《Arranged Marriage to The Devil》Chapter 4: Girls Night


Waking up in a good mood this morning never happened before. I wonder why?

I swinged my legs over the bed and stretch. Walking over to my closet, I took out a pair of yoga pants, a light blue hoodie and uggs. Putting my hair up in a simple pony tail, leaving my bangs out for the day . Then I put on some make up to feel a bit pretty today. I grab my bag and headed down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning," My mom said

I sat down at one of the island stools, "Morning," I replied back, "what's new for today?"

"Well... your cousins are coming to visit this weekend. Plus we're having dinner again with the Carter's this weekend..."

I groan in agony, not again! The last time I had dinner or a get together with my cousins and the Carter's, let's just say my cousin Chloe was basically having sex with Andrew with clothes on my couch in my basement while my other cousin Cole was annoying me to death. Funny how were the same age.

Before my mom could of said anything else I heard Leah honked her horn outside my house. I got up and kissed mom on the cheek, "Bye mom and I won't promise having my room clean by the weekend or the basement." Then I left.

Leah got out of the car and waved a hello to mom, "Good morning, Linda."

"Morning Leah honey... Would you like to come for dinner this weekend? You can asked your parents too." My mom asked

"Mom and Dad went on a bussiness trip this week, so the hous--"

"Non sense! you can come stay with us for the week and don't have to worry about being lonely honey okay? I don--" Mom interupted her

I gave out a very loud sigh, "Okay she's staying for the week, now can we go now?"

They both look at me and nod their heads. I sat down in the drivers seat and buckled up my seat belt, Leah did the same thing and shook her head. "I swear their has to be a catch for your mom to invite me over for the week and the weekend--"

"My cousin are coming up this weekend and she also invited the Carter's for dinner." I asnwered her longing question

"Ahh now that makes sense," Leah Replied.

I started the car and drove down the street. "Yeah well, Do you remember the last time we all had a get together with my cousins?"

She fell back in her seat and groaned, "Oh I remember! Cole having this huge crush on me! Lets not forget the amount of times he would hit on me with his bucky teeth!"

Yeah and I forgot to add how Cole was completly hitting on Leah, luckily at the time we were in grade 10.

Leah changed the subject, "Anyways about that, how was last night? You didn't have time to tell me anything because you said he was pretty upset about something,"

I felt a smirk form on my lips and so I started telling her how we went to Pizza Hut and Andrew was hitting on this girl then to me waking up in the tree house not knowing that it was his secret house that his parents didn't know about. Then I told her about the kid napper.

Now we are at our lockers getting our books for class. History, gosh how much I hate that class!

"Let me get this straight; He brought you to his secret house with his friend that you never met. He left the house leaving you to wonder around the house, stupid idea." She thought out aloud.


I shrugged my shoulders, knowing she has a point.

"Then you hear footsteps coming from the door and of course you had to think it was a kid napper! The steps came closer and you hit them with a bag full of bricks. Did you know who you hit with the bag of bricks?"

Right on que, I heard gasp coming from the sluts across the hallway. We look away from each other, we saw the one and only Andrew Carter with a big fat bruise on his face that was shape of a brick.

I heard Leah laugh her ass off right beside me. Some of the girls were glaring at Leah for laughing at their "Goddess". Hearing some of Andrew's friends laugh at him for the bruise on his face. "Man what happened, got into a fight?" One of his friends said

Andrew shook his head, "Nahh man, somebody hit me with a bag of bricks."

The guys laughed even more. "Who was it?"

I walked up to the group and tapped on the guys shoulder. He turned around and I knew from the hair it was Noah who was talking. "I think your talking about me with the whole brick accident." and then I walked away. I heard most of the guys from the group mumbled a few words.

"Damn that girl looks hot in those pants,"

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind taking a ride with her and her friend."

I looked to my side and see that Leah rolled her eyes and smirked; guys and their hormones. Not thinking with the right brain. I heard Andrew growl at the guys. "Get to class!!"

Walking to the door to my first period class, I took a quick glance at Andrew and see that his face was beat red. I guess he was pretty embaress about the whole mark on his face.

I walk to my seat and sat down right beside Lee and took out my History book and a pencil to work with. "I swear this week is going to be fun except having dinner with your cousins but hey, if we have to go back to my place and hide there."

