《When the heroine becomes paranoid (Quick Wear) [GL] [MTL]》Chapter 56


"And then what?" Yi Jing continued to ask.

Ning Xian shrugged and said helplessly, "Then we broke up. She cried a lot on the day we broke up. I thought she regretted it and didn't want to be separated from me, but she told me that she cried with me."

It doesn't matter at all. Yi Jing was silent for a moment and asked, "When did you break up?"

"July 1st, I remember this day very clearly. After all, she was the first person who dumped me."

July 1st.

It was also the day Nuan Nuan broke up with her, the day Nuan Nuan completely disappeared from her world.

Ning Xian saw that Yi Jing's expression was wrong, "What happened to you? "

Yijing rubbed his forehead: "It's okay, I've finished asking the questions, thank you, you can go."

Ning Xian got up and wanted to ask about the cooperation. Yi Jing didn't look up and said in a low voice, "Someone will contact you about the cooperation with Ning, don't worry that I will go back on it. "

Ning Xian breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you."

Ning is saved.

"What kind of person do you think Wen Nuan is?"

Ning Xian stopped at the door when he heard Yi Jing's question.

Yijing paused: "...Yes. "

"But..." Ning Xian paused, "she... should have someone she liked at that time."

Yijing's eyes flashed: "What?"

"I always felt that there was someone she cared about at that time," Ning Xian said.

"At that time, I wanted to marry her, so I took her to see a wedding dress. She couldn't take her eyes off a wedding dress. I thought she liked that wedding dress, so I planned to buy it for her."

"But she said, this wedding dress is not suitable for her. "

"She said that if there is a person who can wear this wedding dress, it must be very beautiful."

"At first I thought she was talking about a friend, but now that I think about it, her eyes at that time were bright, clean and pure."

"I know that when a person's eyes are clear and pure, it is because she has someone he likes."

Ning Xian finished speaking, pushed open the door and left.

Yi Jing sat on the sofa, his eyes flickered a few times.

Seeing Ning Xian leave, Secretary Li pushed open the door and walked in, "Boss?"

"Go and help me investigate the consumption situation and the people I have contacted in the past three years." Yi Jing said solemnly.

Secretary Li replied, "Okay."

"Prepare me a car."

It was almost ten o'clock, and Secretary Li couldn't rest assured.

"Should I drive you home?"

Yi Jing got up and walked out: "I'm not going home."

Secretary Li: "...?"


The end of Wen Nuan was pressed by Cong Hui and poured half a pot of soup. Burned in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep.

She drank all the water from the kettle on the table, but she still felt unbearable.

She unintentionally looked out the window, there was a car parked under the street light, and Wen Nuan took a closer look and found that it was Yi Jing's car.

Wen Nuan tugged at his neck, opened the door and walked out of the room.

Yi Jing stopped at the door of Nuan's dormitory for more than half an hour, and came here on a whim, only to think that Nuan was already asleep at this time.


The warm wound is not yet fully healed, and it is not easy for her to disturb her.

But she didn't want to leave just like that, as if staying here could get close to the warmth.


The window was knocked.

Yi Jing looked up and saw Wen Nuan wearing this short-sleeved shirt standing outside the car.

Her face changed, she opened the car door, and let Nuan come in, "Why did you come out when you dressed?"

Nuan immediately got into the car, "I'm not cold, Conghui gave me a pot of ginseng soup, and I'm so angry that I drink it now."

Yi Jing put the blanket in the car on Warm, "Ginseng nourishes Qi and blood, you can drink some."

"If you don't sleep so late, why did you come out?"

Wen Nuan asked back: "Why did you come out if you didn't sleep so late?"

Yi Jing said, "I've been busy all day today and haven't been in touch with you, so I want to come and see you."

"I just want to come and see?" Warm and dry mouth.

The eyes that looked at Yi Jing were much hotter.

Yi Jing didn't notice that something was wrong, her eyes were filled with pity and distress, and her heart seemed to be rubbed fiercely: "Well, I miss you."

The warm eyes lit up: "Actually, I miss you too."

Yi Jing smiled: "Really?"

