《Six of Crows One-Shots》Kaz and Inej Part 2
Kaz shoved another knife into his waistband.
Jesper raised an eyebrow. "Do you need that many weapons?"
Kaz nodded. "We're getting her back."
Jordan had gone missing the night before. Wylan had crept into Kaz's room during the night, not realizing that the boy wasn't sleeping.
"Are you alright?" Wylan had asked. It was a dumb question.
"No, I'm not alright, Wylan."
Wylan sat beside Kaz. Though Wylan still thought of him as a boy, Kaz was almost thirty.
Kaz suddenly scooted closer to Wylan, hugging him close. "They took my wife and my daughter, Wy."
Wylan nodded. "We'll save them, Kaz."
Kaz rested his head on Wylan's shoulder. "I can't lose anybody else. Matthias, Jordie. Inej and Jordan are in Pekka's dungeons. If anything would happen to you along the way... I would burn this whole world."
Wylan twisted to hug Kaz. "Nothing will happen to me, Kaz. We'll save Inej and Jordan and everything will go back to normal."
Kaz sighed, his cold hands pressing against Wylan's neck. "Can you sing again?"
Though it was odd, Wylan still enjoyed listening to Kaz sing. It calmed him as it had all those years ago. Kaz must have felt the same way.
Wylan hummed a soft lullaby, drawing out the consonants with soft tonation. When he finished, he murmured, "You need to rest."
Kaz shook his head. "I'll rest when Inej is safely back in my house."
In the present, Wylan shifted awkwardly, tracing his own knives. Though he was a demolitions expert, the knives were for precaution. His bombs were secured in a bag that was looped over his shoulders.
"Ready?" Kaz asked, motioning to the door.
Ella raced into the hallway, Layla following behind.
"Be careful, Wylan!" Layla hugged him close.
Wylan smiled, running his hands through her blonde hair. Though he and Jesper had adopted Layla only a year ago, she fit right in with their little family. She had just turned twelve, tall for her age and extremely smart. It was a shame that any family would decide to give her up.
"I'll be back as soon as possible." Wylan kissed her forehead. "Take care of your sister while we're gone."
Ella tugged on Wylan's shirt sleeve. "Are you going to save Jordie and Inej?"
Wylan nodded, picking up the girl gently. She was six and extremely hyper. "We'll save them and be home soon."
Layla hugged Wylan again. "I love you."
His heart warmed at his affectionate daughter. "I love you, too. When I get home, you and I will dance and sing and do whatever you please."
She huffed a small laugh. "I can't wait."
Then, they had to leave. Kaz walked beside Wylan, his eyes narrowed, gloves on.
They boarded a wagon that would take them to the countryside where Pekka was hiding. It jostled them around, Wylan occasionally bumping into Jesper.
"Are you worried about the girls?" He asked.
Wylan nodded. "Of course I am. But there are armed guards surrounding the house. There is no way that anybody will get into my house."
Jesper nodded, resting his head on Wylan's shoulder. "It jogs the liver."
Wylan couldn't help but snort in laughter. "Of course it does."
Kaz watched them with scheming eyes. "Quit acting like children."
Jesper sighed, pulling Wylan close. "Don't listen to him."
Kaz glared at both of them. "Do you want me to kill Layla when we get home?"
Wylan glared at Kaz, anger bubbling within him. Though the boy was upset, he had no right to threaten Layla.
"That was too far, Kaz." Jesper leaped to his feet. "I will hop off this wagon right now if you don't control yourself. Your wife is missing, your child is missing. But don't bring my daughter into this."
Wylan nodded. "If you hurt Layla, there will be consequences."
Kaz sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm just worried about Inej and Jordie. You know that I would never hurt them."
Jesper frowned, distrust lining his posture. "Yeah."
They reached Pekka's house. Kaz's fist was tight around Wylan's wrist.
"Hey," the redhead said, "if you keep squeezing my wrist, you might pop a vein and kill me by accident."
Kaz loosened his grip. "Sorry."
They walked together towards the house, their steps matching. Kaz slammed his fist into the door three times.
Pekka answered the door, a delighted grin on his face. "Come for your wife and kids?"
Kaz glared at the man. "Bring them to me."
Pekka shook his head. "I want something in return."
"Like what?"
Pekka suddenly pulled out a gun. Before Kaz had registered anything, the barrel of the gun was pressed to Wylan's forehead. "I want the life of Van Eck's son."
Kaz shook his head frantically. "Please, don't shoot Wylan. Anyone but Wylan."
Kaz stared over Pekka's shoulder, horrified to see Jordie being held by her hair over a staircase railing. "Let her go!"
