He didn't stop. He didn't stop to listen to my cries, which turned out to be helpless. He didn't care. He simply didn't. Instead, he reached out, tugged up my shirt and slowly inching towards my jeans, unbuttoning them.
"S-Stop!" I cried, trying to kick him off me, but I simply couldn't. The darkness in the room was making it hard for me to see.
"Keep still, you whore." He grunted, pinching my thigh. I yelped in pain, trying to shove him off me, but failed. He continued with his actions, one of his hands terribly trying to cover my face, while the other tried its very hardest to unbutton my jeans.
"Please! D-Don't. I-I'll do anything!" I breathed out, my heart dropping in fear. Salty tears rolled down my face, which he sickeningly licked off.
"Oh, I'm sure you would. But too bad, I can't accept. Boss' orders." He snickered, his hands suddenly tugging down my jeans. A loud scream left my lips, shifting away from him and trying to push him off from me.
"Stop that, you bitch!" He growled, his accent once again sinking through.
"Get away from me!" I screamed. The fear sitting in my stomach increasing as seconds ticked by.
"Don't make this any harder than it already it is." He threateningly said. I didn't listen to him. I continued to try my very hardest, using all my strength to try push his heavy body off from me. But I only managed to earn little success with doing so.
"Fucking bitch," He harshly cursed, his hand reaching out to grip onto the ends of my hair, and tug. A piercing cry of pain left my lips.
"Shut the fuck up! Shut it!" He spat in my face, using his free hand to cover my mouth. Tears streamed down my eyes, shifting as I tried to move. A glint suddenly waved across his eyes, his hand leaving my mouth for a split second, as he pulled something out his pocket.
"This should keep you quiet." He snickered, forcefully tying a cloth around my lips. My eyes went wide and he let go of my hair and pinned me to the wall. A smirk twitched onto his thin, chapped lips.
"This is where the fun really starts." He winked, his rough hands reaching out to feel up my body. I squirmed, my sounds coming out muffled.
"Nobody can hear you, Belle. Might as well give up." He chuckled, his hands slowly inching closer to my panties. My loud scream came out muffled, when his fingers began rubbing my clit over my panties.
"You like that, huh? I knew you would, little whore." He groaned. I was helplessly allowing him to processed with his action, his strength holding me down. My eyes glued close, tears still rolling down my face. And when I heard the sound of fabric being pulled down, the fear burst inside of me.
The room was pitch black, only a small ray of light coming through the window. I couldn't see anything and I most definitely couldn't fight him off. I could only try and make some noise, just not using my mouth.
An idea floated inside my mind and I began kicking my feet against the wooden door.
"Hey, stop that!" He growled, pinching my wrist. A jolt of pain emitted from his action, but that didn't stop me. I banged my feet against the door, doing the same with my head, but a lot more gentle.
"Help!" I cried, muffled by the cloth covering my mouth. I prayed in that moment, that this man would realize his wrong actions and move away from me. That he realized he was forcing me, and was committing such a large crime by sexually assaulting me. That he would let me go.
His hands were inching slowly closer towards the inside of my panties, my heart growing closer to deflating any hope I held.
And then a miracle happened.
"Who's in there?" A familiar voice called. My anonymous attacker's eyes widened.
"Shit," He cursed. He looked startled as he slowly backed away from me, I took that as an opportunity to pull the cloth off from my mouth.
"Help!" I screamed, my voice cracking. My throat was dry.
"Belle?" The voice, which belonged to Mr Joan's, questioned in confusion.
"I-It's me! P-Please -" A beefy hand was placed over my mouth, the rest of my sentence coming out muffled.
"Shut the fuck up!" My attacker hissed, pinching my wrist. I pushed him off, but failed, letting him drag me away from the door and cramp me into a corner in the room. I realized his plan, and tried to push him away.
"Quit it, whore." He lowly growled, not wanting to be heard. However, as I tried to pull him off from me, I missed the sound of the door being shoved open. Lights flickered on and the familiar pair of eyes belonging to Daniel, Marco and Mr Joan's, came into view.
My attacker tensed, his hold on me loosening.
I was never one to believe in miracles, but right now - I believed I just witnessed a miracle.
No matter how hard I tried, I cracked. Tears continued to escape my eyes, rolling down my cheeks, which were already damp from past tears.