"Well," Wen Nuan leaned over and kissed her lightly, holding her hand to her chest, "I'm getting angry with all my thoughts."

Yi Jing felt her vigorous energy. His heart beat, his face flushed, and he asked dotingly, "...What should I do?"

Wen Nuan leaned over and kissed her.

"Dear me, let me lower the flames, or I'll feel uncomfortable."


"Why do you catch a cold?" Cong Hui said with a puzzled face.

Mingming warmly drank all the ginseng soup she stewed, how could she catch a cold?

Even if the body doesn't recover to its peak, shouldn't he catch a cold?

Really shouldn't ah?!

Wen Nuan held the hot water and looked as usual: "Maybe it has something to do with me sleeping with the window open last night?"


Holding his waist, he said angrily: "I want to tell Zhai Yi and the others that you are disobedient and let them come back to you."

Warm: "..."



"Cough, cough..."

Secretary Li put the cold medicine and hot water in front of Yi Jing, "Boss, take some medicine, you will get better soon."

After Yi Jing took the medicine, he coughed lightly: "Thank you. "

"The boss was caught in the wind last night?" Secretary Li saw that Yi Jing's face was ruddy, with a hint of red.

Thinking of the lingering in the car last night, Yi Jing pursed her lips and said, "It's because of the wind, it's fine."

"Then the boss should get off work early today, go back and have a good rest."

"Well," Yi Jing said, "Yesterday Do you have the consumption record I asked you to check?"

Secretary Li said, "Yes, I have sent it to your mailbox, you can check it at any time."

"Okay, go to work first."

Yi Jing opened the mailbox and looked at An email from Secretary Li.

His expression suddenly became more serious.

She quickly got up and left the company, and drove to the Tan family compound.

The Tan family compound is located in the suburbs, covering an area equivalent to a football field.


The car drove into the center of the Tan family compound, Yi Jing threw the car in the courtyard, and someone would help her drive it to the parking lot.

The housekeeper received a summons from the security guard at the door and immediately went to the door to greet him.

Seeing Yi Jing's solemn expression, he walked quickly and immediately stepped forward, "Miss, you are back, dinner will be ready soon, you should take a seat and eat first."

"Where's Grandpa?" Yi Jing asked.

The housekeeper respectfully said, "Master is practicing calligraphy in the study on the third floor."

"You don't have to bring me for dinner, I'll go talk to Grandpa about something."

The housekeeper looked at Yi Jing's back, and he was aggressive.

Yijing came to the study room on the third floor. Sandalwood was lit in the study room, which was warm and delicate, mellow and round, giving people a cold and rigid feeling, just like Tan Yiping, stubborn and stubborn.

Tan Yiping heard the voice and continued to practice calligraphy. He thought it was the aunt at home, so he didn't look up: "Is the meal ready?"

"Just in time, let's go down to dinner with grandpa."

"Grandpa is afraid that he will have to eat later."

Tan Yiping wondered: "What's wrong?"

Yi Jing's eyes were cold: "Granddaughter wants to have a heart-to-heart talk with grandpa."

Tan Yiping listened When Yijing arrived, he wanted to have a heart-to-heart with him, put down the pen, and said with a smile, "Okay, grandpa is talking to you."

Yijing took out a piece of paper and mobile phone and put it in front of Tan Yiping.

"Grandpa will take a look first, then we'll talk."

Tan Yiping picked up the paper and mobile phone without knowing it, his expression changed from being confused at the beginning to being surprised and shocked.

Hands drooping weakly, the phone fell in response.

Looking at Tan Yiping's performance, Yi Jing knew that his guess had been confirmed.

"Three years ago, when you met Nuan Nuan, what did you say?"

She resisted her anger, her voice was a little low and hoarse.

Tan Yiping's expression was a bit unnatural, and he said lightly, "I just want her to persuade you to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors."

"Really?" Yi Jing sneered coldly, "Why don't I believe it?"

"Tan Yijing, do you dare to question me?" Tan Yiping slapped the table and roared.

Yi Jing looked at the man in front of him coldly, even though it was twilight, but his sharp eyes had been obscured by the years, but it was impossible to ignore his majesty and extraordinary bearing.

