《When the heroine becomes paranoid (Quick Wear) [GL] [MTL]》Chapter 18


Warmly embraced Lin Tinghan, standing in the pavilion on the mountain, looking at the shoddy Wenghe Dam in the distance.

I don't know if Fang Shangwei is too confident or if she is obviously fooling her, but the Wenghe Dam repaired is quite dilapidated.

Fang Shangwei frowned when he saw the warmth, and immediately stepped forward, knelt down and explained: "The flood that Wangfu City has suffered this time is a once in a century. This dam has been repaired more than ten times before and after, and the human, material and financial resources are not invested. Younger, but still can’t get better, I’m incapable of doing my job, so I can only report to Her Majesty the Empress that the disaster is out of control, and I beg the Empress to allocate another disaster relief fund to help the people of Limin in Wangfu City.”

Lin Tinghan almost knelt down on her skirt, Just about to step back, away from Fang Shangwei.

Suddenly, the waist tightened, and the whole person was pulled back and sat on the warm lap.

Lin Tinghan froze: "..."

He frowned warmly, looked at Fang Shangwei and said coldly: "Look at it, if you collide with this king's beauty, this king will kill you."

Fang Shangwei lowered his eyes, the bottom of his eyes Passing a trace of strong killing intent, he replied repeatedly: "I know I'm wrong..."

Lin Tinghan wanted to get up, but the hand around her waist tightened and she moved closer to the warm ear, "... Let go."

Seeing that Lin Tinghan's earlobes were red, Nuan smiled and said, "Tinghan is shy? Did you hug me last time in your mansion? You can't be such a double standard person?"

The hand on his waist was unintentional After rubbing it for a while, Lin Tinghan's body softened, and he collapsed into a warm embrace.

Warm raised eyebrows and chuckled.

Sure enough, the waist is the most sensitive, and the whole person is as soft as a puddle of water when touched.

Others couldn't see what the two were talking about, they just thought it was the two of them whispering together, but

Ji Chenwei looked at the movements of the two with a horrified expression, and was full of admiration in his heart.

Look at the prince and Miss Lin, they really understand the righteousness, in order to catch the thief and save the people of Li people from water and fire, they can make such a big sacrifice.

If she hadn't long known that Lin Tinghan was a woman, with her coquettish and shy appearance, Ji Chenwei would have mistakenly thought that this was a beautiful man named Lang? !

Moreover, the prince is also doting and gentle towards Miss Lin.

The ambiguous small state of the two is simply like glue and intimacy.

"Do you know what's wrong?" Wen Nuan hugged Lin Tinghan in one hand and drank tea in the other.

She gave Ji Chen a slight look and asked her to prepare to start, "Master Fang should be very unconvinced, right?"

Fang Shangwei's pupils trembled, and he said in a low voice, "How is it possible? The humble one admires His Royal Highness Xian Wang, Wang Ye Mingjian. ."

Ji Chen walked out of the pavilion, came to Lai Yi's side, and laughed with her shoulder to shoulder.

Lai Yi saw that Ji Chenwei was so close to her, and felt that there should be nothing serious about the gazebo.

As for why Fang Shangwei has been kneeling down, he must be crying miserably with the idle king again?


"Master Ji, you said that this natural and man-made disaster caused a lot of misery every day. I couldn't sleep well, and I couldn't eat." Lai Yi pretended to be sad.

"Really?" Ji Chenwei was so close to Lai Yi, and immediately smelled the rouge scent on her clothes, which was very pungent, and at first glance it was an inferior product.

"I think Commander Lai is having a good time?" Ji Chenwei fanned his nose in front of his nose with a look of contempt, "I'm afraid the red candle tent was warm last night, and the beauty is pregnant, right?"

Lai Yi's face froze . He said with a dry smile: "Master Ji is really good at joking, and now the disaster situation in Wangfucheng is so severe, how can a lowly post only know the wind and the moon, but not the suffering?"

Ji Chen sneered: "The commander Lai's words are really disappointing. Human..."

She raised her eyes, cold killing intent suddenly appeared, pulled out a dagger from her waist, plunged it into Lai Yi's abdomen, strangled her neck, and said fiercely, "It's disgusting. !"

Lai Yi let out a shrill scream.

She widened her eyes, looked at Ji Chenwei in disbelief, vomited blood, and said, "You...you..."