I gave Lee a warming smile, "You know me to well,"

Just when she was about to reply, our history teacher started his lesson on the First Nation. I guess it's time for a nap.....


"Finally schools over! I thought I'll never get out." I yelled out in happiness

Leah giggled, "Well, now we can have our girls night!"

We walked over to my car and drove down to Leah's house. "I know this is random but I never thought I'll ever get married at the age of 18. When I was little, I always wanted a prince charming to save me from my villain mother and we will get married happily ever after! Never in my dreams it was Andrew!" I ranted

"Have you asked your mom why? Their has to be a good reason to marry him?" Leah asked

I stop the car in the drive way and sigh, "Oh I did and that she'll tell me when I'm ready. I'm ready now and I really would like to know."

We got out of the car and continue our way into Leah's house. It was big but not as big as mine. Her parents want to have the luxury life but also save and show Leah that money is not everything; I wish my mother was like that...


Leah marched her way upstairs to her room and started to pack her belongings for a week long sleepover at my house.

"Maybe your mom's right about that. What if it's a reason that you might take in the wrong way or something that you'll react badly now, but okay in the future." Leah explain

I thought she drop the conversation in the car. I shook my head. "I don't think so, this one is about her and it's always about her! She's gonna tell me sooner or later, I can force it out of her."

Leah drops her suite case on the floor and wipes her forehead. "Done, now should we go buy some food for tonight?"

I nodded my head and started going down the stairs. "We can stop off at Pizza Hut after we go to Target to get some snacks."

"I'll order the pizza on the way." Leah said while dailing the number to Pizza Hut.

A little while later we arrive at Target and pick a shopping cart. Then started strolling around the store for junk food. "We should use the theatre today. My mom can give a flying shit if I use it," I said to Leah

She picked up four litres of pop and chuckled, "Well, we can to the SGR, your mom won't know where that is."

I nodded my head in agreement. I have this secret door in my closet that goes into a room Leah and I hang out since we were twelve. Her mom would always tell her that she's has five minutes before they were going home and we will always hide in the room. We call it the secret girls room, SGR for short.

We walked around the store a little laughing at inside jokes or talk about the lastest gossip on TV. We were about to turn the corner when Leah gasp. "Oh my gosh..."

I gave her a confused look, "What's wrong?"

Her hand slowly lifted up and pointed to a direction, following the direction of her finger and I saw Andrew shoving his tongue down a girls mouth; a blond one to be extact.

I chuckled, "Why am I not surprise, it's Andrew! Why are you acting like this is all new to you? You seen this before, heck! In the hallways at school."

"I know but... You guys are getting married in a few months and shouldn't you guys not being hooking up with other people?" Leah innocently asked

Shrugging my shoulders, not caring at all and started pushing the cart down the aisle. "I couldn't care a less who he's hooking up with. It's not like I can stop the guy shoving his tongue down sluts mouth."

"For your information, I do not shove my tongue down girls throats, that could choke them." Andrew said

I turned my head and looked up at him with boring eyes, "Why are you here? I thought you were with 'that' over there," I turn my head to the direction of the girl standing there angrily.

"I was but she saw me check out this girl and stommed away. Why can't girls know that guys can't keeps thier eyes from moving? Even when they see a girls nice--"

I raise my hand towards Andrew, "OK! I think we get it. Now can you leave? We're busy doing something," I annouced, not wanting him near me anymore

"I would but I have nothing better to do, so I'll tag along with you guys." He said, with a smirk forming on his lips.

I groaned, why can't he be kind and nice for once? I would so pay him a million dollars to shut up... Really I would! "No your not! I'll kill myself than have you come with us."

He flicked his hand at my comment, "Non sense! I'll kill you before you even think about killing yourself, but slowly. I want to watch you suffer in pain."

"I think I already suffer alot of pain from laughing so hard over the weekend. Don't you think so Andy?" I laughed. Still remebering the memory, oh how that was wonderful seeing him moan in pain.

"Don't call me Andy," He growled

"Andy, Andy, Andy, Andy, ANDY!!" I sang out

Leah shook her head in shame, "Why do I go through this?" She mumbled to herself

Hugging her tightly trying to stop her blood circulating around her body. Not really. "Because you love me!!" I screamed out loud

Andy shook his head. "I seriously don't know how you can handle this, I would of put a bullet to her head to shut up."