The man holding her grinned, letting her slip from his grasp.
Kaz went to shove past Pekka, but a shot rang out. Horrified, Kaz turned back around.
Wylan's eyes were wide, his hand pressed to his shoulder. When he fell backward, Kaz caught him.
"No, no, no, no, no. Wylan, it's going to be alright. You're going to be okay."
Pekka laughed. "Cry over his corpse. Shed a tear for me."
Kaz glared at the man through blurry eyes and brushed the hair from Wylan's eyes. "I'm gonna help you, Wy. Just stay still."
Wylan's hand gripped Kaz's and the boy took a shuttering breath. "Tell Ella and Layla... that I... love them."
Jesper was suddenly racing towards them, an anguished screech bursting from his throat. "Wy!"
The Zemini boy let out another howl, pressing his hand to Wylan's wound. "I can get the bullet out. We can heal him."
Kaz knew that they could. So he let Jesper extract the bullet and waited quietly to help Wylan.
The boy's lips were lightly stained with blood, his cheeks flushed. His fingernails sliced Kaz's palm open through his glove. The boy took another breath, his eyelids fluttering closed. "Kaz."
"I'm right here," he whispered, watching as Jesper carefully tied a bandage around Wylan's shoulder. "I'm right here with you, Wy."
"How pitiful," Rollins crowed. "Another worthless brother, another waste of oxygen."
Then there was another gunshot.
Kaz glanced at Pekka to see the man with a bloody splotch forming on his chest.
Jesper was holding one of his pearl-handled revolvers, fury glimmering in his eyes. "I know you wanted the killing shot, but-"
"Shut up and help Wylan," Kaz snapped, leaping to his feet and turning to the door just in time to see the man release Jordie. She fell to the ground and landed with an unpleasant thump.
Kaz let out a panicked screech, running as fast as he could to her side. "Jordie! Jordie, wake up!"
The girl didn't move. Kaz shook her gently, trying to wake her up.
The man let out a laugh from above Kaz. "She's dead, just like your little friend outside!"
Kaz knew the man was lying. He could feel Jordie's faint heartbeat, her soft breaths.
He shook her shoulders again, trying to force her awake. She moved only once, her frail body shifting slightly. Kaz finally stood. There was nothing he could do for her until he found Inej.
"Where is she?" Kaz hissed, a knife sliding into his grip. He prepared to throw it at the man.
"Upstairs. Come and get her."
Before the man could smile again, the knife was lodged in his throat.
"Thank you for your help," Kaz said, racing up the steps.
He quickly searched every room until he finally found a locked door. "Inej! Are you in there?"
He was met with a scream from the room. He used his lockpicks to unlock it and burst in.
Inej was bound to a chair, her face sweaty, her hair matted. "Kaz!"
Kaz raced over to her, unbinding her and hugging her. "Inej, I was so worried!"
She stood slowly, leaning heavily on Kaz. "Did you help Jordie?"
Kaz inhaled sharply. "I don't know if we can help her."
Together, they left the room. Inej stumbled to a halt beside Jordie and let out a wail.
Kaz dropped to his knees, shaking the young girl again. After a long while, she finally moved, her eyes flickering open. "Dad?"
Kaz brushed the black hair from the young girl's eyes. "Are you okay, Jordie?"
She wiped tears from her eyes. "Everything hurts."
Kaz gently picked her up. "You'll be alright, Jordie. We'll be home soon."
She closed her eyes and let out a breath. She didn't move again.
"Jordie? Jordie, wake up! Wake up!"
Jordie didn't take another breath. Her frail body did not move. "Jordie!"
Kaz couldn't stop the tears that flowed down his cheeks. One of Pekka's guards were walking towards him. Kaz nearly gagged when he saw Pekka alive. He grinned.
"Hello, Kaz. You thought I died, didn't you? Well, you aren't the only one with a magical Grisha friend."
"What more do you want from me, Rollins? You stole my money, my brother, my friend, and now my daughter."
"Your daughter isn't dead. And if she is, I can save her. But it will cost you."
Kaz felt the desperation within himself. He wouldn't lose Jordie. He couldn't lose her. "I'll give you anything you want. Money, houses, businesses."
Pekka shook his head. "I told you what I want. I want to kill Wylan Van Eck."
Kaz cursed himself for contemplating the idea. But he had no choice. He couldn't let Jordie die. "Kill him, then. Save my daughter and you can kill him."
Inej shook her head. "Kaz, please don't. We can help Jordie and save Wylan. Don't let Pekka have Wylan, please."
