《Arranged Marriage to The Devil》Chapter 15: Christmas Surprise


Finally at last, winter break has arrived and I couldn't be any happier. Alec is back, no school for two weeks and I get to plan my own New Years party, all thanks to my parents!

But then theirs the down side to this holiday; Seeing Andrew. Now since Alec came home and the whole incident, he's been acting pretty quiet and distance.

I know what you guys are wondering; Should I be jumping for joy? Well not reallly...

The last couple of weeks, we have been nothing but distance from each other. It was hard for anybody to make up a rumor about us or make the last two weeks exciting. The principal called us down, thinking we had a family issue that was effecting our "Grades".

My grades were tippy-top shape, I don't know about Andrew but I knew for sure that the principal was just missing our presence in the office.

Coming back to now, where I am sleeping so soundly in my warm, fluffy bed with Mr.Fluffy. You can see that I enjoy a lot of things fluffy.

I was having a wonderful sleep until I heard noise. Noise?!

Then my door slammed open with pots and pans banging like crazy.

Haha that's what she said...

Hearing another bang, brought me back to my senses. I lifted up my blankets to see Alec having two pots in each hand with a goofy smile on, Still in his pajamma's. Why on earth is he making all this racket in the morning?

I looked over at my alarm clock and see it's 6:15 IN THE MORNING! I am going to hurt somebody and it won't be Andrew this time. Giving Alec my best dealth glare, "What is this all for? If you have big news you could of waited another 4 more hours?!"

He stopped playing and paused, "You feeling okay? Did you have to much to drink last night?" He then put his hand over my forehead with a worried expression on his face.

I smacked his hand away and glared, "I'm fine!! I just want to know why a jacka*s would come in my room, at this time in the morning to wake me up with freaking pots and pans?!"

Alec shook his head and picked up his pots off my floor, "Man, the older you get the more you forget about things," He open my door and looked down, "By the way... Merry Christmas." And left

Suddenly it hit me; Today is December 25th, today's Christmas.

I could help but scream. How could I forget my favourite holiday!! Thats like cookie monster forgeting he had cookies in a jar.... Which thats never.

flinging on my whool sweater, I ran down the stairs and see everybody in their pajamma's infront of the big Christmas tree we got all the way up north. Took along time to tie it up there, that's for sure! I walked into the living room and screamed, "MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!"

They all looked at me and grinned, "Merry Christmas Alex!!"

I walked over and sat down in front of the christmas tree. The tree didn't look half bad! Alec, Andrew, and I decorated the tree and it took forever!! With everybody arguing, you can't get anything done, expectally when you have a mother who loves all of her kids bonding, even though we never bond "properly"


After untying the tree off of dad's car and bringing it in took A LOT of work!!

"Guys that took a lot of work to bring the tree in. All my energy for the week is gone!!" I plopped down on the couch and closed my eyes of tiredness.

I heard someone scoffed, "Please!! All you did was boss us around. That's basically nothing in my eyes!" Alec complained

I gave Alec the finger and he just laughed. Yeah you better!!

See?? Bossing stubborn boys around to put a tree in the right place is important. It is not like they're going to hear my mother complain for the rest of the year how her Christmas tree wasn't in the right place. It's a lot of work! I'm saving everyone the hassle.

Just then mom came downstairs with a huge box in her arms, "Mom!! What is in that box?? Is it Carlos eating supplies?? You do know Carlos only needs a knife and a for right?" I told mom.

Everybody started to roar with laughter except for Carlos. "Just for that missy, you're decorating the Christmas tree," My happiness went from unicorns to little kids. Dear goodness kids scare me!

Decorating things was not in my description. I make it look like a six years old has decorated the only the bottom, plus I can't reach the top of the tree, try to picture a tree with no star on top?

Mom drop the box right infront of me and dust the dirt off her hands, "Here's the box of decorations and lights. But please make it look good, were having guest over for New years eve and I don't think they want to see a peacock of a Christmas tree,"

"But mom!!" I cried out, "You leave me with this job it would look like a multi-color big bird!!" I glance over at the boys trying to hold in their laughter. I smirked and continued, "Maybe the boys should help me? They know how to decorate a tree! Have you seen their tree?! They did that all by themselves,"

Mom turned around and smiled, "Since it's Christmas and were suppose to bond like a family, why not?? What could possibly go wrong??"

That's where my mom jinx it. Why mother why!!

Just then Carlos knocked on the wall. Mom given him a questioning look, "What was that for Carl??"

"I knocked on wood! What could possibly go wrong is the worst thing to say with these three around. We might not even have a house when they're done!" Carlos cried out.

Mom grabbed Carlo's arm and proceed to the kitchen, "Oh honey, it's just a Christmas tree. Nothing could go wrong with three grown teenagers and a Christmas tree!!"

If god was showing us each us sign then he did a pretty good job. Because right after mom said that, we all knocked on wood; even Carlos. Mom looked back from the kitchen door and rolled her eyes, "You guys worry to much." Then both mom and Carlos left.

