《(MTL)Important male supporting role quits [quick wear]》Chapter 107


"Back to the prince, a total of 26.4 million silver was recovered." The voice of the Minister of the Ministry was excited. I really did not expect that Shun Shizi was actually richer than the national treasury.

"So much?" Eunuch Guangzhong exclaimed in surprise. You must know that the revenue of the national treasury is less than 60 million silver a year. Excluding the fixed expenses such as military salaries, officials' payment of silver, and palace fees, the remaining amount is less than 10 million silver. If there is no natural disaster, and the emperor does not waste, there will be five or six million left.

But today's emperor is extravagant, not only spending the treasury revenue, but also spending less than 10 million of the 50 million silver silver left by the late emperor.

"The profit of cement is as high as 250,000 yuan per month, the profit of glass is as high as 200,000 yuan, and the profit of soap is as high as 100,000 yuan." The Ministry of Housing was also surprised at the time.

Eunuch Guangzhong lowered his eyes to hide the gloom in his eyes. On average, Shun Shizi gave him only 20,000 taels per month. Oh~ This is the 30% profit of glass and cement?

Gu Jinyan flipped through the account book handed over by the Minister of the Household. For example, a bag of cement costing 100 yuan was sold for 2 taels, another example was a full-length mirror that cost 500 yuan and sold for 200 taels, and another example was soap that cost less than 1 tael. Sold for 2 taels.

Li Yan really dares to sell. In the world of True Love VS Mary Sue, he also made glass cement, but a full-length mirror only sold for 2 taels.

In four years, the business has spread all over the country. Gu Jinyan guessed that Li Yan held more wealth than the state treasury, so he wanted to take it back. Li Yan has ambitions. If he has enough money, Gu Jinyan is worried that he will recruit troops and buy horses, causing military disasters.

"Prince Prince, Prince Shun also has an ice-making business. This minister thinks that it should also be returned to the imperial court." The Minister of the Household suggested. With the profits of glass, cement and soap in the front, the Minister of the Ministry of Commerce believes that the profits of ice-making must also be high. "The formula is owned by the imperial court, and there is no need to pursue the previous profits." The four-year profit from glass, cement and soap that can be recovered today is beyond Gu Jinyan's expectations. He knew that Li Yan lived a very luxurious life and was generous to the women around him, and his monthly expenses must be a lot of money.

In addition to these, Li Yan also built a greenhouse, and he also sold vegetables in winter to sky-high prices. However, this is the output of Zhuangzi, and it is legal. In ancient times, officials were forbidden to do business. But the output of the farm is allowed to be sold. And they will set up shops to sell some food, grain and oil, rouge gouache, cloth, etc. These are all allowed by default.

If Li Yan just opened a shop in Beijing and sold it, he really couldn't be owned by the imperial court.

"Go down!" Gu Jinyan waved back to the Minister of Accounts.

"No!" Although the Minister of the Ministry of Housing did not understand why the prince did not take back the profits from ice-making, he did not dare to say much. After all, the prince just came back, he couldn't figure out the prince's temperament, he didn't want to offend the prince.


"Commander Xuan Zuo come in!" Gu Jinyan said. The emperor gave him the power to mobilize the imperial army.

Soon the left commander waited outside the hall and walked in.

"I have seen the prince."

"Arrange someone to monitor the prince." Gu Jinyan would not let Li Yan make explosives. In the era of cold weapons, don't get hot weapons.

"The minister takes orders!" Commander Zuo retreated after taking orders.

"Prince, this is this?" Although Eunuch Guangzhong resented that Prince Shun had deceived him, but now that his daughter was married to Prince Shun, he couldn't really kill him.

"This is to prevent him from being dissatisfied with today's affairs." Gu Jinyan said.

Eunuch Guangzhong nodded, feeling that Gu Jinyan's arrangement was very thoughtful.

"Now, with this income, I can reduce my endowment appropriately." Gu Jinyan knew that there would be no major natural disasters or wars in the next ten years. The emperor is also getting older, and he no longer leaves the palace. In this way, the income of the treasury is enough for him to squander.

