《When the heroine becomes paranoid (Quick Wear) [GL] [MTL]》Chapter 30


Sheng Ting Wan and Shen Zhi Jin quarreled.

These two people quarreled so fiercely and loudly that even the entire palace and even the officials in the court knew that Shen Guijun and Her Majesty the Queen had quarreled, and their relationship suffered a huge crisis.

The Shen family jumped in a hurry and asked the Queen to enter the palace to see Shen Zhijin, but was rejected by Her Majesty the Queen and strictly prohibited Shen Guijun from leaving the palace gate for half a step, otherwise he would be beaten to death.

When this edict came out, people panicked.

When people are in a panic, it is easy to think too much. They suddenly think of a major event that has happened in the past few days, that is, Ling Xiangye Ling Nuan has returned.

At the beginning, Shen Zhijin was the matchmaker of Ling Xiangye himself, who gave the Shen family heir to Her Majesty the current Queen, and asked Her Majesty to designate Shen Zhijin as the current Fengjun. .

This move made everyone think that the Shen family was on the side of Ling Xiangye, and Her Majesty the Queen did not dare to disobey Ling Xiangye's words, so she could only marry Shen Zhijin. The only concubine and noble monarch in His Majesty's harem, no one dared to provoke the Shen family.

Now that the two are quarreling, everyone wonders if the relationship between the Shen family and Ling Xiangye has broken down, so Her Majesty the Queen will completely break with Shen Zhijin.

Moreover, these few days, Sheng Tingwan had been cold-faced when he went to court, and the heavy majesty swept the entire court, so that the court officials did not dare to make a sound, for fear of bringing disaster to Chiyu.

Nuan's body has almost recovered in the past few days. Even Fang Minghe is surprised by her ability to recover. She should have been in a state of training for three months, but after only half a month, Nuan can walk like flying, and she is in good condition. As if uninjured.

"Master Xiang's body is already strong, and after half a month of recuperation, Master Xiang is almost back to normal." Fang Minghe looked at Sheng Tingwan, who was sitting in the upper position. He often came to visit these days. The imperial study reported to Sheng Ting Wan about the warm condition of recuperation.

Especially in the past few days, it is clear that the Prime Minister's body is about to recover as before, and Her Majesty's face is getting darker. As a result, after he finished reporting today, Her Majesty's face became even more ugly.

It stands to reason that Xiangye's recovery is getting better and better. This is a good thing. Her Majesty the Queen should be happy. However, Fang Minghe knows in his heart that Her Majesty is worried that if Xiangye recovers, he will definitely leave the capital and wander around. cosmopolitan.

Her Majesty the Queen does not want Lord Ling to leave the palace, Fang Minghe can deeply feel it.

"You said, she is in good health, is she going to leave?" Sheng Tingwan said lightly.

Fang Minghe was startled, not knowing the meaning of Her Majesty's question, he could only decide what he should reply at this moment based on the actual situation.

"...I thought it was."

Ling Xiangye also said that he wanted to continue to travel around the world. Now that his body has recovered, he will definitely leave the capital and go to the rivers and lakes again to travel around the mountains and waters.


"Really?" Sheng Tingwan's voice was still flat.

The imperial study suddenly fell into a dead silence, as if crushing the person's back heavily.

Fang Minghe swallowed his throat, and the cold sweat fell from his forehead.

"Fang Minghe?"

He immediately responded, "I am here."

"You are very skilled at making medicines, so you must be able to make the medicines I want, right?"

Fang Minghe raised his eyes sharply, meeting Shengting Wan's deep eyes Eyes, the top of the heart suddenly trembled, and he said hard: "...I, it's okay."

Sheng Tingwan's mouth twitched, "That's good."

[The male and female quarrels, what do you plan? 】The system sees Wen Nuan's calm and casual appearance, and wonders.

Sheng Tingwan and Shen Zhijin's quarrel warmly knew naturally, but she stayed put, because she wanted to see what the two of them wanted to do?

Wen Nuan poured a cup of tea and took a sip, "As long as the heroine doesn't kill the hero in a fit of rage, let's take the rest slowly."

Anyway, she wasn't in a hurry.

What Nuan really wants to see is what exactly did Sheng Tingwan and Shen Zhijin do to wait for her to enter?

