《When the heroine becomes paranoid (Quick Wear) [GL] [MTL]》Chapter 34


Chu Han and An Min.

Chu Han raised his hand and pulled An Min over, and immediately turned around to avoid the fire beam, but was hit by a fire beam from behind, knocking him to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Before An Min could stand still, he didn't react when he saw the beam of fire coming towards him. He looked at the iron wall built in front of him. The hot flames burned the iron wall red and hot, accompanied by hissing explosions.

"Sang Er, calm down and let Dr. An Min finish his sentence!" Gao Zhengwu released his powers with difficulty.

He is an A-level gold-type ability, and he can't resist Sang Er's ability attack for a long time.

Sang Er roared angrily: "He wants to kill Wen Nuan, how can you make me calm down?!"

An Min looked at Wen Nuan, then turned to Sang Er, and said lightly, "Nuan Wen is immortal, what are you worried about?"

He With a sneer: "Also, it's not me, but you who killed the warm person."

San Er paused, "What do you mean?"

"You and Chu Han's abilities are the strongest in the base, so I need You kill Wen Nuan respectively." An Min pointed his finger at Sang Er, "And the first one who needs to kill Wen Wen is you."

"What are you..." Sang Er was so angry that he could not wait for a fire to kill him. Min was burned to ashes.

"Little ears," Wen Nuan held her hand, looked at her bloodshot eyes, and smiled, "I'm fine, you forget, I'm immortal, as long as my consciousness is still there, I can be resurrected even if I'm torn apart. Yes ."

Sang Ye trembled: "But, but..."

She didn't want to let Wen Nuan die again, and she didn't want to kill her herself.

She can't do it, she really can't do it...

She hugged her warmly, touched her back one by one, and comforted: "Little Er, don't be afraid, I won't die, I will always be here. She looked at An Min, "

"How sure are you?"

Do this experiment and let her die again and again. If you want to see the real drug attack of H medicine with your own eyes, how sure are you that you can make an antidote for the sequelae of H medicine?

An Min touched his chin, "50%."

Feeling the tremor in his arms, he patted it warmly and asked, "What about the other 50%?"

"It can only be confirmed after the experiment is over."

"Okay, let's start, "Nuan Wen looked at Sang Er, who had already cried with red eyes in his arms, and smiled lightly, "Don't be afraid."

"I don't want to kill you." Sang Er choked.

She can't let go, she really can't let go.

Her mind is blank now, and she doesn't even know how to release her powers.

They were forcing her to kill her most important person with her own hands...

"Sang Er, look at me."

When San Er heard her call her full name, she knew that Nuan was very serious now, and she looked at Nuan holding back tears.

"Sang Er, I want the end of the world to end, can you help me?" Wen Nuan wiped away her tears, her voice soft and watery, "I want to be able to stand with you under the blue sky and white clouds, and don't have to worry about eating people. You don't have to worry about seeing the sun tomorrow."


"When the end of the apocalypse, we won't be separated again, please help me, okay?" Thoughts, throat tightened, throat seemed to be on fire.

She said with extreme difficulty: "...Okay."

As long as it is what the warmth wants, she will give it to her even if she fights her life.


Warmly walked into the closed room, An Min prepared a lot of high-level crystal nuclei for her to absorb to restore her body.

Lightning strikes, fires burn.

Throughout the day, the warmth went from being bloody to bloody, and the people who were burned and electrocuted were not like people. Chu Han's electricity-type ability was inherently powerful, and Sang Er's fire-type ability was even more violent. The body is reflected most vividly.

Chu Han and Gao Zhengwu couldn't bear to see the warm and miserable appearance, and they avoided their eyes and couldn't bear to look directly.

Sang Er was already in tears, her eyes were blurred with tears, she closed her eyes tightly, listening to An Min kept shouting "Increase! Intensify!" in the control room.

It's been a long time.

An Min looked at the values ​​on the computer and smiled with satisfaction: "Okay, everyone can stop."

He clicked save, looked at the charred corpse in the closed room, and said lightly: "Everyone go out, warm Just stay and recover well."

"I want to stay." Sang Er's voice was hoarse from crying, and her red eyes stared at An Min.

