《Kitten》25. Wanna Be


Annie unlocks the front door and lets me into her house. It's not the first time I've been here.

She invited me over to have lunch and study together. We had so much fun, I regretted not having had any girlfriends before. Today, it's Friday, and the plan's different. Annie said we'd do girls' stuff.

"Kenzie, Kenzie." She groans, picking up a pair of sneakers from the floor in the hallway. "I always tell him to put his shoes away, but the guy never listens."

I giggle at Annie's eye roll. "Have you been living together long?"

"Since I turned eighteen in October. Before that, I used to live with my mom, and earlier with her and my... stepfather."

She spits out the last word. Knowing the entire story, I'm not surprised.

"You surely know about that; everyone does," she says.

I nod. "Brian told me, yeah. I'm so sorry. I feel awful for how Gavin behaved that time at The Temple."

We walk into the living room and drop our bags on the rug. "Don't worry," Annie says. "Nobody blames you. He's an idiot, and we all knew he'd say something like that."

"So, your mom lives here?" I change the topic.

Annie shakes her head. "She moved away. I encouraged her to. What happened with Greg wasn't her fault. My real dad's a piece of crap who beat my mom and me. She divorced him and met Greg. He seemed to be a good guy. He treated us well, and we lived in his enormous, beautiful house. Mom thought he'd make her happy, and so did I. But one night when I was fifteen, he—"

Annie stops talking and bites her lip.

I keep silent. If she wants to tell me, she will, but I'll understand if she'd rather not.

"Mom and Greg had some people over. He drank, and you know what happened. The following morning, I told her. She believed me. And I had to tell Kenzie because he knows me, and I can't lie to him. We started dating that same year, but we've known each other since we were babies.

"After Greg went to jail, Mom had it rough. She felt guilty, but Greg fooled all of us. Mom wasn't happy here, and when she got the chance to study to become a beauty tech in the city, I told her to go for it. She's working at a salon and lives there now. We see each other a lot and talk on the phone daily."

"I'm glad you get along well," I say.

Annie smiles. "Me too. Speaking of relationships, have you heard from Brian?"


"No." I point to my feet clad in comfortable, stylish boots. The brand's website said they were for bikers. "He left these on my windowsill but didn't want to talk to me," I say.

"He definitely likes you." Annie grins. "Maybe he's insecure. You're a good girl, and he's...Brian."

"I don't think he's a bad guy," I say, my voice low. "His big mouth and that attitude of his made me hate him at first, but the more I get to know him, the more I realize there's way more to Brian. He cares about tons of things, and his family's amazing."

"Brian and his big brother Jimmy are great guys. Jimmy's mega-famous, but it didn't get to his head. And well...I know things, but it's something Brian should tell you."

"He's your friend." I smile. "It's okay."

Annie rubs my shoulder and winks. "Okay, we'll eat first and paint our nails later. Deal?"

My smile mirrors hers. "Deal."


While we're waiting for the nail polish to dry, we're watching a romantic movie Annie chose. My hands have never looked this pretty. Annie taught me how to do a manicure and said she learned it from her mom.

Mac arrives home. His eyes light up when he enters the room and sees Annie.

"Doing girls' shit, Birdie?" When she nods, Mac presses a kiss to her forehead.

"'Kay, girls, I gotta get ready, and then I'm out," Mac says before leaving.

When he's changed, he crouches down next to his girlfriend to kiss her on the lips. "I won't be home too late, but don't wait up for me."

"Okay," Annie whispers and kisses him back.

When he's almost out, she stops him. "Kenzie."

Mac halts in the doorway and looks at her. "Yeah?"

"Be careful driving."

Mac smiles and nods. "You know my rule — no booze if I take the car. Have fun, girls."

"Thank you," I say.

Mac leaves, and Annie lets out a huff and frowns, leaning back on the couch.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Kenzie's going out with his friends, and stupid Leonard wants them to go to a strip club."

"Are you worried?"

Annie shrugs. "I trust him, but you've seen my boyfriend: all that ink and the piercings and his muscles. Girls stare at him all the time. I can't blame them, but where the guys are going, the dancers show off their bodies, and not much is going on here." Annie puts her hands on her breasts, and we both laugh.

"Wait," I say when her words sink in. "Is Brian going, too?"


She nods. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"I'm not his girlfriend; Brian's free to do whatever he wants," I say, trying to hide the sting of inexplicable jealousy I feel.