"I wonder why you didn't do it all these years. You had the chance, heck! I had the chance to kill you in your sleep. Gosh I'm that stupid am I?"

"Yes you are Lexi, you are." Andy said

"I didn't want you to answer by the way, !" I Growled

"You ask me the question and I answered. Is that what you're suppose to do when somebody ask you a question." He stated, then chuckle to himself

"FYI the question wasn't suppose to be ANSWERED!!" I yelled out to his face

"Brother and sister?" Somebody said. I turned around and see an old lady near Leah. She shook her head. "No, I'm sorry they're not brother and sist-"

"Well, if they're not then they should not be fighting if they're together. They look good with each other." The old lady said

"Oh! We're not together." Andrew and I said quickly

The lady shook her head, "Oh please don't lie to an old lady, I'm not born yesterday." Before we could defend ourselves, she quickly walked away.

"That lady had the nerve to tell us we look good together and insult us? Man she must of been the biggest b8tch in school back in the day." I ranted

"Yeah like you. A big fat B8tch!" Andrew smirked

"Hey! I'm not the biggest b8tch at school It's Samantha." I defened myself. Even though I'm right. We all know I'm right, he knows it too.

"Not in my books." he said and started walking down the aisle. "Yeah after you hooked up with her. Little did you know she has STI's"

He froze in his steps and turn around. "FYI she doesn't, I would know."

I put my hands on my hips, "Please, it's not like you know."

"I actually do know and she doesn't so get off her back. Maybe if your not so full of yourself then you could actually get more friends." Then he turned around and walked away.

That actually hit me really hard. I know the reason why I don't have lot's of friends and he is the reason why. I felt a hand go on my back, I looked over and see Leah giving me a friendly smile. Keep looking down so the tears won't fall.

"Why are you even alive? Nobody likes you"

"Go back to where you can back from. Wait, you have no where."

"Look! It's the cow, get out of the way!!"

Those were some of the words they said to me. I been nice in elementary school and always caring for other even Andrew did too, we were the best of friends. Yeah Andrew and I were best friends once, nobody could of broken us apart not even god. Then he started hanging out with the older kids and started forgeting to hang out with me or act like he doesn't know me when were around them.

Since he hung out with the older kids he became popular and started treating me like trash. I tried to give myself hope and say that it was an act til the popular group left. The older kids left and Andrew was still the big fat jerk he was to me but this time he got the whole school to turn their back on me. I went over to his house on his birthday because he didn't have a birthday party that year and let's just say it didn't end well....

*Flash Back*

I felt so bad for Andrew that he was not having birthday party this year, I am going to surprise him this year. Even though he change a little bit since he met Derek but he wouldn't be this way around his parents, would he?

I grabbed his gift and slipped on my shoe's. "Mom, I'm going over to the Carter's. Be back later," I yelled out to my mom.

"Okay, have fun!" she replied back, Then I left.

Walking down the street to Andrew's house. I thought of his expression would be when he open his present; The newest Xbox 360 slim. He's gonna love it since he loves video games. Walking up to the door I hear music playing loudly; I guess he's listening to music....

I knocked on the door and the door opened to a girl from school. She scrowled at me, "What are you doing here? Andrew doesn't invite little kids to his parties."

"I-I-I'm here to give him h-his g-gift." I stuttered

"Hey, everybody look, it's Alexandra the cow bringing over some hay for Andrew!!" She yelled out

"No I'm not!"

Just then Andrew came from the crowd and looked at me. I gave him a small smile but he just given me the cold eye. "What are you doing here?? I thought you were at home playing with your dolly's." He tease and everybody laughed.

My eyes were starting to burn up, "I brought you over your birthday gift, her--"

He grabbed the gift and slammed the door in front of my face. The tears began to run down my cheek. Suddenly a rain storm started and loud thunder roared the sky. I brought my small hoodie over my head and slowly walked back home in shame.

I can't believe he did that, That jerk! I open the door to see my mom with a towel in her hands. "How was your time hun??"

Remembering the memory, tears started forming in my eyes. "Oh honey come here." My mom said softly and brought me into a hug, even though her clothes were going to be wet.

And after that day I swore that I'll never ever forgive him. Ever

Cece ;)

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