An Min shook her head and said lightly, "No."

"You are courting death?" An Min kept rubbing back and forth on her bottom line. Sang Er had tried to kill this guy several times.

"If you kill me now, then all the offenses Miss Lin suffers will be in vain." An Min smiled with sarcasm in his eyes, "Is Miss Sang sure you want to kill me?"

Said: "You'd better come up with a way to solve the after-effects of the H medicine, otherwise I will cremate you on the spot."

An Min smiled freely: "Okay."

Sang Er took a deep look at the warmth, turned and left.

The warm consciousness slowly returned to the cage, looking at his charred body, he collapsed on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm so tired."

The system sighed: [The blackening value has increased, and the heroine's current blackening value is 5.5! 】

It is not surprising that the blackening value will increase and warmth. After all, Sang Ye is not cold-blooded and ruthless. She has feelings for her, but she doesn't know that.

"It's okay, I'll be down in a few days, don't worry."

The system also knows that Nuan has a heart, it sees Nuan's miserable appearance, and sighs: "Fortunately, your body doesn't feel pain, otherwise you would have to be tossed to death. 】

After all, the pain shielding it provides can't help much warmth.

He smiled warmly and said nothing.

"Are you okay?" An Min looked at the scorched black mass in the closed room, and he knew that Nuan could hear his question.

Warmly moved his fingers tentatively and gave An Min a middle finger to prove that he was still alive.

An Min looked at Nuan and gave him a middle finger, and smiled helplessly: "It seems that you are quite energetic."

He looked at the data in the computer, "Now, I can give you 100% confidence."

Nuan didn't want to speak , mainly because the facial features were all burned, and she said "OK" again.


An Min was still curious about Nuan's immortal body, "How long will it take for you to recover from your current state?"

Nuan grabbed a fifth-order crystal nucleus, absorbed it instantly, and waved his hand, indicating that he didn't know much either. .

An Min thought for a while, walked into the closed room, took out a crystal nucleus from his pocket and handed it over, "The crystal nucleus of the zombie emperor, the impurities in it are almost negligible, can you try it?"

Yes, let him do research, but he was useless, because he planned to do experiments on Nuan from the beginning, so he deliberately reserved the core of the zombie emperor for Nuan.

Wen Nuan looked at the crystal nucleus in his hand and opened his palm.

An Min placed the crystal nucleus in her palm, then opened her eyes wide to see the almost miraculous phenomenon in front of her.

There is a huge amount of energy in the crystal core of the zombie emperor. This huge energy can instantly restore the warmth to the original, and the flesh will re-organize and grow again.

An Min frowned. When he was doing the experiment just now, Nuan was no longer human, and there was no difference between men and women to pay attention to, but now Nuan has begun to recover, and some places have gradually taken shape.

He turned around, took off his clothes and covered his warm body, and walked out of the closed room.

Warmly dressed, walked out of the closed room, glanced at the console, and asked, "How long will it take you to make the antidote for the sequelae of H medicine?"

An Min thought for a while, "The fastest one month, the slowest Three months."

"Is there anything else I need to do?"

"Maybe I need you to test the medicine." An Min plans to use zombies and warmth to test each generation of antidote to see the reaction of the specific medicine. Process.

Nuan Nuan understood the time and energy it takes to make an antidote, and said very understandingly: "Okay, you are calling me when you're done, I'll go first."

Nuan Nuan absorbed the crystal core of the Zombie King, and felt extremely strong physical and mental strength. .

If you can roll with her, she won't be tired for seven days and seven nights.

The system scoffed: [Then the heroine will be killed by you. 】

Seven days and seven nights, be a person.

Wen Nuan touched his nose and said embarrassedly, "Isn't this using an exaggeration technique?"

The system hummed: [Haha. 】

Guess it, believe it or not, it's really a beast.

Wen Nuan walked out of the laboratory, and as soon as the electronic door opened, she saw Sang Er sitting on the ground with her head buried between her legs, exhausted and gloomy all over her body, hidden in the corner, slowly covered by darkness.

All her clothes were burnt, and only An Min's lab coat and a pair of slippers were on her body.

Wen Nuan walked in front of Sang Er, squatted down, and called her softly, "Little ears?"