Ji Chenwei turned the dagger in a circle around Lai Yi's lower abdomen, stirring it up. Lai Yi hissed, and kept roaring.

Fang Shangwei heard the sound and looked over, and watched in horror as Ji Chenwei slaughtered Lai Yi.

She paled in shock, and just about to get up, the cold blade was close to her neck, making her body stiff, not daring to move.

"What do you mean, lord?" Fang Shangwei was cold behind, but the sultry weather made her sweat.

Warmly got up and smiled sarcastically: "Can't you see it? This king is going to kill you."

Fang Shangwei took a deep breath and roared: "My lord, a humble post is an official of the court, and it cannot be killed for no reason. If Her Majesty the Queen knows, There must be a heavy punishment!"

"No reason?" Wen Nuan looked down at Fang Shangwei, "Is there no reason for this king to kill you? Could it be that Master Fang doesn't know the reason? This king thinks that Master Fang is very smart, and naturally he knows this king. Why did I kill you?"

Cold sweat dripped from the forehead in his eyes, causing sore eyes.

Fang Shangwei pretended to be calm, and said doubtfully, "I don't know what a humble post is, but a humble post in Wangfu City can be regarded as a diligent government and a love for the people. After a flood, it is necessary to rescue the people in the city and repair the dam to prevent the flood. Even if there is no credit, there is still hard work? And I have never had half a point with you. I have never had a bad relationship with you, you can't kill a court official just because of your momentary likes and dislikes?!"

Lai Yi's painful scream seemed to be on the side of her ear, and the sound was extremely mournful, as if she had suffered great pain.

Tortured Lai Yi also tortured her.

Nuan Nuan glanced at Ji Chenwei, and said lightly: "Play it lightly, don't play with people to death."

Ji Chenwei looked at the blood on his hands with disgust on his face, wiped the blood on Lai Yi's clothes, Ya smiled and said, "I see, my lord."


"Imperial officials? Diligent and caring for the people? Resisting floods? Credit? Hard work?" Warm laughter, full of sarcasm, "Yo, so Mr. Fang thinks he is a good official?"

Fang Shangwei bowed his head, the sharp blade on his neck Let her breathe quickly, and slowly stretch out the hand hidden in the sleeve to her arms.

She seemed to be puzzled: "I don't understand the meaning of the prince? But please explain what the prince said ?" Wen Nuan

looked at his fingertips, and said lazily, "Are you going to delay and wait for the people from Jige to save you?"

Fang Shangwei His body trembled, looking incredibly warm.

"Unfortunately, this king released a piece of news that the killer of Jige ran away like a hungry dog ​​seeing food, and no one came to save you."

In order to control Fang Shangwei and Lai Yi, Wen Nuan deliberately asked Qi Hanrong to be there. Fengyongcheng wandered for a few days, and then leaked the news, and let the killer of Jige run to Fengyongcheng to find people, taking advantage of this neutral position to take Fang Shangwei and Lai Yi.

As for Fang Shangwei and Lai Yi's bodyguards, they were already cleaned up by her guards.

Wen Nuan walked in front of Fang Shangwei and looked at her chest, "Is there a tool hidden in the clothes that you and the leader of the Ji Pavilion use to communicate?"

Fang Shangwei was about to leave when his neck hurt, and warm blood ran down his neck and the blade. flow down.

"If you move again, your head will be in a different place." Lin Tinghan pressed his palm hard and said coldly.

Fang Shangwei didn't dare to move, and let Nuan Nuan take out the bamboo jar from his arms.

Nuan looked at it, there was a lead under the bamboo can, she pulled the lead, and the bamboo can spewed out a red smoke, which exploded in the sky.

"Does this mean that the leader of Jige will come to save you?"

Fang Shangwei's eyes were stunned, she did not expect that the idle king would take the initiative to contact Jige?

"Your Highness?" Fang Shangwei looked at Lai Yi, who had been tortured and was about to die, "You left me behind because you wanted to lead out the leader of the Ji Pavilion?" He applauded warmly, "Master

Fang is really smart, can you guess this? "

Fang Shangwei sneered again and again: "That makes the prince miscalculated. The function of this bamboo pot is not enough for the leader of Jige to come to save me. It is just a communication tool." The leader of the pavilion can only attract some shrimp, soldiers and crabs?" Wen Nuan said in distress, "That's a bit of a pity, but..."

Wen Nuan squatted down, looked at Fang Shangwei, and smiled: "If it is the leader of the pavilion, Knowing that you leaked her secret, do you think she will come to save you or to kill you?"

