《Arranged Marriage to The Devil》Chapter 13: Big Brother


Staying over at Andrew's is not fun.

Having his parents not here either, is not fun. I couldn't call Ally to asked her to come over cause she has this date with some random guy.

Andrew was upstairs taking a shower and I was down stairs watching the Lastest Glee episode, which I wasn't to interested in.

I took my phone out and started scrowling through my news feed. I liked some pictures and commented on some, etc.

I could be at home, having a dance party and dancing to random music on my IPod.

Just then I heard foots steps coming down the stairs. I look over the couch and see Andrew in Plaid pajama pants and no shirt on, showing his tan skin that looks like he putted on lotion, since it's shining in the light--

"Enjoying the view, Mrs??"

I snapped out of my trance, "No, I was thinking of what I was going to eat."

I jumped over the couch walked passed Andrew and opened the junk food cupboard. Their was; cookies, chips, pop, candy and much more.

I grabbed a box of chocolate chip cookies, can of root beer and packages of chocolate and headed over to the couch.

I felt someone's eyes on me, I turned around and see Andrew with his mouth wide open, "You're going to eat all that?!"

I nod my head slowly and began opening the box of cookies, "If you keep your mouth open, a d*ck might fly right in."

I then heard a popping sound and foots steps coming towards the couch. His shadow appeared right beside me. "What in the world are you watching?"

"Shh I'm watching Glee!!" I snapped

"It's Gay, that's what."

I turned my head to him and glared, "For your infomation, it's not Gay. Calling something or someone gay is being mean. You shouldn't do that; it's like people saying you can't play basketball or you can't fuck."

He stiffen beside me, "You can't say any of that. I never fucked you and never will,"

"It was a example and I'm glad!! Never was interested,"


Duh hell?!

"Anyways, I don't have to worry about this sing-along show. We're watching Scary movie 3."

I froze, he know's how I am with horrer films. I don't. Like. Them.

He put the DVD in and The previews started playing. I already feel myself shaking, how am I suppose to last through the whole movie?! Should have brought Fluffy....


Hello? Anybody there??" A girl said in the movie

"You stupid b*tch!! Go back!!" Andrew yelled at the TV

I was to busy shaking like a chihuahua on the other side of the couch.

"Awe Alex, do you need a person to cuddle with??" Andrew said with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

I shook my head, to scared to say anything. I might actaully take him on that offer, even though he was being sarcastic.

Just then the girl gotten stabbed by a knife and that got me right there. I didn't know how I ended up curled up in Andrew's shoulder; but I did.

"Shhh," He hushed, "It's just a movie, no need to be afraid of."

I was shaking more than before I was sitting on the other side of the couch, I always hated horror films. How was I going to sleep tonight?!


"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" a girl shrieked from the movie

I went back to hiding and shaking like a chihuahua again. Andrew put his arm on my back and started hushing. I was so going to get him for this!

I look up and see Andrew staring at me with his cute brown eyes-- Wait what did I just say?!

I can't be thinking of Andrew that way. It's so wrong in so many levels. He's the guy I hate; why am I thinking about his eyes?? Urg, can someone send a person to stop us!?

Just then I heard a bang at the backyard door. Thank you father lord for stopping us.

I got up from my seat and slowly walked over to the backyard doors, "What the hell are you doing?? What if it's a murder and wants to kill you or moreless rape you?!" Andrew harshly whispeared

I shrugged my shoulders, "Then I'll be dead. It's not like you actually care,"

"I actually do care, thank you very much!" He mumbled-- Or so I think?

I walked over to the door and the banging noise came back again. I ran over to the kitchen turned on the lights and I see a figure at the door. Looking from the brode shoulders, I'm guessing it's a he. I walked closely to the window, slowly creeping seeing who would visit us at this time of the night.

Just then he reaches for his hood, pulled it off and showed a face that I seen before-- Many times. A smiled was planted on my face, while I started opening the door. "What do you think your doing?! Trying to get us both killed!!" Andrew yelled from the couch; And he says he's brave?

I open the screen door and gave the guy a massive hug, "ALEC!!!!"

He chuckled, "Took you guys long enough to open the door. I couldn't go through the front door cause I didn't know if Mom and Dad were home."

I shook my head, still with a grin on my face, "No and come in!! It must be cold for you to be standing outside like that."

Just then I heard foot steps coming right behind me. In 3...2...1....

"What is he doing here!?!" Andrew pointed at his brother while glaring at him.

Alec smirked, "Thanks for the welcoming brother, how have you been?? I been doing great and the ladies?? Don't have to answer that question since you already banged the whole state."

I couldn't help but laugh. This is why I'm close with Alec and not Andrew. They act the same but think they're totally different from each other.

Alec ran away from home when we we're in grade 9. He was getting ready to go to University for egineering when Uncle Anthony told him he had to take over the family tradition and becoming a lawyer (Typical, I know)

Alec declined and went on a rampage saying he'll become a great engineer and moved out without anyone knowing. Andrew and I weren't on best terms then but he was hurt that his brother would leave him with his mom and dad to deal with. So Andrew kept all the anger build up and started sleeping around.

Alec did come back sometimes during grade 9 and a little bit of grade 10. Andrew flipped on him saying to never come back or he'll tell Dad; Alec never came back since-- Well, since today!