Yi Jing smiled sarcastically: "What? Are you afraid that people will know when you're done?"

"Are you going to find something warm behind my back, are you still lying to me?" She pursed her pale lips.

Tan Yiping's lips trembled angrily, his chest floated violently, and he pointed at Yi Jing: "So? Are you here to teach me a lesson?"

"You are my Tan Yiping's granddaughter, how can you contact that kind of person?"

"That kind of person What kind of person is she?" Yi Jing retorted, "Just because her parents died, just because she has a low background, just because she is a woman?"

"If that's the case, I'm a perfect match for her."

Yi Jing looked at him viciously. Tan Yiping, "Because I too have lost both my parents and my background is low. I'm also a woman, and she doesn't dislike her. How can I be qualified to look down on her."

Tan Yiping's eyes widened and he looked at Yi Jing in disbelief. His hands were shaking, "You...you..."

"Do you think I went back to Tan's house because I was abandoned by warmth and had nowhere to go?"

Yi Jing walked in, put his hands on the table, and stared at Tan Yiping, "Actually, I want to know, how exactly did my parents die?"

Tan Yiping tensed, as if all his strength had been drained, and he slumped on the stool weakly.

Yi Jing's eyes were red, and she said in a trembling voice, "How should I ask?"

"Why did my parents die?"

"How did my parents die?"

"Or..." Yi Jing gritted his teeth, "Why did my good grandfather force my parents to death?"

Yi Jing clenched his fists, his nails digging into the flesh, unaware of the pain.

She just wanted a reason, why, why would parents have the heart to force their children to death, is it just because he likes an ordinary woman?

The lamp on the desk emits a dim light, which can only illuminate an inch of space, where there is a photo, an old family portrait.

In the photo, the woman is elegant and delicate, the man is serious and upright, the young man is cheerful and cheerful, the woman is smiling slightly, looking at the young man, the man's stern appearance reveals a smile, and the young man is holding his certificate and laughing heartily.

Tan Yiping sat in the chair, only showing half of his body, with dim yellow lights on, leaving the vicissitudes of life alone.

"No, no reason." Tan Yiping lowered his head, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

Such a casual answer made Yi Jing a little shattered.

She shouted out of control: "There's no reason, that's your child, your own child, just because he likes my mother, and you don't agree, so you forced them to death? Up to now, you still have no regrets and still think that you are Is it right?"

There is no reason, he said so calmly, so indifferently.

"Are you still human? That's your child," Yi Jing took the family photo on the desk and pointed to his brightly smiling father, "This is the child you used to be proud of, you...how can you bear to put him Forced to a dead end ?"

"Yijing, get out!" Tan Yiping looked ugly and was unhappy.

Yi Jing was furious, his red eyes looked directly at Tan Yiping's dark pupils, and he was about to find the answer he wanted from there.

"When Feili was in crisis, you forced my dad to marry the aunt of the Lin family. My dad didn't agree, so I ran away with my mom, trying to escape from your control. When you found out, you sent someone to chase. Later, the Lin family stayed with you. With cooperation, you can barely let my parents go."

"My parents lived incognito in Jinghai City, got married, gave birth to me, lived a stable and happy life for 7 years, and you managed Feili and became bigger and bigger, the reputation and respect you received. There are also more and more, but there are always people who say that you have no way to teach your son, you are very angry, very angry. The son you used to be proud of has made you the laughing stock of others, everyone makes fun of it, and you feel that your own dignity is being taken by others trample."

"You sent someone to find my father again, wanting to bring him back to inherit the company and continue your grand blueprint. You should train my father to be a man who is admired and admired by all adults, not an unfilial son who can only rebel against his father. You must erase your dark history and make your own life perfect."

"You imposed your will on my father, constantly mocking, despising, disgusting, suppressing my mother, and letting my father be in your hands. I was in a dilemma with my mother, and gradually collapsed, and you were completely driven to the end by you at the last step."

Yi Jing gritted his teeth and said, his teeth clenched hard and bleeding, and his hand on the table tightly grabbed the table. Draw a trace.

"Am I right, my virtuous and good grandfather?" In a sarcastic tone.