Fang Shangwei frowned, his face twisted, "What the lord is saying, I can't understand what the lord is saying?"

"Death is imminent. Still stubborn, this Wang Jingfang is a good girl!" Warm eyes were indifferent and cold, and he said softly, "But have you ever thought that the secret you thought to save your life might become your guillotine?"

Fang Shangwei's expression froze, in silence.

"The purpose of this king is very simple. It is to draw out the leader of the Ji Pavilion. No matter whether the leader of the Ji Pavilion comes to save you or kill you, the ultimate purpose of this king will be achieved."

"Why don't you guess what kind of news this king will use? Force the leader of the Jie Pavilion out?" He pondered for a moment, and asked, "Do you think the leader of the Jie Pavilion is actually Qiao Zhimo, the third emperor of Zhangqing Kingdom, can this news lead her out?"

Fang Shangwei looked at the warmth in horror and trembled. Said: "You...you...?"

How could the idle king know the true identity of the leader of the Jie Pavilion?

Seeing Fang Shangwei's frightened appearance, Wen Nuan smiled: "It seems that this news fabricated by this king is very satisfactory to Mr. Fang?"

Lin Tinghan did not expect that the leader of the Ji Pavilion was Qiao Zhimo, the third princess of Zhangqing Kingdom.

She looked at the warmth, and suddenly felt that the person in front of her was unfathomable and resourceful.

The distance between the two seemed to be widening, and a feeling of helplessness suddenly surged in her heart, which made Lin Tinghan dazed for a moment.

Nuan clapped her hands, and two dark guards suddenly appeared behind her.

"Take care of Mr. Fang, and wait for the good news." The dark guard replied: "Yes, my lord."

"The rest of the people, wait for the rabbits, catch a few killers, remember to keep alive." Warmth His eyes narrowed, and he commanded in a deep voice.

"Yes." A low promise came from the void.

Lin Tinghan looked at the warm, strategizing and calm demeanor, and his inner panic intensified.

She felt that the warmth in front of her was so perfect, so perfect that she didn't dare to dream of owning her, so perfect that she didn't dare to touch her.

Even the thoughts of warmth in his mind seemed extremely dirty.

How can she match such a beautiful person?

If she were a man, she could still use some sleazy means to stay by Nuan's side, but she was a woman, the same woman as Nuan.

She has thoughts that cannot be tolerated by the world, and has evil thoughts that she does not dare to breed, resulting in disgusting feelings.

The system was surprised: [Yeah! The heroine's blackening value has increased! 】

Nuan paused: "Why is it still growing?"

She didn't provoke Lin Tinghan, did she?

Could it be that he just hugged Lin Tinghan to make her unhappy? !

[Increased to 5.8! , and it continues to grow by the span of the decimal point! 】The system is surprised.

Nuan Nuan looked at Lin Tinghan, and immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't hug you at will, are you angry?"

Lin Tinghan puzzled: "What?"

Wen Nuan explained: "I suddenly hugged you just now, Did it make you unhappy?"

Otherwise, why did the blackening value rise so fast? !

"I'm not unhappy." On the contrary, she was satisfied to be so close to the warmth.

Seeing Nuan's worried look, Lin Tinghan smiled lightly: "I'm really not unhappy, do I look like someone who can hide things?"

Nuan: "..."


System: [...]



Ji Pavilion is hidden in the valley of the north mountain of Wangfu City. There is a white poisonous miasma outside the valley.

If ordinary people are infected with borderline poisonous miasma, they will feel dizzy and vomit, and when they stay away from the attack range of the poisonous miasma, these symptoms will be alleviated.

But if someone forcibly breaks in, the poisonous gas will be powerless to return to the sky.

After the poisonous miasma, there are all kinds of dangerous organs and poisonous beasts. They are strictly guarded and guarded.

In the original plot, Ji Chenwei was suddenly poisoned by a poisonous miasma, which caused Ji Ge killer to catch Ji Chenwei in time and brutally kill her.

The poor child, who didn't even enter Jige's nest, just died in the first level.

Facing the dangers on the periphery of Jige's nest, Nuan could only lead the killer of Jige out. He deliberately let the dark guards catch him because the blood of the killer of Jige can fight against poisonous miasma and poisonous insects. As for the dismantling of the organ, it depends on Fang Shangwei. Can you catch a big fish?