Andrew glared at his brother for the longest time, "Drew, you keep that up your eye brows will eventually stay that way for the rest of your life!! Asked my professor at school, his eye brows are like this," He scruched his eye brows and I couldn't help but slip a giggle.

Alec looked over at me and soften his expression, "I missed you so much Alex I missed your laugh and that bright smile you have on right now," I couldn't help but blush at his compliments

He knows about Andrew being all cold-hearted, he knows the reason why but wouldn't tell me!! I always asked him everytime I see him and he would say the exact same thing.

"You'll find out when you're ready,"

I would groan and stomped away from him and then he would make a funny joke and we'll talk to each other all over again. I guess I'm not ready to find out why Andrew was being so cold.

I shook my head and see the boys having a staring competion-- No! More like a glaring compition.

Is that a thing?

"Eric's back!!" I blurted out.

They both snapped out of their compition and looked over at me. Andrew started staring into space while Alec was clenching every mucle he had to know to man. I got up from my sit and put my arm on Alec, "Calm down, I told him to fuck off, I don't think he'll be coming back anytime soon."

Then I heard Andrew snort, I look over at Alec and glared, "Is something wrong?"

Andrew smirked, "You seriously think Eric would stop just after seeing you?? You don't know the Eric I know from a while ago-- Or still does!!"

I felt my anger rise, "What is that supposed to mean?? You were the one who played spin the bottle and knew I was dating him and stil forced him to play!!"

He started laughing, I seriously have the urge to punch him in the face... With an axe.

"I only did it for a reason!!" Andrew barked.

"What was the Reason!?!"

"I can't tell you!! I promise!!"

I scoffed, "Please!! You haven't kept a promise since we were thirteen years old!!"

His face was getting really red and so was mine; I could feel it. "Just tell me; What. Is. The. Reason!!" I yelled


WHY NOT?!?!"

He ran his fingers through his hair, "because..." He mumbled

"Because... WHAT?!" I spat out

He yanked his hand away from his hair, "BECAUSE I DID IT TO PROTECT YOU!!!"

Everything around us came to a utter stop. W-What??

I guess he realize what he said and started mumbling things to himself walking up the stairs to his room.

I was left speechless; Did he really protect me from Eric? What did Eric do to make cold hearted Andrew protect me?? All these years, Andrew was finally.. Protecting me??

I closed my eyes and tried to stop all the question from going everywhere in my head. Why? That's all I wanted to know was why?

Just then I felt a pair of arms wrap around me; I knew from the start it was Alec, since his feavourite Axe colonge is chocolate; drvies the ladies crazy.. except for me. I knew his ugly side and trust me; girls do NOT want to know that side.

"Alex, I been trying to talk to you for two minutes now. What in the world are you thinking?!"

I shook my head and put on a fake smile; for the first time ever. "Nothing, I just like staring into space," I grabbed his hand and lead him to the living room. "Let's go watch the rest of Glee I been trying to watch an hour ago."

He smiled and followed me to the living room.


Alec and I were stuffing our faces with junk food after junk food. Alec tried to get Andrew to come down stairs and talk about it but I guess they had a good conversation that I wasn't allowed to know; mad face.

We were watching the re-runs of Pretty Little Liars, when I turned off the TV. "Heyy, I was gonna find out who was helping Mon--"

"It's Toby Alec," I mumbled

His face widened; guess I spoiled it for him. "Before you go into a lecture on how I shouldn't ruin PLL for you; Tell me why you're here?? I haven't seen you in two years and now you magically show up??"

His expression had amuse face to serious face in a blink of an eye, "I wanted to prove Dad I was going to become an egineer and I did.. Kind of,"

"What do you mean kind of?"

"I mean is that I found job that needs me; It's for working with cars."

I couldn't help but smile, "That's great!! Did you get the interview or what?? What's going on??"

He lightly chuckled, "Calm down Alex I haven't gotten to the good news yet. I went to the interview two days ago and yes I got the job. Since I live across the country from my workplace, they're buying me a apartment and everything!!"

I did a little clap, "Congrats!! Now for the bad news.."

"It's in Pennsylvania,"

It finally clicked to me. "How are you gonna tell dad or more less; Face him?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know but I'm going to need the support. I already saw Alison today and she took it well... With some lectures on how I should call her more, the family and such. I just talked to Andrew about it and he's cool about it, finally him and I are back to normal. and now I'm talking to you about it; Are you gonna support me on this??"

I was a little hurt that he told Andrew before me but it's his brother and they haven't talked in like two years. I smiled and nodded my head, " you have my support on this Alec,"

He pulled me into a hug, "So... Have you seen anybody lately??"

I pulled away from him and groaned, "Alec!! You know how I am with guys these days!!"

He putted his hands up in defence, "Hey!! You're pretty hot! Can't let guys come and go. Have to find the right one to give your V--"

I plugged both of my ears and ran away from Alec screaming, "LAALALALALALALALALALALALALALAALALALA"

It's nice to have someone who treats you like a little sister. Alec is the perfect older brother I always wanted.

Suddenly I heard a loud shatter, "Umm... Hey Alex, is their anyway we could replace this vase? Like tonight?" Alec yelled out.

Well almost perfect.


Cece ;)

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