In a feudal society, it is the people who suffer the most. For example, the tax on people is levied on the common people, and officials, including those who have won fame and talents, are not required to pay. Now that he has income from glass and cement, Gu Jinyan wants to reduce the burden on the people.

Eunuch Guangzhong frowned, "Prince, the servants don't think it is necessary." The treasury is about to be squandered by the emperor, and it is extremely necessary to fill the treasury.

"Water can carry a boat and it can also capsize. Most of the people have a very difficult life, and they can't get enough to eat. I have also suffered this kind of hardship. Now I have the ability, and I want to do something for them."

Eunuch Guangzhong was silent. If they had known about the existence of their brother and sister, they would not have suffered so much. It is also his dereliction of duty as a father. " Father

Guangzhong, Gu will think of other ways to fill the treasury." After a pause, Gu Jinyan said again: "Whoever wins the hearts and minds of the people wins the world, and when the people live well, the country can last for a long time."

Forehead, my son can do anything. The big deal, he tried to make money for his son.


When Gu Jinyan came to Qianming Palace, Qianming Palace was singing and dancing.

"My son, please greet the father and emperor!"

"No gift!" The emperor pushed away the dancer he was holding.

"Imperial father, the son and minister have something to announce." The reduction of the fu must be approved by the emperor.

If the courtiers, the emperor will not pay attention. But this is his own emperor, and the emperor also asked the dancers and musicians to retire.

"Prince, what is the matter to be announced?"

"Report to the emperor, and today I will take back 26.4 million taels of silver from Prince Shun." Gu Jinyan reported to the emperor.

"26.4 million taels of silver?" The emperor was also shocked.

"Yes." Gu Jinyan nodded. "Father, the treasury now has silver taels, glass, cement, etc. will continue to receive money. My son suggests a reduction in the burial."

"No, these silver taels should be kept in the treasury for backup in case of natural disasters." The emperor disapproved .

If the endowment is reduced, the annual treasury revenue will not be enough. I didn't think about it before, that's because he didn't have a prince, and he thought that he would keep it for King Qi, so he might as well spend it on himself.


"Imperial Father, I have been hungry and understand the suffering of the people. Now that I have the ability, I want to do something for them." After a pause, Gu Jinyan said again: "First reduce the tax for two years, if the national treasury income If it is not enough, add it back. This is when the ministers are set up as the prince's grace to the people." The emperor heard Gu Jinyan say this, thinking that he should celebrate the emperor's return. Besides, the treasury also had more than 30 million taels of silver, and there was no problem for two years, so I nodded. Gu Jinyan acted quickly, and the next day he asked the ministers to discuss the reduction of the endowment. Since they did not harm their own interests, and with the golden hens that lay eggs, such as glass, cement, soap and ice, they did not object. Within two days, the imperial decree to reduce the endowment was issued. Probably means that the emperor finds the prince, the court has an orthodox prince, the whole world celebrates, and the whole country reduces or exempts the tax for two years. The people all ran to tell each other and cheered. They praised the emperor and the prince benevolent, and moved towards the direction of the palace, knelt down and shouted long live the emperor, long live, long live, and the prince is one thousand years old, one thousand thousand years old. Li Yan was so angry that he almost vomited blood. The emperor and Gu Jinyan used his money to win the hearts of the people. If he hadn't handed in 26.4 million silver and handed over the business of glass, cement, soap and ice making to the imperial court, they would never have issued such an imperial decree. Obviously he is the biggest contributor, but everyone only praises the emperor and Gu Jinyan. "Master!" Concubine Shunshi was extremely worried when she saw Li Yan's face ashen. Cen Weiran squeezed Gu Pan away and stepped forward to look at Li Yan with worried eyes. Seeing this, Tang Tang and Mi Jiasi also pushed aside Gu Pan and stepped forward. "This is Lord Kang's anger, to fulfill their benevolence." Li Yan said angrily, and he did not care that these words would cause trouble if they were spread out. He just wants to vent now. Without that income, he just can't do it all he wants. Speaking of this, Concubine Shunshi, Cen Weiran, Tang Tang, Mi Jiasi, Xianyao and Qiaoer all looked at Gu Pan. Before the prince came back, the emperor never mentioned that he would take those things back. It can be seen that it was the idea of ​​the prince.