Tan Yiping was silent in his icy language.

Yi Jing pressed hard.

"Why don't you speak? I pierced your benevolent appearance and exposed your cruel and cold-blooded heart. Are you afraid?"

"Yijing, pay attention to your identity." Tan Yiping said loudly.

Yi Jingxiang heard a joke, squinted his eyes and smiled and said, "Is the identity, the identity of the selfish murderer's granddaughter?"



"Get out!" Tan Yiping was furious and slapped him, Yi Jing's pale face Immediately, a five-fingerprint was printed on it, red and purple, very obvious.

Tan Yiping was stunned for a moment, feeling the numb pain in his hand, his heart was restless, and he had no choice but to shout outside.

"Lin Ping, take Miss."

Lin Ping walked in from the door and said softly, "Miss, it's getting late, rest early, Master is tired too."

Yi Jing sneered: "Yeah, I'm all tired. Grandpa, you are tired, and I am tired too. The granddaughter thinks that she is not so capable of continuing to manage Fei Li, and this property should be returned to the original owner."

She smiled sarcastically: "After all, my surname is Yi, not Tan.."

Since she was born, she has followed her mother's surname, which is also a kind of resistance of her father to Tan Yiping.

Lin Ping frowned, gently tugged Yi Jing's sleeve, and persuaded: "Miss..."

Yi Jing turned to leave, Lin Ping glanced at Tan Yiping, and immediately followed.

Tan Yiping lowered his head, sighed and drowned in the endless darkness, unknown to others...

"Miss, where are you going?" Lin Ping stopped Yijing.

Seeing that she has no intention of staying in the compound at all.

"Uncle Lin, I'll go first." Yi Jing took the car key and went straight out the door.

Yi Jing drove away from the Tan family compound and parked on Linjiang Road.

She slapped the steering wheel fiercely, releasing the pain and unwillingness in her heart.

Yi Jing grabbed the clothes on his chest and roared in pain, "Ah-"

She really hurts, it hurts.

The heart seemed to be divided into two halves, and every time it beat, the tendons were pulled, the flesh was sticking to the flesh, the pain was blurred, and the blood was dripping.

It turned out that the real reason for Nuan Nuan left her was that her grandfather was pushing her behind her back.

She deliberately contacted other men, made her sad for her,

She deliberately accepted Xiuning's five million yuan, made her disappointed with her,

She deliberately said that cruel word, and made her completely give up on her consumption in the past three years According to the records, it is empty, and there is hardly a particularly large consumption.

This proves that Wen Xiuning's five million, warmth has never been taken from the beginning to the end.

From beginning to end, she lived like a joke, was lied to by everyone, and almost missed her beloved.

Wen Nuan was about to make a phone call with Yi Jing and ask her how she had a cold?

I heard the system suddenly prompt that the blackening value has decreased, at this time the blackening value is already 2.2!

"What's the matter?" Wen Nuan asked in surprise.

The system shook his head and said: [Suddenly lowered, could it be that the heroine believed something? 】

"What can she think about?"

【For example, we all know that the heroine still thinks that you are close to her because your brain is broken, so we can think of what the heroine believes? 】The system touched his chin deeply.

He said warmly and earnestly: "What is it?"

The system said firmly: [It's just that the heroine believes that your brain is really broken. 】

Warm: "...."

【In order to better eliminate the blackening value, you should continue to pretend that your brain is broken. 】The system sincerely suggested.

Warm: "...Go away!"


Approaching the end of the year, and [Miracle]'s year-end concert is coming soon.

Zhou Hao stopped taking other jobs for the four of them, and let them concentrate on preparing for the concert.

Except warm.

"Where are you going?" Zhou Hao said helplessly.

A warm and embarrassed smile: "I went out to yo-yo, I sang for a day, let my voice relax."

Zhou Hao snorted coldly: "Today's heavy snowstorm, you went out for a walk, and your brain was kicked by a donkey."

He looked "I know" "Don't think I don't know what you want to do? Don't you know?"


"President Yi has resigned." Zhou Hao also received the news just yesterday.

Warmly startled: "Why?"

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