didn't know he was leaning in until I felt his lips near my ears, " And I hate the fact he did this to someone like you," He whispered, then unpaused the movie.

My heart was beating fast, my stomach was turning, I couldn't breath properly and I felt my palms sweating. Could it be?

Am I falling for Andrew Carter?

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