《Arranged Marriage to The Devil》Chapter 8:Unique New York


Opening my eyes, I woke up to the sound of cars and people yelling for their taxi. I'm in New York baby!!

I always wanted to say that. I couldn't wait to explore New York, it's been on my list to come here and explore New York the way I want to; Not in the winter time but still, I'm here and I'm going to have fun! I couldn't wait to see the Empire State building or the Statue of Liberty. Also taste Lombradi's pizza, I heard it's amazing!

I lifted up the blanket and slid my way out of bed-- "Urg!!" I couldn't get up. Glancing down to my waist, I see Andrew's tan arms wrapped around me.

What happened last night? We didn't sleep together right? Well my clothes are on so we didn't do it...

I tried to remember how we came to the hotel until everything was coming back to me; the road trip, police station and falling asleep WITHOUT Andrew's arm around me.

I tried to bring his arm away from me, but his arm tighten more, "Andrew, get up!" I yelled in his ear. No movement. Slapping him across the face multiple times. Nada.

This kid can sleep! An idea came to mind and I know it isn't smart but hey, I want to get out and explore the streets of New York. I turned around that I was facing a sleeping Andrew. He looks so Innocent, wait until I wake him up, we're in for a treat.

I leaned over and started nibbling on his earlobe, he moaned. Great, that's one of his sensitive spot! Didn't want to incounter one of those.

"What are you doing?!" Andrew groaned. I brushed my lips over his ear. His hands move down to my waist and tighten his grip, "What did I do now?" He mumbled

I shrugged my shoulders, "Nothing, just wanted to see your reaction and to wake you up," I whispered in his ear. I lifted up my body but was pulled down to Andrew's chest. I stared into his eyes, that was flaming with lust. "How did you know that was my soft spot?" He said, he swiftly glance down at my lips then back into my eyes, "No girl has ever found that," He whispered, while his fingers were drawing small circle's on my back.

"I don't know, I thought doing that was going to wake you up and be mad at me... Never mind that," I lifted myself up, climbed off Andrew and bend down to grabbed my suite case. I could feel Andrew's eyes staring at my behind. "Take a picture it last longer."

"Already did" He said

I looked over and see Andrew with his phone in his hand. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my; Toiletry bag, ripped jeans, hoodie and my straightener, towel and walked into the bathroom. I turned around and faced Andrew, "By the way, we're exploring New York. So get dress,"

He looked up from his phone and groaned, "I need to rest for the game tomorrow,"

I tilted my head to the side and did my best pouty face, "Pwease Andy-boo. I only been to New York once," He was trying to stand guard but his eyes were giving in; Nobody can stand by from my pouting. He dropped his phone to the side of the bed, "Fine, but your paying for breakfast AND lunch,"

I smiled, "Deal" and closed the bathroom door behind me and started my shower.




"Enough!! I swear you can't sing a living soul or even get the words right, just shut up!!" Andrew growled, somebody's time of the month.

Putting my hands to my chest I gasped, "As have you know, I am the solo singer in Glee at school and you have every right to say I can't sing pitch?! How dare you insult my singing," I defended in a British accent

He took one hand off the stirring wheel and ran his fingers through his hair, "Yeah whatever, so what do you want to do today? Besides eating, drool over hot guys or going shopping,"

My eyes lighten up like a Christmas tree at the store that was right beside me, "Pull over and stop the car, We're going into Forever 21!"

"Did you hear a word I said? No. Shopping." Andrew pronounced

"But you didn't say anything specific," I took off my seat belt and opened the door. "You just said shopping; I thought you meant shopping for food." And closed the door

Walking down the streets of New York seems different from home. More people, less space and can't hear your self think. I love it!

I reached in front of the doors of Forever 21 and almost screamed; This store only has the up coming styles before any other Forever 21 retail stores could put on the shelves!!

I was about to open the door and when douche bag started yelling my name from down the street. I looked over at him and he started to knee over, "You... Women.... Walk.... To..... Fast," He tried to say between breaths

"When it comes to shopping, we walk faster than a cheetah,"I said and started walking inside.