"You're a bad liar, Leah." Annie smirks. "You like him, and that's okay. He's way better than Gavin the prick. Why did you even date him? He makes me wanna throw up."

"I was new in town, and he approached me at school. Gavin didn't have a warning sign glued to his back. I checked."

Annie giggles. "Whatever. Was he at least decent in the bed department?"

I blush. "We only kissed, but not like with Brian."

"Not like with Brian, huh?" Annie wiggles her eyebrows.

I bury my flushed face in my palms and groan. "Yes! I felt nothing with Gavin, and with Brian, it's—"

"Wet down there?"

My eyes flare. "Annie!"

Annie laughs, throwing her head back. "Tell me I'm wrong," she says when she's calmed down.

"You're not. I'm just so inexperienced it's ridiculous."

"So was I my first time. Kenzie was a virgin, too. We were both nervous, and he was afraid to hurt me, but it was wonderful anyway. The second time was amazing, and the following ones even better. If you do it with the right guy, you won't have to worry about your lack of experience."

"Even if the guy slept with lots of girls before?" I say, studying the bright pink polish on my nails.

"So, you're thinking about doing it with Brian?"

I gape at my friend. "What? No! We aren't dating."

"And if you were?"

"You told me he's never had a girlfriend before."

"Never gave a girl boots. Never took a girl to meet his grandparents... Should I go on?"

"We're different, Annie. He's... I don't know, too much?"

She rolls her eyes. "Would you rather date someone who's too little?"

I think about the boy and the night at the cabin. The memory makes me giggle.

Annie claps. "See? You like Brian, and I can see you together. He could apply everything he learned in his whore years to you and turn you into one lucky, lucky girl."

"Shut up!" My cheeks heat, and I throw a cushion at Annie, whose laughter resonates in her snug living room.


Annie and I ended up watching another movie and then some music videos on YouTube before I went home. I take a while to fall asleep, too excited after spending the afternoon and evening with my new friend.

Mom and I are good. Something changed in her — she treats me better than she has in a while, and I didn't have to listen to her judgemental remarks, not even when I told her I made a friend at school.

She's at work, and I'm alone, which is another reason I stay up late. I finally drift off after midnight, only to be awoken by an intruder.

I let out a squeal and clutch the comforter to my chest at the sight of a figure dressed in black clothes.

"Quiet, Kitten. I know you're happy to see me, but so much enthusiasm's unnecessary."

Brian must've gotten into my bedroom through the window because he closes it and sits on my bed.

"Hey, Princess." He smiles just barely and leans in to peck my cheek.

"Hi. I didn't expect you."

"I sure as fuck hope you don't usually expect dudes getting into your house through the window. Speaking of windows, yours are shitty. You must be freezing here."

"I'm not. Did anything happen?"

"Can't I just visit you?"

"You can. And you also can text, but..."

Brian sighs. "Have you got a spare toothbrush? I'd rather you didn't smell the booze. I was out with the guys."

"On the shelf in the bathroom," I say.

"Wait for me." Brian ruffles my hair as if I were a kid and saunters to my en-suite. When he's back, he nudges my shoulder.

"Move your cute butt, Kitten. I'm sleeping here with you."

I cross my arms. "Says who?"

Brian winks. "The boy. And me. By the way, why's the water in your bathroom so fucking cold?"

I keep quiet, and a groan falls off Brian's kissable lips. "You're shitting me. How long have you been taking cold showers?"

"Since we moved here," I reply. He wouldn't buy it if I lied.

"You could've told me, you know?"

I decide to be petty and say, "You could've texted me."

Brian says nothing and sheds his clothes — everything but the underwear. In a moment, he's in my bed, and I'm in his arms with my face pressed to his bare chest.

"I locked the door, so don't fidget, and let's sleep."

"So, you came here to sleep."

Brian chuckles and pats my butt. "The boy was hoping for a goodnight kiss, but I told the dude not to get his hopes up."

"You're unbelievable." I laugh.

"But you like me."

"I don't."

"You're in love with the boy. That's enough for now. You'll like me later."

Brian buries his fingers in my strands and massages my scalp gently. The feeling sends tingles through my body, and I snuggle further into him.



"Why didn't you text?"

Silence fills the air. Then, he sighs. "Cause I'm not good for you, Kitten."

I'm going to speak, but Brian presses his fingers to my lips. "But for once, I wanna be."

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