《Arranged Marriage to The Devil》Chapter 2: Dinner With The Carter's


Tonight is the night, where Andrew and I will be in the same house AND same room. I am so sorry for our parents right now for thinking about this crazy idea.

I look at myself in the mirror and smile; even though I'm not impressing anybody, I look really good in this dress.

I was wearing a blue cocktail dress, my hair was straight into a sleek ponytail and a natural look for my makeup.

I open my room door to hear laughter down stairs, our "guest" has arrived, oh jolly!

If you can see that I am not liking the whole idea about this dinner tonight.

I walk down the stairs and my mom is talking to Andrea (Andrew's mom) about her chocolate cake that I absolutely love. Dad and Anthony (Andrew's dad) talking about sports, typical.

The only person that was missing was the Devil.

"Ah, Andrew you made it!" My step-father beamed

Andrew and my step- father are really close. He's like a son my dad ever wanted, but to me he was the brother I never wanted

I felt somebody lean over close to my ear "Fancy seeing you in a dress," He whisper

Feeling his warm breath touch my skin gave me the urge to punch him. I turned around quickly and glared at him, "Why are you late?"

He looked down at his watch and smirked, "From what I heard that I had to be here for 6:30 and right now it is 6:29"

I put my lips in a thin line and walked away. I promise myself that I wouldn't kill him tonight, but I will someday!

"Ah! Is it my favorite girl in the world?" Anthony said with open arms

I ran up to him and gave him a hug, "Hi Uncle Anthony,"

"Hi Alex, how are you?"

"I been doing good and before you ask; Schools been doing good also."

Anthony let out a heavy laugh, knowing I was right. "At least you know what I'm going to say next."

Just then I heard somebody gasp right behind me. I turned around and see Andrea smilling like the joker, "My! Alex you grew up so much!"


I let out a shaky laugh; she just saw me last week, how can I grow so much between seven days?

She pulled away and smiled, "You are a very pretty little girl you know? It seem like yesterday me and you mother were seeing you for the first time ever," She sighed happily

We talked for a little about; shopping, shoes, school and a little bit of boys. I wasn't really the type of girl who talks about those stuff twenty-four seven. Don't get me wrong I do like going shopping and fancy shoes but not my type to talk about it.

After fifthteen minutes or so, my mom announce that dinner was ready. Everybody cheered and made their way over to the dining room.

We all sat down in the order we sit in everytime we have dinner or a "Get together". My step-father was sitting right beside Anthony, Mom and Andrea were sitting right beside their husbands. Mom was sitting right beside me and guess who's right beside me? You betcha, Andrew.

"So Andrew, hows Basketball going? Hope the ladies are giving you your space." My step-father Carlos asked

The Devil cleared his throat, "Basketball doing good, were going to championships in late October. Oh for the girls, I been keeping them far away from me."


"A few colleges and university coaches our attending my Championship game." Devil contiued

Dad smiled at him, "That's awesome and I hope their should be tickets for me to go, hmm?"

Meaning your giving me tickets to your game no matter what.

The Devil gave my dad the grand smile that drops girls to their knee's. "You don't have to asked, everybody's going and Alex you can bring a friend if you want."

He looked at me and I know that look, the "I'm ruining your life" look. I shrugged my shoulders, "You don't have too, where is the game anyways?"

I heard him choke on his food, I guess he's not use to me being so Mrs.Nice huh? I have a plan up my sleeve.....


"Um...The game is in New York and were gone for four days," He said while looking down at his food

Now it was my turn to choke on my food. New York?!?! My favourite place of all time. I only been to New York once and I fell in love. I just love how one place has so many interaction; broadway cheaters, time square, madison square garden! I have been planning to live there after high school is over.

"Okay I can't take this anymore, can I please say it!" My mother beamed in seat.

Carlos put his arm on my mom to calm her down even though I feel really curious now to find out what she's hiding from us. "We will, just hush for a little bit. Now Andrew and Alexandra, you guys been friends for a very long time, am I right?" Andrea asked calmly

The Devil and I look at each and died of laughter. We can fight over everything, even pencils!! But the one thing we DO agree on is how much we hate each other. "Mom, you know this chick and I can't stay in one room without fighting, heck! I'm surprise she's being nice for once."

My laughter died down and I darted my eyes at him. "For your infomation I'm a girl not a baby duck."

He snorted, "Does it look like I care? I'll rather be at home playing video games than being right beside you!"

I turned myself around ready to give him a piece of my mind, "And you think I want to?? You little cu--"


We both stop arguing and brought our attention to Aunt Andrea, she stood up from her seat with her arms space out like a 'T' and her face turning a shade of red. "I was trying to be nice but I had enough, You both have been fighting way to much for years and I think we should but a stop to it!"

"You mean were moving out of this country or maybe to a different continent?" The Devil suggested

"I'll agree with that one or it could be us but you have to bring Leah wit--"

"No we are not moving or leaving the country, we have some great news for you guys.... Carl would you like to tell them?" Mom asked

He stood up and cleared his throat, "Andrew, Alexandra I think this is a good choice for us to do this and I think it would stop you guys from fighting all the time...."

He called me by my full name, this is not good, it's bad very bad. I might have to go to a coed boarding school with Andrew or having to live with him or being locked up in a room til we get along. That's gonna take ages or more! I'll be 60 by the time we get along maybe when I die. I doubt I'll even make it to heaven without killing him.

"WHAT?!?!" The Devil screamed out

I turned to my side and see him standing up with his face all red, that's not good. I'm suppose to make that face turn red when ever I hurt his pride or embarrass him in front of his friends or the school or both; depends on how I feel that day.

"Are you saying anything?!?!" He said-- more like yelled at me

"What am I suppose to say?! I can't stop this happening?!?!" I yelled back.

"So your okay with marrying Andrew when you turn 18?" My mother asked

"Yeah I'm okay-- "

Everything stop around me, I felt a bit funny at the moment. Was I going to faint? I have to ask again, I must of heard incorrectly.

"I have to what now?"

"I repeat you have to marry Andrew Carter once you turn 18, no backing out of this."

Before she could finish saying "Carter" I was out like a light.

Cece :)

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