《Arranged Marriage to The Devil》Chapter 1: Meet Alexandra


*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

I hate alarm clocks. It just keeps on beeping. Just like any other alarm clock I use to own.

*Beep* *beep*

But I feel like this alarm clock I own is more annoying than any other alarm I have ever owned. I stretched over my arm and clicked the snooze button.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

It's leaving me with no choice..

*beep* *be-

I slammed my clock on the night stand and saw tiny bits of pieces fall to the ground; I guess I have to buy a new one.

I lifted myself up and stretched. Having to go to school early in the morning should be illegal. Who wants to learn about world history at the crack of dawn?

I trailed over to my closet and picked out a; hoodie, skinny jeans and finished getting myself ready. After I was completed getting dress, I stomped down the stairs to the kitchen smelling the sweet scent of my mothers famous pancakes.

"Morning Alex how was your sleep?" My mom asked

I grumbled in response and slouched down in my seat at the table.

Mom started putting pancakes on a plate, "I have a surprise for you," She said with excitement in her voice.

I grabbed a couple pieces of pancakes and started eating, "What's it in for me?" I asked with chewed pancakes in my mouth.

My mother had a scowl expression on her face, "Eat with your mouth close," she stated, she went back to the stove and flipped the last few pancakes. "I invited the Carter's for dinner tonight we have special news!"

I choked on my food, "What!!"

Mom ran over to me and rubbed my back slowly, "Are you okay? And I told you to not talk with your mouth full and now look what happened." She scowled

I went back to my normal breathing rate and groaned in frustration . "Why do they have to come over? You know how the Devil and I are together ." I whined

My mom given me a motherly look, "Now Alexandra, you can't just call Andrew the Devil, he's a nice boy and can be really thoughtful too."

"Yeah, when he just got laid," I mumbled to myself

She swiftly turned her head in my direction, "What did you say?"

I sat up from my seat and kissed my mothers cheek "Be home by five," I announced. Before she could respone; I slammed the door.

Having a rich mother and father is pretty cool.

My mother owns thousands of bridal boutiques across America and my father was part of a law firm with his best friend Anthony Carter.


I slide into my black convertible and drove down the streets to the worst school in my life; Blue Vale High

It might sound like a private school or a boarding school but it's not. We have the typical groups at my school; the jocks, the Geeks, the Barbie's, the weirdo, Dramatic group and the nobodys.

Sadly I was sort of what you called, "Popular," but I still get hate from girls around the school and have only one caring friend. I didn't want to many friends that causes drama and I don't want that.

I park my car in my original parking space and started walking through the court yard of hell.

"Wow, look at the dork walking by her self,"

"Awe do you need a friend? I think the garbage will be your friend!"

All these comments were from girls that "hate" me.

They only hate my guts for one simple reason.

I lied the "reason" is not that simple to deal with.

I opened up my locker and grab my books for history, even though I'll most likely not be using these. Searching through my locker, I hear some girls gasp from behind me. I looked to my left and see no other; Andrew Micheal Carter's or should I say the Devil himself.

To describe Andrew Carter was simple; popular. He was the basketball star athlete in our school. He even was on the news for having more points then all schools put together! I heard in some rumor that he laid every single girl in the school: Even the youngest teacher in our schools, Ms. Rex. He uses girls like they are a piece of tissue.

He had dark brunette hair, bright blue eyes, a built body no girl could resist, a smile that made all the girls swoon.

"He's so hot!" One girl shrieked.

"Yeah and whenever he gets a new haircut, he looks even hotter!" Another girl shrieked.

I rolled my eyes; These girls only know him for his charm, I on the other hand know him as an annoying piece of trash! Andrew and I hate each other's guts. It was like; Andrew and I were meant to be enemies for life.

Sadly I can't avoid him because our mom's are the best of friend since middle school and they went so over board that they moved right beside each other.

I sighed and started walking to my first period class.

Just when I was about to open the door somebody slammed it close.

"Can you please move to the side? I'm trying to get an education here, unlike you." I glared up towards the person who I despise the most.


He laughed, "I have an education!" He remarked,

I scoffed, "Please! Banging girls in Janitors closets doesn't count." After my reply, I tried opening the door but Andrew began to lean his body on the door.

"I wouldn't mind taking you for a spin," he said. He leaned in closer to my ear, " you might just get a B for Being flex-a-ble." He smirked showing his white pearl teeth that he got whiten at the dentist. How do I know that?

My mother dragged me along with his mom. So both of our teeth can be whiten.

I shoved him to the side and marched all the way to my class. Once I walked in I sat down in my assign seat and huffed.

"What did he do now?"

I look over and see my best, best, best friend; Leah Coleman. We have been friends ever since middle school.

I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it.

The bell rang and my History teacher walked in; Mr. Weil.

"Okay class today we will be learning about the 1812 when the..."

Feeling my eyes lids getting heavy, I leaned on my desk and fell asleep to dreamland.


"Finally! It's lunch time! One more class to go then I'm out!" Leah cried with joy

I laughed, we both share the same passion of hating this school. It sucks, honestly.

"I'm guessing you want this year to end as badly as I want it to?"

She nodded her head proudly, "You bet'cha! Christmas is right around the corner and that means I get to miss two weeks of school!"

We went outside and sat down at a picnic table, "So, any good news?" She asked while opening her lunch

"Yeah, the Carter's are coming over for dinner, when they can actually go to their own house for a civilize dinner." I complained

She took a bite out of her sandwich, "Maybe they have something to tell you? They haven't been over for a while," she pointed out.

"Yeah that's because The Devil and I almost bombed my own house!" I mentioned

Her eyes went from calm to fear. Yes, she should remember that she was there!

She took a moment to think and then shrugged her shoulders, "You never know, this dinner might be important."

I sneered, "I hope so. So they can leave faster, him and I won't fight till world war three arrives."

Leah snorted, "Please! You guys might start world war three as long as I know of."

I couldn't help but laugh; she had a point there.

My laughter died down when I heard foot steps coming are way, "Uh oh," Leah muttered; That means trouble.

I turned around and see the idiot and his followers smirking down at me, "Well, well, well isn't it the nobody group. Mind if I join... oh wait! Never mind I might get cooties." And his group laughed after his lousy joke

Does he knows cooties are a grade 3 kind of thing? To bad his mental mind can only understand 3rd grade terms.

I started to pack up my unfinished lunch and swing my bag to the side of my shoulder. "Well sorry to bug you captain underpants but I have to go now, see you at dinner tonight." We picked up our stuff and walked away


I turned around and smirked, "Don't you understand english?" I questioned him. "You and your family are coming over for dinner." I said slowly and loudly for him to better understand

One of his group members was quietly laughing. Andrew nudge his friend.

He looked over at me and groans, "I was going over to Stacys today! Now I have to spend time with you!"

I huffed, "Look how I feel?! I rather kill myself then have you around," it's bad to say, but I was being completely honest. I would rather sacrifice my body than spend my night in the same house as him.

He started walking up closer to me, "No, I'll rather make-out with a monkey then have you around," he sneered

I titled my head to the side, "I guess you finally agree to yourself that you are in fact attractive to animals." I smirked

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did, you strictly said you would make out with a monkey," Even though part of what I said was true, I just love to see him turn firey red when he is upset, it shows that I have accomplish my daily goal today.

What is my daily goal you might ask? It's to get Andrew upset, over the most simplest things.

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

"No I didn't!"









"Shit!" He ran through his hair in defeat

I smiled proudly "And that's why exactly, you do not mess with me!"

Leah grabbed my arm and I couldn't help but smile in victory.

Me: 1 Andrew: 0

Cece ;)

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