The system knew what Wennuan was thinking, and was a little worried: [Although it is said that the male and female protagonists are the sons of heaven, but in this mission world, the female protagonist is superior to the male protagonist in every aspect, and the male protagonist's life and death are only at the thought of the female protagonist. During the time, I was a little worried that the female lead would really start with the male lead. 】

"Don't be afraid," Wen Nuan brushed off the tea leaves in the cup, and said calmly, "Small trouble, it's not going to kill anyone."

【Are you so sure? 】

"Of course, I don't know what kind of temperament she has?" Wen Nuan smiled, "She only needs to do what she wants to do, and if it's wrong, it's mine."

She watched Sheng Tingwan walk in from outside the palace gate , the corners of his eyes were slightly raised, and he muttered: "I really want to see, what else can she do in order to get me?"

Wen Nuan always felt that Sheng Ting Wan had not let go at this moment, and was too depressed. Desire is not a good thing.

Since "she" dares to be blackened, it means that "she" is an ambitious person.

Sheng Tingwan walked into Huining Hall, and saw Nuan sitting alone in the hall drinking tea, frowning slightly, "Where are Mushu and Qu Hui?"

She originally planned to let Nuan live in the Qianyang Palace all the time, and she was more at ease with her care, but she didn't want to live in the Qianyang Palace, saying that the Qianyang Palace was the queen's bedroom after all, not where she could live.

Having said that, Sheng Tingwan didn't feel comfortable listening to it, but she insisted on doing so. She didn't want to force anything, so as not to cause warm dissatisfaction, so she could only be placed in Huining, which was only one palace away from the Qianyang Palace. temple.

Wen Nuan poured a cup of tea for Sheng Tingwan, "I asked them to go out of the palace to buy osmanthus cakes from Su Guifang." She saw that Sheng Tingwan didn't even go to Qianyang Palace to change the court clothes, "Just went to court?"

Sheng Ting Wan sat next to Wen Nuan and took a sip of tea, "Well, just got off."


"This hour?" Nuan looked at her with a little sadness between her brows, "But what happened?"

Nuan thought about the next plot line. Although the world plot line is already messed up, there are still some things that can be learned from.

For example, in the original plot, the war in Xizhou greatly damaged the vitality of Tianyang Kingdom and lost 200,000 troops. Later, Her Majesty led 100,000 soldiers and soldiers to go on a personal expedition to recover lost territory and bring Minqiu and Pingzhou back into the territory.

Although the results of the war are not as warm as they are, they are still amazing.

The war has been settled, and the three kingdoms are trying their best to recover their vitality, and they have reached a weak relationship of mutual harmony and competition.

Ten days later will be Sheng Ting Wan's birthday. The original plot is that Minqiu, Xin Zhaoguo, and the Pingzhou Congress sent envoys to congratulate Sheng Ting Wan's birthday. Because of Sheng Ting Wan's vicious and vicious tactics on the battlefield, the three countries were terrified and vigilant. , then conspired to dedicate his country's prince to Sheng Ting Wan, on the surface to show loyalty, but in fact to put eyeliner.

If it continues according to the original plot, the congratulations from Pingzhouguo and Xin Zhaoguo will make the male protagonist Shen Zhijin jealous, but for the sake of the Three Kingdoms surface and private, they want to use these three princes to counter-monitor the enemy country, and keep Chen Cang secretly, and Sheng Tingwan will accept it. the three princes.

This led to the first rift between the heroine and the hero. It was not until later that the heroine relied on these three princes to steal the secrets of the other three kingdoms and launched an army to capture the three kingdoms. Only then did the hero know that the heroine loved her from beginning to end. It's all him, and the three royal mistresses are just taking advantage of them.

But now the main line of the world plot has collapsed, Minqiu State has been destroyed, Pingzhou State has lost its city, and immediately submitted a letter of surrender. Mausoleum.

Today's world situation, Tianyang Kingdom occupies a favorable position and dominates the world.

Therefore, there are few things that can cause Sheng Ting Wan's worries at present, and only the quarrel between her and Shen Zhijin can make her worry a little bit.

Sure enough -

Sheng Tingwan sighed, "What do you mean by love?"

"..." The warmth at the beginning was unexpected. I didn't expect Sheng Ting Wan's style to be so high, and directly discuss love.

He pondered warmly: "What your heart desires, love each other, hold your hand, and grow old with your son."