"I don't know anything!" Gu Pan blinked his watery eyes. It was already very aggrieved to be pushed behind by them just now.

She also didn't understand that her brother was obviously already a prince and was rich all over the world. Why are you still greedy for the silver taels of the prince? "Master, why don't I go back tomorrow and ask my father."

Li Yan took a deep breath, beckoned Gu Pan to step forward, and rubbed the top of her hair. "No need." On the day Sanchao returned home, he knew that the traitor in Guangzhong would not help him now. It seems that I have to look forward to having a child to have a bargaining chip.


In August, Gu Jinyan learned the news of Gu Pan's pregnancy from Eunuch Guangzhong's mouth. Looking at Eunuch Guangzhong's smiling face, Gu Jinyan had an idea and gave him a lot of medicinal herbs.

Just after the birthday banquet for Li Qihao, Gu Pan started and gave birth to a boy smoothly.

"Eunuch Guangzhong, what's wrong?" After the full moon feast for Gu Pan's son, Gu Jinyan came out of Prince Shun's mansion and asked Eunuch Guangzhong, who was looking worried.

Eunuch Guangzhong looked at the eunuch guards who were following Gu Jinyan.

Gu Jinyan waved them away.

"Sir Shun is implying that I will pull you off the horse again." If it wasn't for his daughter, Prince Shun tried to harm his son three or four times, and he would have died a long time ago.

"Father Guangzhong, do you want to take Panpan's son back home?" Gu Jinyan said what he had long thought. .

"Can you?" Eunuch Guangzhong's eyes lit up. Although he hadn't thought about this before, when Gu Jinyan mentioned it, he was moved. The son is now the prince, and he will be the emperor in the future. In this way, both the son and the grandson will only have the surname Li.

"However, Panpan should be sad!" Gu Jinyan only has face to face with Gu Pan, so he doesn't consider Gu Pan's feelings.

Eunuch Guangzhong thought about it and said, "Don't think about her." This daughter doesn't care about his father at all. After getting married, every time I go back to the house, I talk about how good the son of Shun is. Inside and out, he complains that his son took the silver tael of the son of the son, but he does not reuse the son of the son. He didn't hear a word from her about ironing.

His daughter didn't care about him, and he didn't need to take her too seriously. For her, it was his greatest love that he didn't clean up Prince Shun.

"I will go and ask the emperor, you wait for the news."


Gu Jinyan went directly to the emperor when he returned to the palace.

"Father, my son wants to ask for a favor for Eunuch Guangzhong." Gu Jinyan gave the emperor a kneeling ceremony.

The emperor narrowed his eyes, his eyes obscure. This year, the prince's abilities have been recognized by the courtiers, and he is very proud.

Now he has a new hobby, that is, King Xuan Qi, King Qian and King Shun enter the palace and tell them how talented and intelligent the prince is. He said that with such an excellent prince, there is no need to worry about the successors of their Daqing dynasty. . Looking at the expressions of King Qi and King Qian who were unwilling but could only recognize them, he felt relieved.

But there is one thing he is dissatisfied with, that is, the prince reuses Guangzhong. In the past, he used Guangzhong so much because Guangzhong had no children or daughters, and he was a eunuch who could only rely on him. But now that Guangzhong has a daughter, this is different.

"What's the matter?"

"My son wants to ask the emperor's consent to let Eunuch Guangzhong adopt Gu Pan's son as his heir." Gu Jinyan looked at the emperor.

The emperor raised his eyebrows and was about to refuse.

"Imperial Father, now Erchen can stand on his own. Eunuch Guangzhong is getting old and should have a few more years of leisure. Erchen was raised by the Tian family and has been the son of the Gu family for 18 years. Looking at the incense of the Gu family, the incense is broken like this." Eunuch Guangzhong is a man who will retaliate. He used to talk about those who flattered him to send his daughter to the East Palace for the sake of power. Over the past year, Eunuch Guangzhong has always wanted to kill him. those people. If he hadn't stopped him, a lot of people would have died.

Eunuch Guangzhong was really kind to him, and he used Eunuch Guangzhong thoroughly enough. So no matter what Eunuch Guangzhong did in the past, he would not pursue it. He did not come here to seek justice for those people.

