《When the heroine becomes paranoid (Quick Wear) [GL] [MTL]》Chapter 1


[First World]

[During The Years When I Was The President]


[Baijie mission is completed and points are being calculated, please wait a moment for the tasker S19950101. 】The cold voice of the main system surrounds the warm mind.

Official business.

Sitting on the pure white steps, it looks like it is made of white jade. It is not as cold as it looks, but it is warm.

After awhile.

The icy machine voice of the main system broadcasts: [All the points of the tasker S19950101 are frozen for unknown reasons and cannot be calculated, withdrawn, or redeemed. Please check the cause of the failure as soon as possible by tasker S19950101! ! !]

Warm shocked: "...My points have been frozen? What the hell?!"

The main system was silent for a moment: [The reason cannot be found out, please ask the tasker S19950101 to check the cause of the failure as soon as possible!】

Cannot find out the reason? tease her?

Warm brows furrowed, and he said unhappily: "My points have been frozen, is it because Yan Hui's bitch has made a ghost?"

The machine voice of the main system trembled a little: [The tasker S19950101 must not damage the reputation of the Lord! 】

Warm: "..."


Forget about that idiot being near the Lord God of the Three Realms!

"Then can you know if all of the 100 tasks I've done have problems? Or is there a problem with a few of them?" Nuan could only use the elimination method to find the problem.

The main system inquired about the warm tasks, and transmitted the worlds of the tasks marked in red to the warm.

Wen Nuan looked at the dazzling red font, exuding a dangerous atmosphere, "That is to say, is there a problem with these mission worlds that caused all my points to freeze? 】

Main system: [After verification, the tasks in these worlds have not been completed! Due to the passive sabotage of the tasker S19950101, the main body of the task has been blackened, resulting in the disorder of the main line of the task, which will make the task world turbulent and cause the task to fail! 】

Who is slack?

Don't snap your hat!

Warmth has been accurately calculated and calculated how many points are needed to obtain retirement pension qualifications.

You must know that she evacuated only when she perfectly reached the points she needed and kept the tasks to be carried out perfectly.

Did you get nothing in the end?!

Wen Nuan took the red notice issued to her by the main system, and sat on the steps with a dark face.

"Yo, are you playing wilder than me?" Yan Hui walked down from above, sat next to Nuan Nuan, and took the notice in her hand, "A notice of mission failure, notice of inability to withdraw points, notice of freezing of points, The bad behavior caused the main character to blacken the notice..."

Wen Nuan listened to Yan Hui's laughter, and said speechlessly: "Duguidu, laughing fart! Why did you come here to get down on the ground?"

"Yes, otherwise come and do it. Well? If I have this time, I might as well do something with the Lord God of my family." Yan Hui gave a special smile, "However, he was in the top three on the task list, and the first and second people retired perfectly. Why did it turn into a mission failure when you got here, the points are frozen, what are you doing in these red-marked mission worlds?"


Warm and speechless scratching his head: "What if I knew I was still talking to you?"

Go enjoy the carefree retirement!

"How about I make a move for you?" Yan Hui touched her, a hint of slyness flashed in her eyes.

Wen Nuan tilted her head to look at her, "What?"

"Go back to the original world, find out why the mission failed, remove the blackening value of the main character, and then you can extract the frozen points."

Yan Ani picked out the red-marked mission lists and sighed. "Otherwise, you will have to do the task again."

"Return to the source world?" Warmth has never heard of such an operation, "But the original task world has been closed, how can I go back?"

Yan Yan raised the corner of her mouth. With a rippling smile: "You're so smart, guess what?" Wen Nuan watched her come out, touched her cheeks, and struggled to pull out a smile that looked particularly reluctant: "Lord Lord, see that the villain once gave her in front of Lord Lord God. For the sake of having a few nice words, can you help me?"

"Tsk tsk, you are really capable of bending and stretching."

Yan Hui stood up, "Let's go, I'll take you to the Lord God of my family."