"There, there, Belle. You're safe now." Mr Joan's comforted, rubbing my arm gently. I wanted to push him away and held in from flinching his touch away. I only wanted one persons touch right now, but sadly he wasn't anywhere in site.
My attacker had been revealed to my eyes. He also happened to be the same exact inmate, which Sam had squirted juice in the face. The redheaded man. I was disgusted, violated and terrified when his beady eyes glanced at me. He was handcuffed and dragged out of the room by Marco.
Relief flooded me when I heard Mr Joan's say to take him off prison ground's and not to be allowed back on.
At least he would be joining his perverted buddy Mark.
I tried to smile at my own little joke, but failed. Bruises from his hands, stained my wrist and one large hand print against my face.
I had explained to Mr Joan's, crying, as I told him what had happened and how. He looked angry, peering down at me with an emotion I couldn't place. He took down notes of my words, writing a statement of my own and nodding. When he was done, he rubbed my arm.
I believed in a comforting manner, but it was only making me feel more uncomfortable. I didn't want his touch. I only wanted Sam's.
"B," Daniel called, sounding sympathetic. I glanced up from the ground, unable to hide in a sob as I leaped forward and hugged his torso.
"He was so c-close," I whispered.
"It's okay, Belle. You're okay." He softly cooed, rubbing my back. I cried into his chest, feeling Mr Joan's piercing eyes on us.
"Are you sure you're alright, Belle?" Mr Joan's lowly asked.
Not really. I feel violated, I mean I was so close to being raped. - I'm alright.
I nodded my head into Daniel's chest.
"Alright, well, if you need anything, I'm here for you." I tensed from the sudden hand being placed on my shoulder.
"T-Thank you," I forced myself to say.
"No problem." I could sense the smile in his words as he squeezed my shoulder, before his hand disappeared. As I heard the sound of deep footsteps grow faint, I pulled my head out from Daniel's chest.
"I don't buy that shit, B. I know you're not alright. Can I do anything to help?" He asked, his brows furrowed in concern. I felt my eyes prick with tears, pulling back from his embrace. He let his arms fall to his side.
"Take me to Sam." I choked out, feeling his sympathetic gaze on me.
"Sure, B."
I was still shook with fear as I sat in my room, alone. A blanket was wrapped around my shoulder, a cup of hot chocolate sitting in my hands. I faced the door, patiently awaiting for Daniel to arrive with Sam.
After the traumatizing event which took place, I was allowed the rest of the day off. Daniel had dropped me off at my room, telling me he'd go and fetch Sam. I was a little reluctant to be alone, inwardly fearing that someone could be in the room too.
Most likely my attacker.
It sounded silly and childish, but I couldn't help but hold these thoughts.
Closing my eyes, I tried to push my thoughts aside and concentrate on the positive. I was close to be a victim of rape - but I wasn't. Therefore, I should count my blessings and thank God for saving me from such a horrible situation.
I was saved.
The sudden sound of my door opening, caught my attention. My eyes snapped open, landing on the breathtaking male standing by the door. His brows were furrowed, his hair surprisingly exposed and in a wave of blonde locks. His golden eyes were narrowed, holding different emotions. When our eyes locked, I felt an indescribable emotion build in my stomach.
"Sam," I weakly whispered, putting my cup of hot coco to aside. His jaw clenched as he strode over to me, examining my face. I swallowed, knowing I had a bruise of a hand print against my face, and other purple pinch marks across my wrist.
I stood onto my feet, letting the blanket drop from my shoulders as I walked closer to him. I wasted no time, before I lunged forward and wrapped my arms around him. My head pressed into his fast beating chest.
He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me, pulling me closely into him.
"I...I was so s-scared, Sam." I heard myself say. He tensed for a second, before slowly rubbing my arm, pulling me in closer.
"I'll be back in two hours." I heard Daniel say, before the sound of the door closing echoed in my ears. Tears instantly left my eyes as I sobbed into his hard chest, finding warmth, comfort and safety within his arms.
We stood there for a moment, before I suddenly felt him pick me up and cradle me like I was a baby. He silently walked over to the bed and sat down, still not letting go of me. I straddled his legs, the side of my face against his chest.
"Belle," I heard his low raspy voice call. I hesitated, before I pulled my head out to face him. His intense eyes trailed over my face, lingering on the hand print against my face. His jaw locked as he reached out to caress my face in his hands.