Of course, he did not allow Eunuch Guangzhong to continue. So when he knew that Gu Pan was pregnant, he thought about it and let Eunuch Guangzhong stay away from the imperial court.

When the emperor heard Gu Jinyan say this, he understood what he meant. The furrowed eyebrows immediately loosened. "I hereby decree, um, Guang Zhong saved me a few times, Tian Shi also raised you, and this child is also of royal blood, I will engrave this child as an earl!"

"Thank you, father and emperor!"

" Get up!" cried the emperor!

Eunuch Guangzhong was very happy when he received the imperial decree, but he didn't expect to have a title. Immediately, he took someone to Shun Wangfu to carry the child back to the residence.

Li Yan watched as Eunuch Guangzhong took the child away, his face was hideous and his eyes were red. This time, he completely understood that Eunuch Guangzhong was absolutely impossible to help him.

"Master! Woohoo!" Gu Pan cried out of breath as he watched the child being carried away. She didn't understand how her father was so cruel, ignoring her cry, holding the child and leaving.

"Why are you crying!" Li Yan was irritated when he heard Gu Pan's cry. It's useless to look forward to it. As Eunuch Guangzhong's biological daughter, he has no place in Eunuch Guangzhong's heart.

"I..." It was the first time that Gu Pan was yelled at by Li Yan, and he stared at Li Yan with his teary eyes wide in disbelief.

Li Yan didn't look at Gu Pan and walked away.

Concubine Shunshi watched this scene with a gloating smile flashing in her eyes. Originally, she felt bad about Gu Pan becoming a titled lady. Unexpectedly, since Gu Pan disregarded her face, the dowry number was the same as hers.

Forget it, this year, the son-in-law has still spoiled her so much. Before Gu Pan was pregnant, he stayed with her every day, and the son of the son was very important to her. She told herself not to be jealous, but she couldn't control herself. Obviously she is the wife, and her son is the eldest son. Tang Tang, Xianyao, and Qiao'er couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths. Before Gu Pan entered the mansion, Lord Shizi stayed one more day at Concubine Shizi every month, and they were all the same. But as soon as Gu Pan came, the prince favored her, how could they not hate her.

However, Cen Weiran and Mi Jiasi lowered their eyes. They all knew the ambition of the prince, and their families were on the side of the prince. This year, they all faintly sensed the intention of the prince. Today, looking at Lord Shizi's performance, there is still something they don't understand. This is a miscalculation.


Eunuch Guangzhong was also very happy and sad, and the next day, he was told by the emperor to let him go back to the house to take care of his grandson.

Eunuch Guangzhong found Gu Jinyan and wanted Gu Jinyan to speak for him in front of the emperor.

Gu Jinyan made a fool of himself, saying that he was busy with political affairs and had no time to cultivate the father-son relationship with his son Li Qihao. As a grandfather, even his grandson's face is rarely seen. Nowadays, the son is often carried to the Qianming Palace to be closer to the emperor.

It is said that although the emperor is only on his errand, he can still enter the palace. If he has nothing to do, please go to the Qianming Palace with the child to greet the emperor. First, it will give him the opportunity to have more contact with his grandson and cultivate feelings. Second, he can also Let the two children develop feelings from an early age.

He also said that his son should ask him to take more care of him, so as not to be spoiled by others...

Gu Jinyan said a lot, but he didn't know which point was accepted by Eunuch Guangzhong. Anyway, Eunuch Guangzhong has not been in touch with the government since then.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, winter to spring came year after year, and the emperor died in the Qianming Palace as in the plot.

At that time, Gu Jinyan had just passed three years of filial piety, and the minister in the court was thinking of asking the emperor for a draft and sending his daughter to the East Palace. Suddenly the emperor died, and Gu Jinyan said that he would keep his filial piety for three years. The ministers in the court can't say anything against it. After all, he has been filial piety for his mother for three years. How can he not serve the emperor for three years?

Three years later, Gu Jinyan showed his filial piety, and immediately established the six-year-old eldest son Li Qihao as the crown prince, and announced that he would never accept a concubine.

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