Nuan's eyes lit up, looking at Yan Hui. Now I know she's going to help her.

Pale land, the palace of the Lord God.

Exquisitely carved, bright and gorgeous.

The ground is made of white jade, and the tiles are made of glazed glass.

It seems that a faint white mist is floating around the palace, facing the void, high above.

The extremely large building has a grand and majestic appearance, but there are especially unpleasant couplets hanging on the surrounding stone pillars.

The base is bright red, and the handwriting in gold and black is warmly recognized. It should be the handwriting of Yanan.

"Ugly dead." Warm didn't hide his disgust and contempt.

Yan Hui's mouth ticked: "It's okay, a single dog like you is jealous and envious of a childish behavior that can only find comfort from a poisonous tongue. I understand it very well."

Warm: "...." In the palace, the highest floor On the top of the stone steps, sitting alone, unattainable, dare not look directly.

Wen Nuan stopped on the platform and watched Yan Hui run up to the stone steps. The two hugged each other and became intimate again in the next second.

He looked away with a warm expressionless expression, and thought to himself: Smelly couple with no morals!

The two also knew that there were outsiders, and they just simply kissed and hugged.

Yan Hui pulled Yin Xin down, pointed at Wen Nuan, and gloated: "Just her, the points are frozen haha..."

Yin Xin smiled, looked at Wen Wen, and said softly: "Long time no see."

Her smile was not like Yan's . Fen's vicious ridicule is like a pity for all things in the world, and it is like a special favor and tolerance for Yan Fen.

He is a compassionate god.

Wen Nuan shrugged and looked at her: "Master Lord God should know why I came here?"

Yin Xin nodded: "It's easy to do, I can let you go back to the source world."

"The price?" It will suddenly come to her.

The points were frozen. At this moment, she was penniless and the only way left was to sell her soul.

Yinxin shook her head and said with a small smile, "There is no price." She raised her hand, and pressed her cold fingertips against her warm brows.


At that moment, Nuan felt that his soul seemed to be detached and gradually disappeared into the void, and the ethereal voice of Yin Xin was still heard intermittently in his ears.

"Go back--"

Wen Nuan felt that there was a dazzling light in front of her, and she did not dare to open her eyes, for fear of being blinded by the bright light.

Suddenly, there was an intermittent sound of electric current in my mind.


A familiar connection sound.


The warmth got used to the light in front of him, and slowly opened his eyes, only to find that he was on a beach, with blue waves and blue sky in the distance, surrounded by handsome guys and beauties, and he was lying on the beach chair.

[System 1005 requests a connection, is it connected? ]

Nodding warmly: "Well, connect." In the next second, there was a roar in his mind.

[Ah, ah, I said that if you do that, there will definitely be problems. No, the points are frozen, right? ] The system complained.

Wen Nuan touched his nose and said embarrassedly: "I thought I was the only one who returned to the source world, but I didn't expect you to follow me."

The system sighed: [You are the host I brought, after all, if you have a problem, I There is also joint responsibility and should bear the consequences. 】

"Sorry," Wen Nuan didn't expect that he would also affect the system.

[Forget it, it’s useless to say more, let’s hurry up and find out where the problem is?]

The system looks warm,【but I am quite curious, returning to the source world requires the exchange of all the points of the tasker or the opportunity for the tasker to sign a soul contract with the Lord God in exchange? I see that all your points have been frozen, and it is impossible to exchange them with points, but your soul is free and has not been signed. Why did Lord God let you return to the original world? 】

Mentioning this, Nuan was also full of doubts. She always felt that the two were hiding something from her, but she didn't know if they didn't say it.

"I don't know, maybe I'm thinking of replacing the price after my points are unfrozen?" Wen Nuan could only find this reason at the moment.

The system nodded and said: [Okay, thawing the points first is the most important thing. 】

The system looked at the introduction of this world and sighed: 【This world, do you remember?]