Kaz suddenly realized what he had been considering. It was one thing to try to save his daughter. It was a completely different thing to give up the life of one of his best friends.
"You'll have to kill me before you can kill Wylan." He took a step back. "We're leaving. Now, get out of my life."
"I wouldn't suggest leaving."
Kaz glared over his shoulder. "Why not?"
A shrill scream sounded from outside, followed closely by multiple gunshots. Kaz set Jordie on the ground and raced outside.
Wylan was standing now, a hand pressed to his gunshot wound. Jesper was nowhere to be seen, but a man was pointing a gun at Wylan's head.
Kaz went running to Wylan's side but the man's finger twitched on the trigger. "Move and your pretty little friend gets shot."
Kaz paused, noting the fear glimmering in Wylan's wide eyes.
The man took a few steps forward until he was directly in front of Wylan. "You're a pretty one, aren't you?"
Kaz's fingers twitched. He wanted to pull the man away from Wylan and beat him to a pulp.
Wylan took a cautious step back, but the man stepped even closer. Kaz didn't stop himself from attacking as the man's fingers crawled up Wylan's back.
He gripped the man's hair and yanked back. He went to lock the man in a neck hold, but he elbowed Kaz in the gut. Kaz stumbled back, allowing the man to knock him to the ground. Kaz punched the man in the jaw, kneed him in the gut, and pushed him away.
He took a moment to glance at Wylan. "Are you okay, Wy?"
The boy's hand was pressed to the spot where the man had touched him. Finally, Wylan nodded. "I'll be alright."
Kaz brought his foot down on the man's head. "Go get in the carriage. Right. Now."
Wylan nodded again. "Kaz, please be careful."
Kaz sighed. "Where's Jes?"
Wylan pointed to the carriage. "I told him to wait there."
Kaz walked over to Wylan, pulling Wylan's shirt back to check his wound. "Be careful."
Wylan hugged Kaz. "You don't have to keep telling me."
Kaz took a few moments to enjoy Wylan's company, to know that he was safe.
When he went back into the building, nobody had moved. "I'm taking my wife and my daughter and leaving."
Pekka scowled. "Fine. Leave. But I will kill you and your family."
Kaz grinned. "Good luck."
They left. Kaz carried Jordie to the carriage and Inej stuck close by his side. They all crammed into the carriage and Kaz nearly fell back out from shock. Wylan's face was extremely pale, his startling blue eyes were now a dull gray.
Jesper's face was buried in his arms as the boy cried.
Kaz collapsed at the boy's side. "Wy, wake up."
He didn't move.
"No, Wy, please wake up!"
Jesper raised his head slightly. "Kaz, he's... he's gone."
"No!" Kaz cried, tears streaming down his face. "No!"
Kaz shook Wylan's shoulders. "Wy, please. Please, wake up!"
Inej placed a hand on Kaz's shoulder, but he shoved it away. He had a desperate need for Wylan to sing to him. For Wylan to dance with him. For Wylan to scold him for being too ruthless.
"Wylan, please, wake up!"
Kaz shook the boy again. "I've lost my brother, my father, my mother! Why did I have to lose you, too?"
Wylan had been too pure, too innocent, too young. Kaz wished more than anything that he could trade his life for Wylan's.
When Jordie was born, Wylan had hugged Kaz close, a big grin on his face. "Congratulations!"
Kaz smiled back at him. "Thanks, Wy!"
Wylan laughed, leaning on Kaz. Though the pale boy preferred personal space, he didn't mind Wylan hugging him.
"I promise you, Kaz Brekker, that I will protect your child at the cost of even my own life."
Kaz glanced at the boy and shrugged. "You don't have to promise that, Wy. She isn't your responsibility."
Wylan rolled his eyes. "Oh, Kaz, yes she is. No matter what happens, I will stand true to that promise."
Kaz smiled, ruffling Wylan's hair. "Thank you, Wylan."
Kaz wiped the tears from his face and stood. He removed his gloves and took a deep breath. Slowly, he closed Wylan's eyes, trying not to flinch away from the cooling flesh.
He raised his chin and turned. Then, he jumped from the carriage, not even caring about the pain in his leg.
Kaz stalked forward. He felt like he was on fire. Wylan was dead. Pekka Rollins killed Wylan.
"You son of a-"
Rollins' fist was in Kaz's face before he could finish his phrase. "What was that, Brekker?"
Kaz picked up the coat rack and slammed it into Rollins' wrinkled face. "You killed him!"
Rollins grinned, his teeth bloody. "That was the point, Kaz."