The first thing I smell when I walk in was flowers. "Yuck! The smell of Flowers. I feel like I'm having tea with the Queen." Andrew muttered

I couldn't help but laugh, "Shut up and pull out your hands,"

He gave me a confused look but still pulled out his hands cautiously. I dropped three dresses in his arms and started walking to the dressing rooms. " I hope you don't make me try these on. I didn't come in here to be made fun of."

I shook my head, "Nope, I'm trying them on and I need your opinion on them," I walked over to a changing room and put my hand out. " Can I have the dresses please?"

His brow went up, "Why do you need my opinion? And where are you going anyways?" He asked

I rolled my eyes; Does he have to ask so many questions? "I'm going to the winning party remember?"

He dropped the dresses in my hand, "How do you know we're going to win?" Andrew asked with a smirk on his face.

"You know, with Andre and joe's amazing skills, we'll for sure win!!" I joked. Before he could reply with a sly remark; I closed the door in his face.


I started stripping out of my clothes " I heard that!"

"Yeah, well hurry up. I just got a text from Andre saying we have a quick practice at the gym at three and it's... 1:30 now. Hurry up women!!"

I zipped up the first dress and looked at myself in the mirror, it was all white with spikes around the chest area, it had a frill between the top and the bottom. I walked out to see Andrew typing away on his phone, probably texting Andre about shopping with--


"Take it off,"

Snapping out of my train of thought, I looked over at Andrew and glared, "Thanks for your opinion,"

He looked up at me and gave me a bore look, "What do you want me you say?" He sat up straight and cross his legs, "Girrrlll, that dress ain't for you. Try the other one and tell me how it looks girlfreeend," He said in a high pitch voice

I couldn't help but laugh, "Girls do not sound like that," He got up from his seat and pushed me inside the changing room, "Your on a time-line, hurry up." He whispered in my ear and closed the door before I could say anything else.

I for one I liked this dress but I'm here to "support" Andrew and his winning team, might as well get him to decide which dress I'm wearing. Right?

I took off the first dress and put on the second dress I had in mind. It was all green with a black and gold belt around the waist. I walked out of the dressing to be brought back inside, "I'm guessing you don't like it?"

"Nope," He said through the door, "That's the opponent's team color. I don't want to bring you to a party where you're wearing their color."

I zipped down the green dress and slid on the last one I had in mind. I really liked this one and I am going to purchase the dress either he likes it or not. It was all white with a black band around the waist.

I opened up the changing room and see that Andrew was on the phone with someone; who could he possibly be on the phone with now?

"Okay bye," He put his phone down and looked up. I didn't know if he liked it or not and it was bothering me. He was just standing their doing nothing, not saying a work.

"So.... Are you going to snap out of it any time soon? Or do I have to be in charge of that?"

He closed his mouth, "Th-That's a nice dress... I guess." He muttered but loud enough for me to hear

I nodded my head and smiled, "Great!! We're getting this one." And I went back into the changing room. After I changed back into my regular clothes, we went to the cashier and cash out.

We walked to the car in pure silent. Odd, usually were fighting over something stupid or insulting each other.

"What's up? You seem pretty quiet since we left the store?? Anything hap--"

"I'm fine, just leave me alone. Not like you care." He snapped

Well then. Guess he's in a grumpy mood. "Okay... Since you have practice, you can bring me home and you can go by yourself."

We reach the car and didn't say a word. What got him to this state?

He unlocked the doors and we sat down inside the car. We buckled up our seat belts and drove down the street.

"Um... The hotels the other way." I pointed behind me

"Your coming with me to practice.... Or do you want to try on wedding dresses?"

My blood ran cold. I totally forgot about that!! The wedding and everything. I face palm myself, "Damn it! We have to get an idea to stop this wedding, we're already in deep shit for getting arrested. What else should we do? Burn our houses down??"