Lai Yi has been killed by Ji Chenwei, Fang Shangwei has been locked up, and Wangfu City has been taken over by Song Fu Yin of Fengyong City. What about growth?

Qi Hanrong walked out of the room and saw Nuan Nuan standing at the door of Lin Tinghan's room in silence for a long time. He walked over and asked, "Your Highness, are you looking for Miss Lin?" Nuan Nuan nodded, then shook his head and said, "I want to find her, and then again. I don't know why I'm looking for her?"

She didn't know why the heroine turned black? !

There isn't even a solution.

Qi Hanrong looked at Wen Nuan with a sad face, and asked tentatively, "Did you and Miss Lin quarrel?"

"Should..." Wen Nuan thought for a while, then changed the conversation, "...Is that so?"

"Look at the prince. So sad, if you want to find someone to chat with, Caomin is willing to listen to the prince." Qi Hanrong was still wearing a veil, which was specially requested by Wennuan.

Qi Hanrong is a man after all. In this world, beauty is not a good thing for him, especially when Ji Ge has not been completely eliminated, he must protect himself.

Seeing his bright eyes and soft eyebrows, Nuan sighed, "Can you drink?"

Qi Hanrong nodded and said, "A few drinks, it's acceptable."


Ji Chenwei is still busy repairing the dam in Weng River and Song Fu Yin. He has lived near the dam for the past few days, and strives to repair the dam before the heavy rain tomorrow.

Ruilin brought the guards brought by Song Fuyin to overhaul the drainage system of Wangfu City. The damaged houses were repaired in time, and the sick people were all under unified management, and the doctors of Fengyong City gathered for treatment.

At this moment, Nuo Da's house only has the three of them and a few guards hiding in the dark. The rest of the guards have been sent to support Song Fu Yin and the others.

Sitting in the pavilion in the courtyard, Qi Hanrong went to prepare drinks.

"Tongzi, have a cigarette."

Since Nuan Wen came to this world, she seldom smoked, mainly because it felt weird to smoke in this world.

【All right. ] The system passed the cigarette into her arms.

He took out the warmth, put the cigarette butt on the candle and burned it, and slowly smoked it.

"I still don't understand why she suddenly increased the blackening value?" Nuan has thought about it a lot, and the most likely to cause Lin Ting's cold blackening value to rise is only a few days ago when she held her in her arms. Lin Tinghan was unhappy.

But Lin Tinghan didn't have much resistance and hatred for this, which made Wennuan still at a loss.

Qi Hanrong walked towards the pavilion with two bottles of Yu Qingjiu, and saw that the sparks in the pavilion hidden in the night suddenly flickered, like a fluorescent light dotted with stars, and the fluorescent light seemed to emerge from the hands of the idle king.

He walked into the pavilion and saw a thin pole with warm fingers. The fluorescent light just now emanated from one end of the pole.

Seeing that Qi Hanrong has been staring at the cigarette in her hand, Wen Nuan chuckled: "Curious?" Qi Hanrong put the jug and cup on the table and filled it up, "I've never seen it before, so I'm really curious."

It feels strange, but after all, the person in front of him is the idle king of Jianing Kingdom, and everything he owns is probably precious and precious.

Wen Nuan took a breath and slowly exhaled, "This is when I was traveling in the arena, and I met an old woman by chance. Seeing her smoking this often, I found it interesting, so I learned how to develop it and play it myself."

The system calmly : [Your ability to lie here is getting more and more skilled. 】

Warm: "..."

Qi Hanrong saw her puffing clouds and mist, as if Penglai immortals were spitting out white breath, and the fragrance was light and faint, like flowers but not strong flowers, like plants but not fresh.

Warmth was afraid that Qi Hanrong would be smoked, so he quickly finished smoking, snuffed out the cigarette butt, and put it away.

After all, she still has good morals, don't throw rubbish anywhere.

Qi Hanrong handed over the wine glass, "This is Yuqing wine brought by the Yin of the Song Dynasty, and it is the characteristic of Fengyong City. It is warm and fragrant, so it is named "Yu Qingjiu"."

After drinking it warmly, it is indeed as Qi Hanrong said, you can taste all the flavors in one sip.

"This wine is really interesting." Warm took another drink.

"It's easy to get drunk if you drink too much of this wine, Wangye, don't be greedy." Qi Hanrong drank three glasses in the blink of an eye, and persuaded with a smile.

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