"Do you think there is such a desirable love as you said in this world?" Sheng Tingwan lowered his eyes and asked.

"Isn't that the case with Your Majesty and Shen Guijun?"

Since you don't mention it first, then the warmth will be mentioned first.

Sheng Tingwan's eyelids trembled, and his voice was low, "Recently, I quarreled with Shen Zhijin."

Well, I know.

I heard that the two of you have been quarreling with each other, and all the officials in the court know it.

But Nuan wanted to pretend that she didn't know anything, showing a surprised look, "A quarrel?"

"You... don't you know?" Sheng Tingwan looked surprised when she saw her.

Obviously, she and Shen Zhijin quarreled so fiercely, all the officials in the court knew that she had quarreled with Shen Zhijin, why did Wennuan seem to know nothing?

"I've been cultivating for the past few days. I don't listen to things outside the window. I don't know that you and Shen Zhijin quarreled." Warm brows frowned slightly, "Why are you arguing?"

"Shen Zhijin said he didn't love me at all." Sheng Tingwan's voice revealed Confused, like an ignorant child.

"He told you directly?" Wen Nuan was very puzzled, "but he clearly said that he likes you very much."

"He likes me?"

Could it be that Shen Zhijin really likes her?

After all, Shen Zhijin didn't dare to lie in front of Ling Nuan, this damn thing wouldn't really have a deep affection for her, would it? !

Wen Nuan couldn't help laughing, and pretended to be serious: "Well, if it wasn't because he said he liked you, and you said you liked him, how could I promote you?"

"I like him?" Sheng Tingwan said in surprise, " When did I say I liked him?"

"You forgot?" The warm eyes were somewhat regretful and hazy, "I asked you what you thought of Shen Zhijin at your eighteenth birthday party that year? You said you liked Shen Zhijin's free and easy temperament, and it was very comfortable to get along with, and I was taken care of by him when I was a child, so naturally I am a little bit happy with him."

Sheng Tingwan: "..."

She... She just regards Shen Zhijin as a friend, and only makes friends, and her love for him is only between friends, How can it be considered warm as the joy between lovers?

"Then... Shen Zhijin told you that he likes me?" Sheng Tingwan asked.

He nodded warmly and said, "Well, Shen Zhijin said that you were cute and well-behaved when you were young, and it was very comfortable to get along with you. It is her honor and satisfaction to be with you. Isn't this because he likes you?"

Sheng Ting Anhui: "...."

"So," said Wen Nuan with a smile, "you are both in love with each other."

Sheng Ting Wan: "..."

Wen Nuan patted Sheng Ting Wan on the shoulder, caringly. He comforted: "The young couple, fighting at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, men, need a step, we women should be magnanimous and more generous."

Sheng Tingwan: "..."

It's really dumb to eat coptis, it's hard to say not out.

At night, the palace was quiet without even the sound of footsteps.

The window of Jinlan Hall was suddenly blown open by a gust of wind.

Shen Zhijin looked at the person in front of her in horror, took a deep breath, and said, "Why don't your majesty walk through the door?"

"We are still arguing, we can't walk through the door," Sheng Tingwan closed the window tightly and said vigilantly, "You have to be careful. "

Shen Zhijin: "..."

This kind of feeling is like cheating, if someone else saw it, he would have a hard time explaining it.

When the time comes, don't say the palace gate, maybe he will be beaten to death directly.

"It's like we're having an affair." Shen Zhijin said embarrassedly.

The veins on Sheng Tingwan's forehead jumped: "...Shut up!"

Shen Zhijin shut up obediently.

Sheng Tingwan walked up to Shen Zhijin, "I didn't expect you to be very alert?"

Shen Zhijin yawned, "No matter where he is, the minister is very alert." So is the imperial palace, so is the Shen residence, or the rivers and lakes he yearns for.

Sheng Tingwan didn't care how alert Shen Zhijin was. She came here mainly to find out one thing, "You told Ling Nuan that you liked me?"

Shen Zhijin shook his head and said, "...No."

Sheng Tingwan frowned . Wrinkled, "Then why did Ling Nuan say you like me?"

"What did she tell you?"

Sheng Tingwan told Shen Zhijin the warm words intact.

Shen Zhijin was silent for a long time, "Your Majesty, we all know that Ling Xiangye is resourceful and outstanding, right?"