Sang Er did not respond, but still kept a posture of embracing herself, as if closing herself up.

Wen Nuan stretched out his hand and hugged Sang Er, "Little Ear, I'm Nuan, please take care of me, okay?" I think she was frightened.

Sang Er's body shook violently, she hugged the warmth, buried herself in the warm arms and cried bitterly, "Warm..."

"I'm here, I'm here, don't cry." She coaxed softly.

Sang Er cried too fiercely, her body kept shaking, and her cry was full of fear and panic. She was holding on to the warmth, wishing to melt her into her body.

She killed the warmth with her own hands, and killed it again and again...

The power supply of the base is limited in time. At ten o'clock in the evening, except for An Min's laboratory, the rest of the place will immediately lose power.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Nuan looked at Sang Er whose eyes were swollen from crying, "Are you still crying?"

Sang Er shook her head, looked at Nuan without missing arms or legs, breathed a sigh of relief, and sobbed: "No... don't cry anymore. "

Then let's go home, shall we?" The warm voice was soft and gentle.

"Well," Sang Ruan saw that Nuan was only wearing a lab coat, and she took out the bag behind her, "I've prepared clothes for you, you can put them on first."

Wen Nuan took it, after all, besides the lab coat, she There was a vacuum inside, "Okay."

Warm changed his clothes, and walked back to Building A with Sang Er slowly.

If you ignore the constant roaring zombies outside the base, the peaceful and quiet atmosphere in the base makes people think that the apocalypse has never appeared.

The moon tonight is round and big, hanging high in the night sky, illuminating the way back a lot.

The two of them clasped their fingers together and walked on the road, silent to each other.

"Does it hurt?"

Wen Nuan knew what she was asking, and shook his head and said, "It doesn't hurt."

Sang Er's voice was hoarse, and her voice was a little low. She denied it in a low voice, "...I don't believe it." If you can burn the zombies to the point of crying, how can the warmth not hurt, and Chu Han's ability is also very powerful, how can the warmth not hurt?

Seeing Sang Er's disbelief, Nuan Nuan sighed: "Okay, I do hurt."

Sang Er panicked, "Where... where does it hurt?"

"It hurts here," Wen Nuan put her hand on her chest, the bottom of her eyes A small smile appeared, "I feel distressed."

Seeing her smile, Sang Ye knew immediately that she was joking with her.

But she was reluctant to be angry with Nuan, and asked, "Warm, did it hurt that time?"


Sang Ye looked at her, her eyes were red, and the scene of Nuan Nuan and Zombie King's self-destruction four months ago came to her mind, and she choked up. Said: "That time, self-destruction, did it hurt?"

Wen Nuan was stunned, her expression tangled, and then she smiled sadly: "It hurts a bit."

At that time, she was still human and did not have the immortality she is now, although there was a system that gave her a pain shield, but still a little sore.

Sang Er took her hand and blew on her distressedly, "I'll give you a hoot, it won't hurt anymore."

She is a wild child no one wants. Don't cry. Later, the old man in the village told her that if she was in pain, she would "wheeze" at the wound, and let the wind take away the pain and it would not hurt.

Wen Nuan blinked, her eyes were a little sore, and her voice trembled, "But I... still hurt?"

"What should I do?" The more powerful fire-type abilities, nothing else.

Nuan took Sang Er into his arms, touched her stamina, and sighed softly: "Little ear, let me hug you."

"Will it not hurt?" Sang Er hugged the warm and slender waist, wondering.

"Well, it doesn't hurt anymore," Wen Nuan's expression moved. "You are my painkiller. As long as you hold it, it won't hurt." In an instant, Sang Ye felt that her heart skipped a beat.


Power users and ordinary people who survive in the base need to do tasks issued by the organization in exchange for living resources or subsidies. Power users often leave the base to hunt zombies to improve power levels or use zombie crystal cores. In exchange for the required items, ordinary people exchange for the required items in the base through labor.

The rules and regulations in the base are clear, and everyone can survive in the base without incident. Of course, some people are dissatisfied with the implementation of this system and try to resist the uprising, but in the end they are forcibly suppressed by force. No one can beat San Er and Chu Han.