Andrew took a right turn and sighed, "I seriously don't know. Maybe we should just suck it up and get married??"

I put my hand on his forehead feeling if he has a fever, "What's your name?"

He raise an eyebrow, "You want to know my name?? Are you that of a doofus, cause--"

"I'm not the doofus, you are!!" I defended myself. "You're actually agreeing to get married to me? Alexandra?! We hate each others guts then you come around and say you want to marry me?! Unbelievable!!" I threw my hands up in the air with defeat.

I didn't realize we were at the gym til he stopped the car. He turned to the side of me and sighed, "Look, I don't want to marry you whats so ever. But we both know how stubborn and determined our parents are. If they had the chance we would of been married right now. Maybe we can stop this wedding; we just have to find a way."

He was.... Kind of right about this. Our parents wouldn't end the wedding with their dearest life!! We have to end the wedding and I'm determined to do it.

We climbed out of the car and head towards the gym doors. "Do you have your--" Before I finish my question, Andrew rose his hand to show me his gym bag.

I felt my cheeks flush and I opened the door.

"ALEX!!!" Andre and Joe sang, I was welcome with two strong arms lifting me off the ground. "I heard about you guys getting arrested," Joe said

They put me down and smiled, "That's pretty hilarious how you guys got arrested. We basically died of laughter for an hour straight!!" Andre mention while chuckling a bit.

I let out a light chuckle, "Yeah, next time I'm driving home. To be on the safe side."

We started walking to the stands where I was going to be sitting. "You guys go get dress, Coach wouldn't like you guys late for last practice."

Their eyes bugged out and ran to the changing rooms. I couldn't help but laugh; boys will be boys.


"SCOOORREE to Bluevale high" The announcer screamed

Yes, Blue-vale high won once again in the USA high school championship. Everybody was cheering; even me. I get to paarrtyy!!

Blue and white streamers were going everywhere. Everybody celebrating Blue-vales winning championship game for the fifth year in a row!!

"What a wonderful game, don't you think?? Oh Alexandra come take photo with the winning player." Mom beamed

I groaned; great!! I didn't want to take a picture with him!

Both Andrew and I stand awkwardly side by side. Mom took the picture of made a weird face.

"What?" we both said

"I Just... I want you guys to look normal taking the photo." Mom step down from the bleachers and brought Andrew closer to me and put his arms around my waist.

She went back to where she was standing, now smiling like a kid in a candy store! She has got to be joking..

"I want you guys to smile and look like a couple!" Mom yelled out.

Once I realize what Mom was doing I pulled away from Andrew, "I am not in a relationship with him nor will I act like a couple."

Mom put down her camera and crossed her arms, "Alexandra, you are being unreasonable! I just want to get photo's for the wedding--"

She wanted to take photos for the wedding?! Is she actually serious? "I have to go."

Andrew tried to come after me but a crowd of sponsors and directors from different schools were coming towards Andrew. I left the bleacher stadium and walked towards the car. "Wait up!!"

I turned around seeing Andre running after me. He caught up to me, "Man, you can walk fast!!"

I rolled my eyes remembering what Andrew said at Forever 21, "Yeah whatever. What do you want??"

He dust off his pants and looked me straight in the eyes. "I saw your mom trying to get you and Andrew to pose for a photo in the bleachers. I'm guessing you're not liking the whole arrangement huh?"

I looked away and nodded my head, "I guess he telling the whole world about our arrangement. Who else did he tell? The basketball team? The study body?!"

Andre stayed silent, "He wouldn't do that, plus he only told Joe and I,"

I scoffed, "Oh yeah that makes me feel so much better, always choosing his friends and being by his friends side. Trying to act like this persona when that really isn't him. He's a jerk, a big fat jerk!"

Andre tucked his hands inside his basket ball shorts pocket, "I think he changed-- Alot. You just have to see the good side; it might help," then he ran inside before I could of said another word

I stood in the middle of the parking lot thinking; What in the world does he mean??

Cece ;)

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