Kaz threw the coat rack aside and kneeled down. "You murdered my brother and my best friend. You will pay today."
Rollins shook his head. "Please, I have to take care of my son."
Kaz pulled out a knife and cut a diagonal line across Pekka's eye. "Wylan had two daughters to take care of. Two daughters that he promised to return to."
Pekka spat blood in Kaz's face. "I wish I burned your daughter alive when I had the chance."
Kaz cut another line across his eye and Pekka screamed, his body thrashing beneath Kaz. "Please, let me go! I'm sorry, Kaz!"
Kaz refused to let his tears fall. "Enjoy the afterlife."
He jammed the blade into Pekka's heart. He stood. He returned to his friends.
He looked at Wylan once more, his heart shattering into tiny pieces. He slowly reached out and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "I'm sorry."
Jesper glanced up. "Why are you sorry?"
Kaz collapsed again at Wylan's side and finally let himself sob. It was out of character, but Kaz didn't care.
"I got him killed. I got Matthias killed. I nearly got us all killed."
Inej sighed. "No, it's not your fault, Kaz."
Kaz sniffled. "Yes, it is."
Kaz glanced over his shoulder at Jordie and smiled. It had been months since he had seen her. She had just turned seventeen, and she was beautiful.
She had grown to almost Kaz's height. Her black hair was curled over her shoulders. Her skin was a mix, but it was lighter than dark. Not as pale as Kaz's, not as dark as Inej's. Her cheekbones were high, just as Kaz's were. She looked similar to him, the way she smirked, the way her coffee brown eyes grew amber in the light.
Kaz embraced her. "I love you."
She pulled back, her eyes shining. "I missed you so much, Dad."
Kaz brushed a loose strand of hair from her face. "I missed you, too."
She then looked at what Kaz was studying. It was a beautiful memorial, a reminder. Wylan's grave.
Beautiful flowers covered the ground. The area looked cheery, but it was the opposite. For years, Kaz would go to that place every single day and cry silently.
"He died for me," Jordie whispered.
Kaz nodded. "He loved you."
They stood there for a few moments, watching the autumn leaves drift from the trees.
"How is Jesper?"
Kaz shrugged. "He's recovered, but he's not back to normal. He doesn't leave the house. He doesn't gamble. He doesn't even shoot his guns anymore."
"Doesn't sound like a recovery."
Kaz shook his head. "Wylan didn't deserve to die."
Jordie knelt down and plucked up a rose. "Shall we go visit my brother and my mom?"
Kaz nodded and together, they made their way back to their small house.
Inej looked up at Kaz and she smiled. "Hi, darling."
He rolled his eyes and looked down at his son. The boy was only eight years old. His skin was almost as dark as Inej's, his eyes almost as bright.
Wylan reached up and hugged Kaz. "Do you want to see my picture?"
Kaz nodded, smiling at his beautiful family. He truly was a lucky person.
Wylan held up a picture. It was an image of Kaz, Inej, Jordie, and young Wylan. Standing in the background was Jesper, Ella, Layla, and Nina. Kaz just wished that Matthias and Wylan would have been there to join the others.
"It's beautiful, little one."
Wylan smiled. "Thanks, Dad!"
- In Serial401 Chapters
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The Hunt
Cecily's blade swung, hitting its mark as always. The man's arm fell to the cold grass of the prison with a familiar thud. He let out a blood curdling scream. A warning to the rest. Stay away, the Hunter is here. That's the name they'd given her, the Hunter. After she cut off the man who tried to rape hers masculinity, they stayed away. She'd made it clear anyone who tried to touch her would be hunted and slaughtered. Cecily kneeled down, pushing the man's face into the dirt so she could use his back as a seat while she trifled through his belongings. "You're hurting my ears," she told him, no remorse in her voice. "Quiet down before I really do kill you."The man but his lip, well aware that she wasn't lying. Sobs shook him, making for an uncomfortable seat. She, however, didn't particularly feel the beed to kill him. It happened, not often, but it did. "Oh, hush up," she hissed, taking out a bag of rations with her metal hand, "it doesn't hurt that bad."With her good, human hand, she dropped the plastic bag of food into her own bag. She pushed up, off the man back. As she was about to walk away, bag slung over her shoulder, brushing against her autumn colored braid, she turned back to him. "Consider yourself lucky," she said, no hatred in her voice, there never was. "Consider yourself lucky that you didn't do anything stupid. And even luckier if one of the scum bagged criminals in here feel a little light in their hearts and help you. Consider yourself luckier if you die there."With that, her old black and white Nike sneakers carried her off into the brush of the huge prison.
8 148