On the surface, everyone lives in harmony, but in private there are still people who want to get something for nothing.

Beautiful people will always take advantage of their own advantages and go to the superpowers or high-ranking people in the base in exchange for power and status, so as to live a luxurious and rotten life that enjoys it and hates labor. Standing on the balcony, watching The woman who blocked Sang Er downstairs was beautiful, with beautiful facial features, and a very hot body. She looked down and could just see the woman's bottomless career line.

The woman stopped Sang Er downstairs and tried to get closer, but Sang Er took a step back with a look of disgust on her face.

Wen Nuan could hear Sang Er's disgusting tone, she fanned her nose, "stay away from me, the perfume on your body is too pungent."

The woman's face stiffened, and she said embarrassedly: "Is it bad? This is on purpose. Made with lavender, you can rest your mind at ease. I heard that you haven’t been sleeping well recently, so I sprayed some of it to make you smell more comfortable.”

Sang Er twisted her nose, “Fang Yao, you have a strong smell on your body. My rhinitis is almost hooked out, and in order to make me feel at ease, why are you spraying yourself?"

Shouldn't you spray her?

Fang Yao raised her hand and caressed her hair behind her ear, and smiled shyly: "Because I want to be closer to you."

Sang Ye really couldn't understand what Fang Yao was thinking, and frowned: "This scent is too strong, if you continue to Get closer to me, I'm afraid I'll be directly killed by you."

It still smells good on the warm body, although the smell is faint but it smells very comfortable.

"Don't you like it?" Fang Yao grieved and Baba glanced at Sang Er in a begging tone, "Then can I go to your room to take a bath? I'll wash off the smell."

"Why are you going to my room ? Take a shower?"

Fang Yao is also a power user, and she was also assigned to a room in the base.

She couldn't help but wonder: "Don't you have a home?"

Fang Yao: "..."

Hearing this, Nuan couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Sang Er's ears moved, and when she heard the familiar laughter, she immediately raised her head. Seeing Wen Nuan's hands on the balcony, she immediately waved to her and said in surprise, "Warm?"

Fang Yao looked up and saw the balcony of Sang Er's room. There was a woman standing. The woman seemed to notice her gaze, smiled faintly, and then waved to Sang Er.

There is a sloppy and lazy atmosphere around the woman. Her appearance is beautiful and pure. At first glance, it will make people want to protect her, especially those peach blossom eyes still reveal an unconscious coquettishness, which brings her a lot of love. A different flavor.

"Warm?" Fang Yao's lips moved silently, as if pondering the meaning of the name.

Sang Ye looked up at Wen Nuan and shouted loudly, "Warm, are you waiting for me?"

She stood on the balcony and looked at her, the afterglow of the setting sun reflected on her cheeks, making her beauty hazy.

Warming his elbows against the railing, his palms propped up his face, he chuckled lightly: "Well, I'm waiting for you."

Sang Er smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go upstairs right now, wait for me."

After speaking, she connected with Fangyao Without looking at it, he ran upstairs immediately.

Fang Yao watched Sang Er run away without turning her head, and looked at Nuan with deep meaning.

Seeing Sang Er running upstairs, Nuan Nuan did not leave, but glanced at Fang Yao, turned and left.

Fang Yao retracted her gaze and clenched the hand hanging by her side.

In those indifferent eyes, she felt the strong danger and warning released by this woman, as if she was saying that San was her property, and she couldn't even remember her if she couldn't touch her.

Warm closed the window, walked back to the room, and waited for San to run up.

Fang Yao is a cannon fodder in the original plot, a cannon fodder who wants to seduce the male protagonist Chu Han and seek protection.

She is also a C-level power user, but her power is relatively useless.

Hypnotic power.

Such a power has no self-protection ability for her, let alone stand out among many power users, so she can only rely on her beauty to find support.

Nuan thought of Fang Yao's look at Sang Er just now and her closeness to Sang Er, it was obvious that Fang Yao was seducing Sang Er.

But in the original plot, didn't Fang Yao seduce Chu Han?

Why did the plot change so much?

[The main storyline of the world has changed, not to mention that these small sideline stories will definitely change. 】The system calmly said.

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