Nodding warmly, "Remember, the male protagonist of this world is Qi He, and the female protagonist is You Jiayi." She thought that the main system had said that the main character had turned black, "Tongzi, can you find out which main character it is? There is blackening?"

The system showed the control panel a warm look, [It's the heroine You Jiayi, the blackening value at this time is 8! 】

"8? It's okay," Nuan felt that the blackening value was not high.

The system laughed dryly and said: [The blackening value is 10 points. At this moment, You Jiayi's blackening value is 8, which means that she is an extremely terrifying character now! 】

Warm: "..."

It sucks.

"Isn't it right? When I left, I clearly paved the way for the male and female protagonists. Why is the female protagonist's blackening value so high?"

Nuan Nuan was puzzled and asked, "Could it be that the male protagonist cheated in marriage?" In the main plot, the male protagonist is Dedicated and affectionate characters, it is impossible for the heroine to have such a high blackening value.

The system called out the world plot and handed it to Wen Wen: [See for yourself. 】

Warmly watching the world plot, his face became more and more gloomy.

It has been a year since she left this mission world at this moment, and she left after doing all the assists at that time.

To outsiders, it looked like she was going on vacation abroad, but she actually left the mission world and went on to the next mission.

And in the year she left, the main storyline of the world did not go as expected. After the heroine was sent to the man's room by her, the two were photographed by the paparazzi, and then a lot of black notices broke out, saying that the heroine Entering the entertainment industry is a sugar daddy, and in order to support the newcomers brought out by the shareholders, the company executives of the heroine often squeeze the residual value of the heroine, let her take the newcomers to major events and programs, and also let the newcomers enter the TV series owned by the heroine. And in the filming of the film, many directors and producers hate the bad methods of the heroine company, and they don't even have a good impression of the heroine.

Because the story of the female lead and the male lead opening a house was exposed by the paparazzi, the company immediately gave up the female lead, and then the company held up the newcomers that the female lead had brought during this period of time, creating a topic and creating momentum, stepping on each other, and squeezing the last value of the female lead. dry, then refrigerate.

The heroine was hidden in the snow, and in order to prevent herself from being completely controlled by the company, she was asked to accompany the top management and betray her body.

She forcibly terminated the contract and used all her savings to pay 500W liquidated damages to the company in exchange for her freedom.

At this moment, her mother contracted liver cancer. The treatment required high treatment fees and liver donations that could not be arranged. Even the doctor who performed the surgery was an inexperienced doctor, which seemed particularly unreliable.

The heroine of this year can be summed up in one word, that is miserable!

Wen Nuan watched the male lead fart, why didn't you help the female lead?

But I found that the male protagonist at this time was kissing me with the female partner, and he was about to get engaged! ?

The main storyline of this world has become so crooked that I don't even know my mother.

After reading the current world plot in a warm and stunned manner, he smiled bitterly: "Fuck, how could it become like this?"

The system sighed: [I said at the time, you are too radical, the relationship between the male and female protagonists has not reached the point where it can be achieved. In a state of mutual support, rash action will definitely cause backlash. 】

"But I'm in other mission worlds, how can I be fine with the same method?" Warm and speechless.

【Who knows then? ] The system is actually quite puzzled, after all, although the method of warming is sinister, it has indeed achieved the perfect result they wanted in the previous mission world.

Wen Nuan took out his mobile phone and bought a plane ticket back home.

Warm and walk and think where is the problem?

Why does the same method have such a big problem in this mission world?!

"Ah—" Nuan slapped his head, and suddenly realized, "Could it be because I administered the medicine to the wrong person? I shouldn't have prescribed medicine for the heroine, but should I prescribe medicine for the male hero?!"

System: [... ..]

It thinks of what other taskers and systems say about warmth.

It really deserves to be the originator of crooked ways!


As soon as the plane landed in City B, it felt warm and familiar.

After all, I have stayed in this world for five or six years, and I still miss it.