I turned over to the guys and clapped my hands together. "Okay guys, ready to get to work??"

the boys picked up their jackets, "Nope." both of them said.


I walked over to the guys, took their coats and fling their coats across the room. "Now listen, You are going to help me with this tree, even if I have to staple you guys to the tree or more less the wall; I will and I'm not afraid of making you guys our new Christmas tree," I put the stapler in front of their frighten faces, "And I am not afraid to do it now!" I put down the stapler down and opened the box of decorations. "What are you guys waiting for? We got a tree to decorate!!" I said eagerly.

Andrew and Alec quickly took out decorations and began putting ornaments on our Christmas tree. Not trying to make eye contact with me. I silently laugh to myself;

My threats work every time!

We finish the tree within three hours and mom baked us some of her famous Chocolate Chip cookies, which we finish in one second.... After mom breaking the news to me that I can't have a New Year party, bummer huh?

Carlos clapped his hands together, "It's time to open presents!!"

My mood changed quickly and I brought my attention to the tree. Their is tons of presents underneath the tree some were from; the Carter's, family members from around the country, close friends and also from mom and dad.

Alec pushed me aside and began looking for a present to open. "Hey!! I found a present for me," He chimed.

He Took a red and green box then started to shake it furiously.

"Alec Stop that! You might break what's inside," Aunt Andrea scowled Alec, while walking towards the tree.

He started to tear the wrapping paper off of his present, having wrapping paper fly everywhere around the living room. I sometimes wonder if Alec is twenty-one or does he get his age mix up with the number twelve?

He finish unwrapping his present and he gasp, "OMG a Play station 4!!! Thanks mom and dad,"

Both of his parents smiled and muttered "Your Welcome."

Minutes passed, everybody opened, unwrapped, and gawd over the presents they got. I gotten gift cards to all my favourite stores, a new laptop case and also the new IPhone 5S.

Andrew practically got the same exact things I got but he also got the Xbox One.

Alec, Andrew, and I were picking up the ripped wrapping paper off the ground when mom gasped, "Theirs a gift still under the tree!"

Carlos, Uncle Anthony and Aunt Andrea came from the kitchen smiling. I looked over at the boys and see them looking confused.

Mom picked up a small blue box and grinned, "Andrea it's a Tiffany box!" She gasped.

Aunt Andrea started to get all excited, It must be for one of them? Once mom and Aunt Andrea calmed down they open the card on top "To, the most beautiful girl in the world...." Mom paused and looked at me, "It's for you,"

I was in shocked, "... For me?" I took the box and glance over the card, "Who is it from??" I asked.

Mom sadly looked downwards, "I don't know, it doesn't say."

I feel a bit sad, She got all excited for nothing. Hoping it was for her, I couldn't blame her. If I was her and saw a Tiffany box under the tree, I would automatically think it is for me. Tiffany is big thing in a girls world and I don't know why! It's just a jewellery shop.

"We'll are you going to open it?" Alec eagerly said

I shook my head, "I don't know... Did anybody give this to me?" I looked around the room and everybody shook their heads. I glanced at Andrew and he was furiously texting somebody. Maybe he is trying to get a Christmas Booty call.

Slowly opening the box, Once I took the box off I put the lid on the couch near me and started to remove the white tissue paper. I lift up the last bit of tissue and gasped.

It was necklace, A beautiful necklace.

Never once I saw a Tiffany necklace. It was sliver and shine in the light. It had tiny diamonds around the chain and had a heart in the middle of the necklace with a key hole in it.

"Strange, it has a key hole in the middle,"

Mom came over and looked inside the box and squealed in my ear. Putting my hand over my ears, I said "Mom, stop. I'm right beside you." I snapped.

"sorry Alexandra but their is an envelope inside," mom said with too much excitement

She seriously needs to go back to her Soap Opera's and leave my life alone.

I look in the box and see a tiny envelope inside. Picking it up, I looked at it very skeptical. "Carlos, I swear if this a GPS necklace, We're returning it!"

Carlos looked in shock, "I won't do that to you! Yeah I may joke around telling you that I'll give you a built-in GPS object you'll love. But this time? That's not from me." He explained

I opened the letter and it was a typed letter. This person is one smart ass to type it up. Knowing I would track them down, find them and maybe kill them. Maybe...

"Well?! What does it say??" Alec shouted out.

I glared at him and said "Calm yourself!! And it says:

"Dear, Alex

Finally you have reached this letter. Knowing your mom, she would of thought it was for her. I am Sorry Miss, it's not for you!

You may have taken a good look at the necklace and notice that theirs a key hole in the middle of the heart.

This is your heart. Until you figure out who has given you this necklace. You can get the key and the secret surprise inside.

Until then, Stay beautiful."

Slience took over the house. Everybody was surprise. Nobody knew who it was or who would go out of their way to becoming my secret admirer. It could be anybody and/or any body in this house could be lying to me.

I'll find this person and even if it takes me months. I will, just don't know where to start....


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