"Fuck," He whispered, wiping away the tears still on my face. I stared back into his eyes, looking for any emotions of disgust. But I could only see a cloudy emotion, taking over his eyes.
"I want to fucking kill him." He lowly stated, so nonchalantly. I forced a smile, covering the hand he used to caress my face.
"H-He's gone, anyway. G-Gone to join his buddy Mark." My words trembled, as I spoke. Sam's lips curled downwards and into a frown, anger growing inside his eyes.
"He's lucky." Was all he said. Our eyes locked and I tried to remove any remembrance of my attacker's touch and focus only on Sam's. My eyes fluttered close, allowing him to caress my face in his rough, yet soft hands.
"My beautiful, Belle." He whispered, leaning forward to place a kiss against my cheek. I felt my face heat up, his lips softly kissing the bruises on my face. When he finished, he did the same to my wrist. I let my eyes flutter open, watching him with adoration.
I knew my bruises wouldn't heal from his soft kisses. But knowing he cared for me, and just the thought behind his actions - it made my heart flutter. He pulled back, our eyes locking. A sudden sigh left his pink lips and he embraced me into him. I rested my head on his shoulder, inhaling sharply.
"Talk to me, Sam." I whispered, wanting to get into that fascinating brain of his. He didn't say anything, instead pulled me back to hold my face in his hands. A deep breath left his lips and he muttered something to himself. My brows furrowed as I slowly leaned out to smooth the crease between his brows.
"How....how are you feeling, Belle?" I heard him lowly ask, as if he was hesitant. I flinched from the sudden question, glancing away from him for a second.
"T-Truthfully...pretty violated. B-But also thankful. T-Thankful that I was heard, before he could..." I gulped, swallowing. I daringly peered up at him, his jaw locked as if he looked to be in deep thought.
"I-It's like I can still f-feel his touch." I choked out, my stomach churning as I thought back to the event I was close to facing. My eyes lingered on Sam, awaiting to see his reaction. A glint waved across his eyes and he suddenly placed his lips against mine. I was surprised, but kissed back, nonetheless.
"Then let me help you remove it." He rasped, lowly into my ear. I didn't know what he meant by that, but as he placed me back onto the bed, my head hitting the pillow, I realized what he was planning on doing.
And I had no problem with it.
His lips moved across my neck, tugging down the fabric of my top. I closed my eyes, focusing solemnly on his touch. It was the only touch I wanted to feel. My hands tangled into his hair, feeling my glasses fall off my face slightly.
"Let's remove these." He whispered, pulling my glasses away from my face. I couldn't see in HD, but my eye sight wasn't too bad. Our eyes locked and the corner of his lips curled upwards.
"So beautiful." He rasped, leaning down to place a chaste kiss against my lips. His hands moved underneath my shirt, gently groping my breast in his hands. Instantly, my nipples hardened from his touch.
"Sam," I whimpered, arching my back to feel more of his touch. He hummed, gently unbuttoning my jeans and then tugging them down. The air immediately brushed against my exposed skin, making me shiver slightly. He pulled the rest of my jeans off, leaving me in just my shirt and panties.
"Fuck, look at you." He murmured, his hands rubbing my thighs. His words traveled right down to my core, making my pussy pulse even more. I clenched the sheets by my side, growing even more wet as Sam left kisses up my thigh, inching closer and closer to my promised land.
"I'm going to make you feel good." He lowly said, tugging off my panties slowly. I blushed when I knew I was nude down there, my glistening womanhood, in view for his eyes.
"Oh, Belle." He spread my legs apart, his warm breath hitting my clit. I moaned, arching my back from a jolt of pleasure. And then his tongue flicked out, wet and warm, moving against my clit. A cry of pleasure left my lips as I rocked my hips into him.
"My sweet," He mumbled, sucking on my clit as I felt his eyes on me. My eyes were closed, too lost in pleasure. His tongue flicked out again, twirling my clit around at a fast pace. I breathlessly moaned, feeling my climax build.
"Sam." I whimpered, his tongue's pace growing even more rapid. My hands left my side and reached out squeeze my breast, my sensitive nipples asking for attention.
"Just like that, precious. Squeeze your tits nicely in your hands." He demanded and I did as he said. His tongue continued to flick against my clit, his hand coming to rub my folds. I felt myself grow closer.
"Sam!" I cried, bucking my hips as I roughly clenched my breast. He gently bit down on my clit, the roughness only adding on to my intense climax.