Nuan pushed her luggage and looked at the pick-up team waiting for her in front of the airport and the man in black in front of her.

She looked at Acropolis helplessly and said, "Grandpa knows about my return to China?"

Acropolis nodded and said, "The next second the lady just bought the ticket, the old man will know the information that you are going back to China."

Acropolis He opened the car door and said respectfully, "Miss, please get in the car, Xu Dong is waiting for you in the car."

Wen Nuan got in the car, and saw her old man looking at her with a gloomy face, she laughed dryly: "Xu Dong is in good health recently. Ah?"

Xu Dong sneered: "Are you still willing to come back? I thought you were going to play crazy outside."

He threw a stack of photos to Wen Nuan, "You're playing wildly?"

Man, it's her and it's not her.

Because after she left, the original body was in charge of this body.

The original play is wild, and under the condition of no one in foreign countries, he lingers in various bars and parties, and he has a lot of fun.

Wen Nuan put away the photo, put his arms around Grandpa Xu's arm, and said with an apologetic smile: "How can it be? Didn't he come back after thinking of Grandpa?" I care about you but you want to coax me.

At the moment, Nuan didn't have the heart to coax Grandpa Xu, and his mind was full of the blackened female lead and the male lead who was about to get engaged to the female partner.

Now that the world's main storyline has been crooked like this, how should she deal with it?

[Now your task is not to help the hero and heroine to achieve great harmony in life, but to eliminate the blackening value of the main character, so that you can unfreeze your points, you know? ] The system prompts.

Wen Nuan's eyes lit up: "The final mission has changed?"

[Well, it has changed. I also received a temporary notice. In fact, it is not difficult to understand. As long as the blackening value of the main character is eliminated, the harmony of the main character's life can also be completed. ] The system carefully read the mission requirements and explained.

Nuan also looked at the latest mission requirements and breathed a sigh of relief: "That's not bad, I didn't expect you to be quite human."

The system laughed: [We are quite human, but the host doesn't do human affairs, we Also powerless. 】

Warm: "..."

The words were full of complaints and unhappiness.

Warm understanding, after all, it was his own nonsense that affected it, and he could only be ridiculed by the system.

Grandpa Xu felt very silent next to him, turned his head to look at Wen Nuan, and frowned when he saw her sad face: "What's wrong? I'm so unhappy when I go back to China? Why do I come back when I'm not happy?"


Nuan Nuan shook his head and said, "No, it's just that I'm a little tired from the plane."

Seeing that Nuan Nuan had lost a lot of weight, Grandpa Xu touched her head, and said with distressed eyes, "Damn girl, are you exhausted by letting you run around? This time. Don't run outside when you come back, you know?"

He replied in a warm voice: "Okay, I will stay in China from now on, accompany grandpa well, and find grandpa a second spring, okay?"

Grandpa Xu : "..."

A loud shout and grievance suddenly came from the luxurious Lincoln driving at the high speed.

"Damn girl, are you looking for a fight!?" Grandpa Xu attacked hard.

"Ah—" He grinned and rubbed his arms.

The First People's Hospital of City B.

The third floor of the inpatient department.

You Jiayi took the payment slip, slumped on the chair in the corridor, and looked at the amount paid on it.

She can't come up with that much money anymore.

She can delay the cost of drugs and surgery, but the hospitalization fee can't be delayed any longer. If she can't pay the hospitalization fee within three days, her mother will be kicked out of the ward, and she will have to live in the corridor.

You Jiayi tore her hair weakly, and her cries were tightly covered by her mouth.

She didn't dare to walk into the ward, to look at her mother's yellowed face, or to listen to her mother's words over and over again about giving up treatment and letting her die.

What should she do?

Everyone who can borrow money has borrowed it, and some people are afraid of being borrowed by her.

Even in order to hide from her, he didn't even want the money, so he blocked her directly.

The payment slip in her hand was tightly grasped by her, as if she was trying to suppress something.

You Jiayi took a deep breath and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

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