《Arranged Marriage to The Devil》Chapter 14: Singing in Walmart


Never once I would be sitting in awkward slience between the Carter's.

I guess today was the day.

Alec thought it was a good idea to talk to his parents once they come back. I thought he should wait a couple of days let them settle in, etc.

Not with Alec Evan Carter.

Once they walked through the door, the first thing they saw was Alec's head pop out of the kitchen wearing an Apron 'Kiss The Cook'. What a nice way to face your parents, huh??

Now we were all sitting in the living in pure silence. Just plain silence.

I'm the one who would start an argument with Andrew and then everybody would start talking. The end.

Not today, I was surprise they made me sit down for their "Family meeting" When I'm not even part of their family-- Well in six months I will be. Anthony started staring right at Alec, then Andrew and then me. What the heck did I do?!?! I just opened the door and let him in; It's his house to you know??

well Maybe that's it.....

"Let me get this straight; You came back because you wanted to prove to me that being a engineer is a good idea and you gotten offer a job with building cars," Uncle Anthony explain. Alec nodded his head then silence came back again.

I look over at Uncle Anthony and he started to appear a smile on his face, "I'm proud of you son, I was worried that you would be getting into trouble or get into drugs,"

Alec gave Uncle Anthony a small smile, "Dad, you seriously think I'll get into trouble?? Do I really look like the person to do that?"

"Yeah you kind of do, I even see you as a stripper, dancing at clubs downtown," I spitted out, Of course I have to be the one to say that.

Everyone brought their attention towards me and silence came around us again; all because of my big mouth. I looked at everyone and pulled out a small smile, "Hehe... Osp?"

Then everybody started roaring with laughter. Okay, sigh of relief; I thought I was in trouble. Uncle Anthony stood up and clapped his hands, "I think we should celebrate by going out for dinner. Even your parents Alex. To celebrate Alec coming back and his brand new job I'm going to make reservations at the Cheesecake Factory." he Then left with pure happiness.


After Uncle Anthony left, Aunt Andrea went in front of Alec and started to cry; she missed him the most as you can tell. Heck!! She beats me in "missing Alec the most" award.

Alec brought his mom in a tight hug, "I missed you mom," Alec told Aunt Andrea

"I missed you too, Alec bear. I promise I'll never loose you." She bawled, making me want to cry at the moment.

I looked over at Andrew and seeing him staring out the window. The light was brighting his figures and also his light brown eyes-- Why in the world am I thinking of him like that?!

I shook my head and looked down. What is up with me?? If someone came to me in August and told me I'll be getting married to my enemy then a couple months later I'll be making-out with him because of a bet?? I would of smack them with a fridge.

I look over at Andrew and see him staring at me. His eyes were showing pain and regret; I wonder what he regrets? Looking away, I got up and walked to the bathroom. Once I was in the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair was up in a pony tail and I was wearing; sweat pants, a blue t-shirt and some uggs. I wasn't wearing any make-up cause I didn't have too. I wasn't impressing anybody.

I walked out of the bathroom to face Alec with his arms crossed, "I saw that little staring contest you and my little brother had. You guys seem to be hiding something from me?"

Giving him a confuse look, I said, "What in the world are you talking about? I told you basically everything that happened since you were gone. Even about the wedding! What else I haven't told you?"

He put his fingers on his chin like he was thinking, "Well... You didn't tell me how you guys had a full blown make-out session the other day at thanks-giving dinner, huh?"

I felt my cheeks flushed, "I actually wanted to forget that thank you," I muttered

He gave me a look, "Ali, how can you forget that you kissed the person who ruined everything for you? What if his phone never rang, what would of happened??"

I don't know what would of happened, I think we would of-- Oh god, I don't want to think about it. "Alec... I can't be civilize with Andrew from all the things he did to me. I just can't," I started to leave when he grabbed my wrist.


"Ali, people have trouble expressing thier feeling between one and other. Some people do things they regret just to say I love you. Love is a strong word just like hate. Before you say hate or love; think about if you trully mean it," He let go of my wrist and walked back to the living room leaving me speechless.

"Some people do things they regret just to say I love you..."

Alec is just as confussing like his brother sometimes. I walk back to the living and started talking to Andrea about shopping and other girly stuff....


"Deck the Halls with balls of holy, falalalalala--"

"Leah you start singing again like that I will shove a snow ball down your throat!!" I growled

She looked frighten, "I was getting into the Christmas spirit since Christmas break is in two weeks,"

I sighed, being all caught up with Alec and the wedding I didn't have time to realize that everyone around me were getting ready for Christmas. I was to busy worrying about what Alec was saying;

"Some people do things they regret just to say I love you..."

I was still confused about the whole thing, it was running through my mind for the past week. We walked into the mall and see it was also getting into the Christmas spirit; Ornaments, little golden stars hanging from the ceiling and a large Christmas tree in the middle of the mall. Little kids and their parents were waiting in line to be taking their picture with Santa Claus and tell him what they wanted for Christmas.

All I wanted for Christmas is... Nothing. I like giving than taking; feels like I was being selfish if I recieve a present from someone if I don't have anything for them.

We walk into Walmart and see everyone going everywhere to get things on their Christmas list. "Wow, I never thought it would be THIS busy."

Leah grabbed my hand and started going through the crowd, "Lee, what in the world are you doing?? We'll go another time, maybe Monday at lunch!!"

She then reach the Kararoke Machine the middle of the store and click on the 'ON' button. Then a song started playing, "Leah, What. Are. You. Doing!!" I snapped

She grabbed the mic on the side of the machine and smiled at me, "I'll show you that I can sing and you don't have to shove a snow globe down my throat!"

I moved a little back, so I wouldn't be notice then a song came on; All I want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey

"I don't want a lot for Christmas

There is just one thing I need

And I don't care about the presents

Underneath the Christmas tree

I don't need to hang my stocking

There upon the fireplace

Santa Claus won't make me happy

With a toy on Christmas Day

I just want you for my own

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All I want for Christmas

Is you"

I couldn't believe it, my best friend; Leah, was singing and actually sounds good. Why didn't I know she has a voice of an Angel. People were surronding us and stop rushing around just to hear Leah sing.

"Oh, I won't ask for much this Christmas

I won't even wish for snow

And I'm just gonna keep on waiting

Underneath the mistletoe

I won't make a list and send it

To the North Pole for Saint Nick

I won't even stay awake to

Hear those magic reindeer click

'Cause I just want you here tonight

Holding on to me so tight

What more can I do?

Cause baby all I want for Christmas is you


After she was finished, a crowd full of people started cheering and video taping her, she did a little bow and left the circle they made around her and came over to me. "That was fun, you should do it sometimes. You have a good voice,"

I gave her a "Got-to-be-kidding-me?" Look, "I can't sing for my dearest life and you sound amazing! Why didn't you tell me that you sing like that?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, never really came to mind to tell you 'Heyy, Alex!! I can sing pretty good,' would that sound weird?"

She had a point there, I would tell people if I had to. I grabbed her hand and we continued shopping, even with people staring at Leah.

Heyy, I would stare too; Who would randomly start singing in Walmart? Not me, that's for sure!


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