"Cum for me." He roughly said, and I did. I arched my back, tightly closing my eyes as I let out my release. He licked me clean, removing himself for a second, before entering the room back with a wet cloth. My eyes fluttered open, looking at him with a hazy vision. He cleaned me up, before pulling on my panties, putting my jeans to aside.
I breathlessly watched as he removed his shoes, hoodie and shirt, before coming to lay beside me. The second he did, I curled myself into his chest. His arms wrapped instantly around me.
"Thank you. I feel you. Only you." I whispered, my eyes on the verge of closing. He leaned down pecking the top of my head. My heart fluttered.
"Sleep, beautiful."
It was funny. Funny how fast the night changed. One second I was close to...to being raped. And the next, I was wrapped safely, warmly in my lover's arms. I pressed myself closer to him. Shaking off my thoughts, I focused on trying to sleep.
And eventually, I did.
Once again in his arms.
Hey guys! What did you think of this chapter? So the fucker didn't get to finish his action and I hope you're happy about that. Sam and her had a little bit of fun (excuse my smut) but, I hope you liked. Anyways, thoughts?
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His Baby-momma
Elena Parke finally gets a break in her life when she manages to secure a job as the personal assistant of the CEO of Parker&Co. Even though she is happy about getting a well paying job, she has to put up with her boss who is a complete perv. But she has no choice but to put up with it because just like life not everything is sunshine and roses.To celebrate Elena's first and new job, her friends, Abigail and Joseline, plan a girls night out at a club. But, what happens when Elena has an encounter with Forbes constant front cover billionaire, Ethan Knight, after meeting at the club?.#1 in baby daddy (05/03/2020)#1 in kids (05/04/2020)#1 in pregnancy (06/04/2020)#1 in interracial (08/06/2020)#2 in wmbw [26/02/2020]#2 in chicklit#3 in chicklit#3 in wmbwStarted: 29th December 2019Finished: 21 April 2020
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Under the Radar
Mia Summers was average. She wasn't popular, but she wasn't a nobody. She wasn't a straight A' student, but she didn't have failing grades either. Sure, she had a past. A horrifying past. But she was normal, and completely under the radar. Daniel Storm was well known. Teachers hated him, some students feared him, others hated him, and a few adored him. He was known for disrupting class, school fights, and other stupid reasons. Daniel was the classic "bad boy". He looked the part, and acted the part. Daniel was an egotistical, arrogant, cocky, jerk; but he was also protective of the ones he cared for. To say he was on the radar was an understatement. In his mind, he owned the radar.
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The Best Gay Reads of Wattpad [Being Edited]
In my many years on Wattpad, these are what I've experienced to be the absolute best of the best MxM/Gay stories here. New authors are always writing (and I am always reading), so I will be continuously updating this story even though it's labeled Completed.Currently about to get revamped, featuring: better layout, organization, and actual more in-depth reviews of the books!
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"I wanna be rough with you" he said as he neared me. "Huh?" I gulped, while he just kept reducing the distance between us. "I'll make love on every single piece of furniture in this room" To know more, start reading...
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Plan Of Seduction
"I hate you - so much Tripp."More confusion because, once more, wasn't this a good thing?"Why did you have to say that? What if," A little quieter, just above a whisper. "What if we mess up our friendship?""But what if we don't?""You don't know that," I bumped his nose with my finger. "And neither do you. So, why don't we give it a shot?" He bit down on his bottom lip, hesitation and worry filling his gaze. __This is literally a story that follows the plot of two best friends realizing their feelings for each other, yes, I know, very cliche, but I enjoyed writing it. There will be mature LGBT+ content, so if you don't want to read those chapters or this story > skip it.Highest Rankings (that I'm aware of): LGBT+: #3 , College Romance: #2 , Gay: #19
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Her Siren (A Jane Volturi love story)
Melanie Clark is a vampire who has a special gift. When her and her coven is called for a favor from an old friend, will Melanie end up meeting the person that she loves? The person that is the meaning of her existence? Her mate?Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight series. I only own my oc's that are in this book. There will be cussing in this book and LGBTQ+ content. So if you are not comfortable with this then don't read. This is my first book so it may not be the best and I'll most likely edit this in the future. If you have any comments then please feel free to tell me. Gifs and videos and are not mine.
8 161