Sheng Tingwan raised his eyebrows: "What do you want to say?"

"Ling Xiangye can understand the sky and the sky, but at the moment, the minister It seems that he has discovered a weakness of Xiangye."

"What weakness?"

Shen Zhijin raised his eyes and said solemnly, "Ling Xiangye, maybe he doesn't know what love is."


Ling Nuan doesn't understand love.

"If you talk about the best person for you, I can't think of anyone except Ling Xiangye. Although Chen Lang grew up with you, but let me be like Xiang Ye, Chen Lang is ashamed."

"Xiang Ye is resourceful and unparalleled in the world. She knows everything about the world, but Chen Lang believes that she should know nothing about love."

"Perhaps, Your Majesty, can you teach Xiangye how to fall in love with someone?"


The first snow came, and the snowflakes fell all over the capital, and everywhere was covered in silver, which was very beautiful.

Today is the birthday feast for Her Majesty the Queen of Tianyang Kingdom, Shengtingwan.

Pingzhouguo and Xin Zhaoguo had already sent messengers to Tianyangguo to offer their congratulations, and they really brought their own beautiful princes, and I couldn't help sighing warmly that the plot line could still be smoothed back.

The system scoffed: [Are you a vegetarian? 】

He said with a warm and dry smile: "Well, the way of heaven is really powerful."


I couldn't hear any respectful tone at all.

Sheng Ting Wan's birthday banquet was held in the Imperial Garden. The venue was so large that it could accommodate thousands of people.

As a person without any official position, Nuan appeared at Shengtingwan's birthday banquet, and there was no conflict or disrespect from everyone.

She was arranged by Sheng Ting Wan at a very close distance from the Dragon Chair, and Lu Yan stood beside her and poured wine for her, so that she looked like Her Majesty the Queen of Tianyang Kingdom.

In this regard, he was warmly and calmly served by Lu Yan.

The people present did not dare to look directly, and could only look at the warmth in private.

Ling Wennuan disappeared in Tianyang Kingdom for three years. In the past three years, not only Sheng Tingwan had looked for Ling Wennuan, but others had also directly or indirectly sent someone to look for Ling Wennuan.

Some want to find Ling Nuan and get some rewards and a good impression in front of Her Majesty the Queen, while others want to kill Ling Nuan in secret to avoid future troubles.

After all, a talent like Ling Nuan would be a fortune if he was brought under his command. If he became an opponent, it would be the most difficult obstacle to overcome.

But Ling Nuan disappeared too completely, everyone searched for a long time, but did not find any trace of Ling Nuan, as if Ling Nuan had never appeared in this world.

But it's just that everyone sighed Ling Nuan's ability to hide her traces so well, but after thinking about it, she is already outstanding, and it is only natural to be able to do this.

She disappeared suddenly and appeared suddenly.

No one would have imagined that Ling Nuan, who had disappeared for three years, would appear in Xizhou, and it would be so easy to completely change the thrilling and exciting situation in Xizhou, causing the country of Minqiu to be directly destroyed by the fiasco, and the country of Pingzhou to lose three cities in a row. .

Therefore, the officials of Tianyang Kingdom were in awe and fear of Ling Nuan, while Pingzhou Kingdom and Xin Zhaoguo were both resentful and frightened.

After half the tour, the singing and dancing are peaceful.

Everyone pushed the cups and exchanged the cups, which seemed to be speculative, but in fact they were testing each other.

Sheng Tingwan was sitting on the high platform.

She thought she was well hidden, but she could feel the constant attention of Sheng Ting Wan with warmth.

Those fiery eyes almost penetrated her flesh and saw all her bones.

Lu Yan poured her a good wine, warmly picked up the wine glass, put it to his mouth, blocked the slightly raised corner of his mouth, and whispered, "It's really uncontrollable."

The system picked his nose: [Are you restless? ]

Wen Nuan looked at the wine in the glass, and pondered: "Do you want me to have sex after drinking?"

[...] The system sighed, [This is too tasteless. 】

"Do I have that stuff?" Warm sneered.

System: [...Oh, forgot, you didn't. 】

"Forget it, I'm just talking. After all, I don't want the blackening value to go up." After drinking, Nuan never believes in such things.

As the saying goes, a man is three-point drunk, and you cry when you act, and women are no exception.

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